What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

6-36. The macho man speaks the law

On the front line, Kanan stepped on the body of the BOW scavenger and performed a waltz composed of guns and bullets. In the ward, Director Casimir looked at the ceiling with a heartbroken heart. At the same moment, Hank had just led the frantic team into the battlefield. The sound of footsteps echoed in the dark alley, and the front was already caught in the white-hot battlefield. Hank carrying HK 416 quickly passed through all the alleys. Suddenly, Hank suddenly raised his hand to signal the team to stop advancing. He hurriedly leaned against the wall and looked around. Behind him, Fisher and Anna also leaned over. Although the enemy could not be seen, there were indeed footsteps in the alley ahead. He gently pressed the communicator beside his ear. Hank whispered, Arctic Wolf, can you hear me? I can hear it, Captain... Jiang Xueyang quietly supported him on the top of a three-story building in the distance. TAC-50, with a serious expression. Can you see what's in front of us? Hank asked in a deep voice. Sorry I can't see it, the building plan below is a bit messy, and I was blocked by those houses. Jiang Xueyang Whispered reply: Our heads provide support, but I can't see what's going on in the alley ahead. Understood, Hank whispered. Then keep an eye on our heads. According to the intelligence, our enemies have put a lot of hunting noises in this area, and they are likely to attack us from the top of our heads. no problem. Jiang Xueyang replied. The communication was cut off, and through the scope, Jiang Xueyang could see Hank making a quick tactical gesture towards Fisher and Anna, and then they entered Jiang Xueyang's field of vision.

Compared with Jiang Xueyang's serious attitude, Puglis seemed very casual. She lay beside Jiang Xueyang, looking at the sky, listening to the sound of explosions and gunshots constantly coming from a distance, and she didn't know what she was thinking. After a while, she seemed to be bored. Puglis turned over and pressed Jiang Xueyang's back, wrapped her arms around Jiang Xueyang's neck, and then kept blowing into Jiang Xueyang's ears like a prank. This time, Jiang Xueyang just frowned and smacked his lips without resisting. During the long time with Puglis, Jiang Xueyang understood a truth. Woman, it really doesn't make sense. Anyway, if you can't listen, why bother? - When the situation is critical, Paglis will naturally work hard. Seemingly surprised by Jiang Xueyang's bland reaction, Pugliese couldn't help but said: A Jiang is so quiet today. Jiang Xueyang didn't reply, he was still concentrating on observing the situation below through the scope. Xiao Sao Kang turned a deaf ear. It seemed that he felt a little bored, Puglis rubbed Jiang Xueyang's face lightly, and then whispered: By the way, why are we wearing this equipment? No matter how you look at this equipment, it is not as good as us. The internal equipment of the first agency, right? Indeed, at this moment, all the members of the frantic team did not wear the equipment they used to perform their missions in the past. In this operation, they did not wear gas masks, and they just casually put on their clothes. A yellow body armor with magazines, daggers and communicators hanging on it. Except for the firearms, they have completely changed their equipment, and this equipment is full of cheapness. This is to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. Although it was a bit annoying by Puglis, Jiang Xueyang explained patiently: Of course we know who our enemy is, but the locals may not be able to. Our combat equipment Although it is different from the regular troops of the black Umbrella, it is still very similar in nature. They are standard HK-416 plus black combat uniforms. If you wear this outfit, you may be caught by the local police before you go far. Gangs and mercenaries surrounded and fought. Pugjings was stunned, and after a long time he whispered, That's right.

Seeing that Puglis's mood seemed to be quite stable, Jiang Xueyang thought for a while, and then tentatively said to Puglis: Get off me, it's work. Don't! Sure enough, Puglis immediately refused. Jiang Xueyang's request was not only rejected, her arms holding Jiang Xueyang's neck tightened, not only that, but she also rubbed hard on Jiang Xueyang's back. Don't grind, it's uncomfortable at all... Jiang Xueyang wrinkled He frowned and said, Across two layers of body armor, I'll let you wear it after tonight. That's what you said. Puglis smiled, she was about to rub Jiang Xueyang's face again, only to hear Jiang Xueyang suddenly say: Release, there is a situation! Subconsciously let go of the double-breasted arms around Jiang Xueyang's neck. The arm, rolled over from Jiang Xueyang's back, Puglis turned his head and saw Jiang Xueyang's serious expression, he frowned, his fingers rubbed gently on the newspaper machine, as if ready to buckle at any time. Jiang Xueyang's sight In the middle of the game, a monster that looked like a toad suddenly jumped to the roof of the hut. That thing is the hunter y! With the roar of the large-caliber sniper rifle, the bullet pierced out of the chamber, but at this moment, I don't know if I noticed something, the monster jumped up, and the bullet that should have hit the head directly hit it. Legs, this shot directly tore the skin and muscles on Hunter Y's legs, and shattered its bones. The monster let out a shrill scream in the air and fell directly into the alley. Damn, I missed it... Jiang Xueyang frowned and said in a low voice, he pulled the bolt, pulled out the shell, and set up the gun again, only to see a person slamming out of the house on the other side. The man was dressed in khaki He was wearing an old-fashioned military uniform, holding an AK_47 in his hand, and his head was full of white hair. At first glance, he looked like an old man. Jiang Xueyang instantly made a judgment on his identity. The mercenary. However, Loples is really a sturdy folklore. It is estimated that this old man is almost seventy years old. In other countries, he can be a grandfather, but this old man is still holding a gun. They fought, and they looked very neat. Just when Jiang Xueyang was sighing about the folk customs of Loples, he saw another hunter γ bar on the roof and seemed to be chasing the old man. Jiang Xueyang did not speak, he He moved the scope silently, aimed the muzzle at the monster's head, and immediately pulled the telegraph. This time, he didn't shoot, the large-caliber gun

The sniper bullet directly killed half of the monster's head, and the monster flew out and fell into the alley.

The old man who was running on the roof in the distance suddenly stopped and turned his head. Through the sight, Jiang Xueyang could clearly see that the old man was looking at him for a while, then the old man nodded at him, and then Without looking back, he ran towards the place where the gunshots were most intense. Pulling the gun bolt and withdrawing the bullet casing, Jiang Xueyang entered the state again. He dragged the scope and constantly manipulated the muzzle to sweep the roof of the lower building. After a long time, there was no change in the surrounding buildings. Beside him, Paglis, who was once again in a state of boredom, couldn't help but whispered: Didn't they say that they left a lot of hunters? It seems that there are not many, are they killed by the locals? As soon as the voice fell, all of a sudden, I heard a series of harsh frog croaking suddenly sounded, and in the lower building in the distance, several toad-like monsters went up to the roof, one of which had a broken leg. He raised his neck and kept chirping, as if he was calling for something, and then, as if he was deliberately responding to the call, the frogs croaking below rang out one after another, and for a while it overwhelmed the one in front of him. gunshots. Hearing the harsh screams in her ears, Puglis turned her head stiffly and turned to look at Jiang Xueyang, and then she found that Jiang Xueyang was also looking at her, with inexplicable emotions in her eyes. Crow's mouth. After a while, Jiang Xueyang said with an ugly expression.

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