Damn it! I'm alive! - Stepping out of the hospital's door, Kanan took a deep breath, and then exclaimed excitedly: The female horse, I should have been released long ago! The disinfectant in the hospital I'm going to vomit the smell!

I have something for you to do on my side. I want you to leave Loples and find the location of the enemy headquarters. 0B? Boss, are you finally going to do it? Kanan asked with shining eyes. Almost so. Li Yexingdao on the opposite side of the phone: According to my estimation, both sides have completed the test. The next step is to rush out all the hole cards directly, bypass the headquarters from the dense forest on the outer side, and take them all. This is called a tactical switcher! Okay boss! No problem boss! I'll start right away! Although I don't quite understand why-every tactical switcher is required, Kanan knows very well that his wind time is up and he will hang up. After disconnecting the phone, she smugly shook the caller ID on her mobile phone at Tililith and Hitomi Kanjima, and then rushed out of the hospital like a gust of wind. But...although I left the hospital, where do I go from here? Where are you going? As soon as he left the hospital, Kanan was in a dilemma. At this moment, the military forces of the Black Umbrella Eastern Europe branch had all entered the alley, and started with the local mercenaries and Italian gangsters. There is a street fight, so if you walk on the street, it is estimated that the road ahead is unobstructed. The only problem is that it is a bit far away, and if you walk through the alley, you are likely to collide with the person on the opposite side. Just for a moment, Kanan Then I have the answer, walk down the alley, how close is the alley! It's not because the intense gunfire in the alley is particularly moving! After making up her mind, Kanan has a bold smile on her face, she bypasses the hospital's The fence, and then headed into the dark alley, heading straight for the loudest gunshots

The place

The female horse! Hold on! Don't let them advance! In the alley, a rude voice roared with the sound of gunshots.

A single-clothed, muscular man with tattoos all over his head and neck held the AK47 on his hand and shouted and opened fire on the other side of the alley. Beside him, there was a large group also wearing khaki body armor and holding AK .47 men, at this moment, they are guarding the alley in front of them, and the opposite side of the alley is a large group of people wearing black combat uniforms, embarrassed by black body armor, and strange people with lions and lions are slowly advancing with HK 416. The muscular man who took care of Moxie's thousand heads was named Durgan. He came from Ukraine and served in the Ukrainian army. He fled overnight because he shot and killed the officer who slept with his wife after drinking, and finally ended up in Loples. Excellent strength. He quickly pulled up a team composed of downcasts, the team name Wild Wolves, and he himself became the head of the mercenary corps. Today, they are as usual -Accepted a commission from the smuggler Agor of Loples. The commission was very simple. The commission was 200,000 yuan. Together with other local people, they blocked a group of guys who would knock on the door at night in the alley. Keep them half a step closer to the hospital. This task is too simple, as long as you stop people, there is no need to work hard! In the beginning, the people of the Wild Wolf Legion played very shrewdly, and even a little fish, until the group of gibbons entered the battlefield. Although it looks like a human at first glance, Durgan can see at a glance that those things are not human at all, not to mention, how can a human continue to move forward after so many gunshots? If these people are wearing bulletproof vests with guns The long-armed monkeys put a lot of pressure on the local mercenaries, so the frog-like monsters that ran out later became straws that overwhelmed the defense line. These frog monsters are extremely strong and can eat bullets. AK .47 It takes almost half a twig to kill a monster, and the hind legs of these monsters are very strong, they can jump very far at once, and their mouths are so big that they can eat people in one bite! Although Agor had previously accepted the commission. I mentioned about the possibility of a BOW, but Durgan really did not expect these monsters to be so difficult to be attacked by the monsters. The local mercenaries and gangsters including the Wolf Army had to slowly shrink their defense lines. With less than two hundred left from the hospital, Durgan became more and more anxious, and just as he was thinking about whether to continue retreating, a voice suddenly sounded from behind. Alas? Why aren't you Moxie? Really 15! Shield looked at the voice, and the tense Durgan turned his head sharply, and saw a woman wearing a leather jacket and denim hot pants standing behind her, her face full of joy, and she seemed to be in a good mood. not. Gan! It's the man-in-law of the Li family! Looking at the woman in front of him, Duergan's face instantly showed fear, he was like a little hen lifted up by the old woman and ready to bleed. shouted, and even the smoke in his mouth fell to the ground. Hearing Dürgen's terrified 0 shout, the surrounding mercenaries turned their heads subconsciously, and then followed with a terrified expression, even the long-armed monsters slowly advancing in the opposite alley could not care about. . Wow! What's your expression like?! Seeing the large group of five-year-old men showing a ghost-like expression, Kanan couldn't help frowning and said, Don't be like a ghost, okay? We also had a drink together. Woolen cloth

Xiaoshanbao's black sports bra, but at this moment, Dürgen didn't even have the courage to take a second look. His neck was stiff, and he stared straight at Kanan's face, as if there were two invisible handles His head was firmly fixed.

No wonder the Wolf Legion was so scared, back in April last year, they had a fight with this woman, in Agor's tavern, when Durgan took a glance at his upper body, only wearing a sports bra, drinking alone Kanan, who said in her heart, seemed to be a woman she had never seen before. Agor's tavern is a place full of male hormones, and a girl with a faint wildness like Kanan has a fatal attraction to these wild men in the pit. After thinking for a while with her lower body , Durgan went up to recruit immortals decisively. When recruiting immortals, his eyes were not honest, and he glanced at Kanan's toned upper body. Kanan naturally saw more of this kind of thing.

She also cared about it, until Durgan couldn't help but say: You are dressed like this and go out, what are you pretending to be cold?

0B? Biting the cigarette in his mouth, Kanan slowly turned his head, raised his eyebrows and said, You want me to dig out your eyeballs? - Eyes right, Durgan realized that this woman Very strong, but at this moment, the pub is full of peers, everyone is watching the fun, and Durgan is a good face person, thinking about the dozen or so brothers sitting by the counter, Durgan is strong Pointing at his own eyes with courage, he said fiercely: Biaozi, the eyes are here, if you have the ability, you can dig them out, so Duergan was beaten by the fat.

In panic, Durgan shouted: Brothers! Don't look! The dude fucked her! So Durgan and his brethren were slapped with fat. The dust settled, Durgan's brethren 1 Lying on the ground, all the mercenaries in the tavern were all silent, and their expressions were like seeing a ghost. Several members of the Italian gang had already started to call for support, and in the middle of the bar, they were playing in a good mood. Kanan stomped Durgan's head on the chair, crushed the cigarette butt on Durgan's Sun Six, picked up the broken glass bottle on the ground, and moved towards Durgan. Gen's eyes sneered and said: Can it be pulled out, right? This is what you said Durgan let out a scream like a pig. Of course, his eyes were saved in the end, because Li Yexing was here, he smiled and apologized to Durgan and told him how much money he should pay for being beaten so hard. Durgan thought about it for a while and felt that Kanan must have been exhausted for beating people so hard, so he gave Kanan two hundred dollars, and a few days later, he also invited Kanan to drink a drink, which was considered a former suspicion. That is, from here, the mercenaries of Loples knew that there was another irascible woman in Loples.

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