What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

6-35. The mentality of the macho supervisor explodes

Consciousness gradually surfaced from the dark abyss, as if someone who was about to drown was eager to breathe. There were also faint sounds of gunfire and explosions. After a while, Director Casimir on the hospital bed opened his eyes.

Director Casimir turned his head with difficulty, and saw his secretary, Carrie, standing beside him. The woman, as usual, was wearing a 0L uniform on the upper body and a short skirt with a hip wrapping on the lower body, with two long black silk legs sticking out from it. , Paoxue was up, behind the black-rimmed glasses, the pair of eyes were staring out the window, looking worried. Garya, Director Casimir called in a low voice, but Gary didn't seem to hear her, the woman stared out the window, and the flames were on and off.

Carya! After holding a breath, Director Casimir, who was weak, endured the severe pain in his shoulders and thighs, raised his voice slightly and said, What? I'm here! Subconsciously responded to Cassie The call of Director Mir, who was pulled back from contemplation, said Jia Liya, and then she suddenly realized who was calling her, and slowly focused her eyes on Director Casimir's face, and Jia Liya immediately returned to the past. The coldness, she said solemnly: Wake up

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Director Casimir faintly felt that there was just a moment when Carrie, who saw him wake up, seemed relieved and looked relieved.

Gently moving the arm under the quilt, the wound that was involved immediately came - - a sharp pain. Director Casimir couldn't help squinting and hiss - Sitting beside - Jia Liya eyebrows Immediately there was - Si nervous she hurriedly nodded: 'Director Casimir, what do you want? I'll help you get it. After that, Carrie will stand up. No, don't, don't, don't move. Seeing that Carrie was about to get up, the weak Director Casimir hurriedly stopped her, so Carrie immediately stopped moving. Although her expression was cold, there was a faint concern in her eyes. Seeing Casimir clenching his teeth, squinting, and stubbornly moving his arms, his breathing became more and more rapid, but his eyes were filled with unpredictable persistence, as if there must be something to be desired. The completed things were mediocre. Resisting the severe pain in his shoulders, Director Casimir slowly stretched his trembling hand out of the bed, and then placed it directly on Jialiya's black silk thigh, gently He rubbed it twice. Alive.. Feeling the familiar touch and warmth from the palm of his hand, Director Casimir's face gradually showed a look of reassurance, as if he had died without regrets.

Jia Liya was stunned, followed by an inexplicable fire, just before Director Casimir put her hand into the hip-packing skirt, Jia Liya gently pressed the skirt, and said coldly to Director Casimir Said: 'With all due respect, Director Casimir, your body is too weak and you are injured again. Such a move is likely to worsen your injury, and the blood that was finally stopped might spurt out immediately. No, Carrie, I hurt so much, I have to, I have to go back to that familiar place, only in this way can I feel at ease With a painful look on his face, there was a hint of pleading in Director Casimir's eyes. , Although Jia Liya is very clear that this is pretending, but she still can't bear to make it difficult for such a Casimir tube. Forget it, look at his poor stupid appearance. If he likes, he can go anywhere. Let's go. His behavior has been indulged, and Director Casimir's actions have gradually become unscrupulous. A faint expression appeared on Carriea's face. The blush of Casimir, and the pale and weak face of Casimir also had blood. With the ability to pull out his hand, Casimir asked in a low voice while rubbing: Where is this? Loop Les's hospital, Director Casimir. Carrie replied in a deep voice: You were shot in the shoulder and thigh, which caused you to lose too much blood and fell into a coma. The one who sent you to the hospital was the frantic team of the No. 1 organization. .

The plank bed and the faintly yellow quilt on it, I looked at the wall with a faint Ray-Ban and some peeling off the wall, and then I looked at the flower on the window sill that was inserted into the water glass, which was about to rot and could be used as fertilizer. Finally, , he swallowed and said: Carrie, I know I'm self-willed, you may have some resentment against me, but there's no need to throw me in such a place to torture me, all my eyes are full of bacteria, I feel Even if I don't die from a gunshot or a bloody man, I end up dying from a wound infection.

Sorry, Director Casimir, this is already the best ward in Lopras Hospital. Jia Liya said coldly: Mr. Li said that there are very few people in the hospital here, so almost no one cleans. The ward, although I don't think they will clean it even if someone is hospitalized. What a desperate scene. Director Casimir's face was ashen. After a while, he turned his eyes to the outside, watching The gunfire that was extinguished said: How come the fighting is so fierce outside? Is this a field hospital? Bai Muqing got the help of the Eastern Europe branch, and they sent a large number of fighters to take you back to the headquarters for trial. Jiali Ya Chen Sheng explained, But don't worry, according to the current situation, I'm afraid they won't be able to reach this hospital. As soon as the tongue fell, there was a sudden burst of gunshots from outside the ward, followed by a series of... yelling. Director Casimir's expression became horrified, he looked at Carya, and there was a hint of anxiety in his eyes: Didn't you say they can't get into the hospital?

Don't worry, Director Casimir. Carrie said solemnly, Gangze's gunshot was not someone from the Eastern European branch knocking on the door, but Loples's doctor.

The dispute should not affect us, right? Don't use interrogative sentences! Director Casimir couldn't help shouting loudly. This sudden force directly involved the wound. In an instant, Director Casimir took a deep breath. He said: Damn it! It hurts! In the corridor outside the ward, gunshots rang out for a few minutes before stopping. After a while, there were bursts of scolding outside the door. It looked like should stop

Seriously, I regret it a bit, maybe I shouldn't be here After a moment of silence, Director Casimir whispered I thought Loples was just a mess after listening to the description of the stinky tofu guy. In addition, it's just an Eastern European town that is not very safe. I didn't expect it to be so terrifying. It's the same for me, Director Casimir, we are all the same. Seemingly feeling a little eB, Carrie whispered: You didn't expect, I didn't expect, Minister Alrich didn't expect that the executive officer. Miss Bai, also did not expect it. Looks like I made the right bet, didn't I? asked Director Casimir in a low voice. 'That's right, you always make the right choice at the critical fork in the road . . .' Kalia replied in a low voice , looking at Director Casimir's eyes with inexplicable emotions, as if to imply something. It is Li's forces that block the Eastern European branch outside? Director Casimir asked. No, they are just They are only acquaintances of Mr. Li, as long as they are willing to spend money, they are willing to do things for Mr. Li. After trimming the broken hair before the forehead, as if she suddenly remembered something, Jia Liya said to Casimir: Speaking of which, Mr. Li and I said that out of the importance of the partnership, he can advance medical expenses for you for free, but in order to attract these outside forces, he spent a full - sixteen million dollars, according to Loples You should pay for him. DB? How can I have so much money? Director Casimir frowned and said that the guy had taken two of the best girls in the European branch. Is the leader still not satisfied? He is not satisfied, Casimir's supervisor, Jialiya said quietly. He also said that if you don't give money, he will tell the local army and gangs the truth of the Loples incident. You will be directly blocked in the ward by a group of armed thugs, and by that time, even the most powerful biological expert of the No. 1 organization will not be able to complete your broken body. Suddenly, Director Casimir's expression was as ugly as eating shit.

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