This is a photo taken by a guy near the police station.. Pushing the door into the office, Yeger, the commander of the Etonian government army stationed in Loples, took out his mobile phone and pushed the photo on the mobile phone to Li Yexing's face. Li Yexing was stunned for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and carefully observed the things in the photo. Because of the dim light, and the fact that the pixels were real, Li Yexing could only see a big lump of red and green. After a long while, he asked in a low voice: You just said. Where did you shoot it? Near the police station, in the alley next to Saraliva Street, when they said that the fighting was fierce, - - A large group of things suddenly appeared... Yeger replied with a frown. Seeing Li Yexing's expression was different, he asked in a deep voice, Do you know this thing? Li Yexing squinted and nodded. He said softly: Looking at the corpse of the monster that was beaten with blood in the photo, Li Yexing was somewhat surprised. According to his assumption, Bai Muqing lost the first wave of offensive, so he should immediately launch a tyrant-level BOW, and There is a high probability that he will be thrown directly into the hospital. In order to prevent the frantic team from being unable to cope, he deliberately left his girls there, but he did not expect that the other party would throw a group of hunters directly, and they were hunters yY This ancient model is considered useless except for water warfare. The production process of the hunter y is basically the same as that of the widely used hunter a, except that the breeding genes are changed from reptiles to amphibians, and the research The result is this frog-like monster. Unlike Hunter X and Hunter β, Hunter Y cannot move quickly and flexibly, and does not have the sharp claws and fangs of his relatives , their attack method is very peculiar, that is to swallow the prey whole. Although the hunter y has the ability to kill one-shot in the original game, but it has no eyesight, it is difficult to find enemies and it cannot grow in dry areas. Time Activity So, the development of this model was quickly stopped, I didn't expect the black Umbrella to have stock in their hands. I really don't know what the black Umbrella was thinking about throwing them in Aren't you afraid that they came from a dry and cold place like Idonia? On the other hand, listening to Li Yexing recognize the monster in the photo, Yeger said eagerly: Those guys have already The monsters are starting to enter the arena, should we end? Li Yexing raised his head and looked at Yeger, and found that this guy's eyes were full of excitement, it seemed that he couldn't wait to die for the man who died five years ago. Soldiers still take revenge

There's no need for a moment later I'll let you prepare those heavy weapons. These guys seriously disrupted the defense of the mercenaries in front of the hospital, and two unlucky ones have already been swallowed by this guy. Yeger frowned: Are you sure you don't need the military to take action? No need. Li Yexing shook his head and said, I will let my people come in. You have to hide your heavy weapons, and you can't show them until the critical moment.

.. Yeger was obviously very dissatisfied with Li Yexing's answer. Relax, bro, relax. Seeing Yeger's bad mood, Li Yexing stood up, patted Yeger's shoulder and said, Your card is the biggest card in our hands. , -Once we play out ahead of time, the other party is likely to lift the table and stop playing. Remember what our goal is?

Yeger looked at Li Yexing with a gloomy expression on his face: Leave them all, Isn't this not forgotten? Li Yexing said with a smile: Hold on for a little longer, and think about the soup before the meal. Serve the big dishes, this will scare our guests away. Tonight, we have to eat 0-0-0. Go to the female horse. The face looked a little better, and Yeger smiled and pushed. Li Yexing said: It's not your turn to teach me how to fight. Seeing that Yeger's mood had stabilized, Li Yexing took out his mobile phone with a smile and dialed a certain number. After a while, a low and hoarse voice appeared. The noise rang from the opposite side of the phone, and the man said solemnly: What's the matter? Stop guarding the hospital, Hank, the battle situation has changed, and the enemy has begun to invest in BOW. Those unfortunate people hired by Agor are not very good at dealing with it. They... Li Yexing smiled and said: Now, bring your team into the arena, it's time for the Death God's performance. What about Director Casimir? Hank asked in a deep voice. Don't worry, Tililith and Hitomi will tear the enemies who enter the hospital to shreds, whether they are human or B0W. Li Yexing replied with a smile

Where's Miss Kanan? Keenly aware that Li Yexing's roll call seemed to be missing one, Hank couldn't help but asked curiously. I asked her to do some personal affairs for me. Li Yexing said with a smile: And I guess according to her character, there is no difference between letting her stay in the hospital honestly and killing her. In this case, it is better to let her go out to the doctor to get some air, and kill the waves by the way. What about the opponent's next card?

It seems that you have arranged everything. Hank said solemnly, no problem, the frantic team can be dispatched at any time, what do you need us to do? Go and support the frontal battlefield in front of the hospital... Li Yexing said: The other party left a large group of hunters y. Those guys can't handle it without seeing this thing. Hunt... y? You mean the hunter that looks like a frog? Hear this Hank was stunned for a moment at the ancient name, and then he wondered: In such a cold day, won't they hibernate? It seems that Mr. Death and Li Yexing have the same doubts. Although I'm also curious about this, they obviously don't sleep each other, and they have already eaten two unlucky eggs. Li Yexing replied. Understood, Hank said in a low voice: The frenzy team will be dispatched immediately, and the information on the battlefield will be fed back to you in time, please ask your girls to protect Director Casimir, and ensure that your communication is always in Unobstructed state. Don't worry. Li Yexing replied with a smile. After hanging up the phone, Li Yexing waved at Yeger and said, Look, this is solved. Who are you talking to? Yeger asked in confusion.

Of course they are from my side.. Li Yexing replied: They are experts in dealing with BOW, and they are very good at small-scale special operations. You don't have to question their abilities at all. Of course I won't question them. Ability Yeger said:. It's yours after all. Okay, I'll play this card too.. After finishing everything, Li Yexing stretched his head and waist with a smile, and then turned his eyes out of the window in Yeger's eyes, quietly watching the bright and dark outside the window. The fire lit up, a smile twitched at the corner of his mouth, and he whispered to himself: Young and vigorous executive officer, let me see how many cards are left in your hand

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