What the hell is this? Amid the harsh croaking of frogs, Fisher frowned and said: 'Frogs? Mississippi frogs don't croak so badly! It's the hunter! Hank lowered Voice: Damn, how many hunters did they talk about in this city? When she heard the name Hunter y, Anna's expression suddenly became a little ugly. A few days ago, she was in the big warehouse in the isolated island facility. The memory of the battle with the large group of hunters is still fresh in my mind. In the distance, the roar of the large-caliber sniper rifle rang out. Hank knew that Jiang Xueyang was the only one who used this type of sniper rifle in Loples. , listen to this

A gunshot, Hank is very clear, it seems that those monsters have climbed above his head. We have to move, otherwise we may be surrounded by them! After a short thought, Hank ordered the team behind him: Beyond the arctic wolf, we can still cover us. Move closer to the place where the gunshots are most intense! Having formulated a new course of action, Hank quickly moved with the team members around him. Amid the sound of gunfire and frogs, they continued to pass through the dark alley. In the darkness in front of them, a hunter Y fiercely It jumped off the roof next to it, turned its head to look at the oncoming Hank, and was about to open its mouth and stick out its mouthpiece. But Hank suddenly accelerated, bullied himself up, and the butt of the gun was fiercely withstood. The monster's chin was caught. For a while, the monster couldn't open its mouth. The next second, Hank rotated the H-416 in his hand, directly facing the monster's chin, and killed the telegraph. - - Time, blood mixed with pus Water and slime splattered everywhere, and it wasn't until Hank emptied half of the magazine that the monster fell to the ground. It's disgusting. Looking at the corpse of the hunter who was lying on the ground and kept kicking its hind legs, Anna couldn't help but said with a look of disgust: I don't even remember that BOW is such a disgusting thing.

The European Division of Black Umbrella has always paid great attention to the appearance of the product.. As the person who has served in the European Division for the longest time in the frantic team and has the deepest contact with the director of Casimir, Hank - side leading the team to run - - Side explained: Director Casimir said that human beings are animals of appearance, and the practicality of a BOW product may be slightly flawed, but its appearance must be cool, only in this way, those fools are willing to pay for it, It is for this reason that you have never seen such a monster that does not conform to the public aesthetics in the European branch. That's why I have two young ladies, Tililith and Tililian, right? Fisher who ran behind Youyou said: That supervisor really understands people's hearts.... After running, the frantic team crossed the alley in front, and just- turned the corner. I saw a man in a black combat uniform running out in a panic, - Headbutted Hank, Hank didn't say anything, just reached out to catch the man, then - twisted his neck, and threw the corpse aside. There were five or six hunters everywhere on the walls, and one of them had two legs that kept kicking and kicking outside its mouth. After seeing Hank, the monster was slightly stunned and then violently. He opened his mouth wide and shrank his mouthparts to swallow the part of the man that was still exposed. Fire! Hank ordered directly. The next second, three HK-416s rang at the same time. Although the silencer effectively suppressed the roaring gunshots, it still could not completely cover it up. With a short soft sound, the bullets swept across the bodies of the hunters, blooming blood-colored flowers, and for a time, the terrifying and noisy frogs croaked over the entire street. Damn, their skin is good. Thick! Empty a magazine, Fisher- while shouting reload, he inserted a new magazine into the gun in his hand, and after changing the bullet, he lifted the gun again, but Seeing the opposite roof, the head hunter y suddenly stuck out his head, and then slammed his hind legs and jumped directly towards Fisher. It made an unpleasant and harsh scream in the air, and its mouth opened wide, which was composed of muscles. The thick mouthparts protruded from the bloody mouth, and then split open like a flower, revealing the rows of sharp teeth inside.

The protruding mouthparts twitched, and even the posture in the air began to become uncoordinated, Fisher dodged, the monster slammed into the ground, and then

Rolling to Anna's feet, Anna looked down at the monster lying at her feet and was about to struggle to get up. A strong disgust appeared on her face, and she pulled it out and hung it behind her waist. The huge bone-chopping knife, and then slashed at the hind legs of the monster under his feet, and in an instant, blood splashed. I have to say that the mouth grows bigger is different, and even the screams are earth-shattering. This monster's back + points are strong, and its bone strength and muscle strength are far from comparable to the previous hunter p. Despite this, it still has Anna's machete couldn't stop. At this moment, Anna was wielding the machete like a berserker, and slashed the monster's thigh with one knife. In just a few seconds, Anna's bone cutter cut off the monster's leg bone. You're very good at jumping? Are you? Come! Jump for me! After cutting off the hunter's hind legs, Anna didn't give up. Without the cover of the gas mask, she directly showed the morbid flush. His face, raised his legs, and stepped on the high-heeled hard-soled boots on the monster's head and crushed it so hard that it couldn't even open its mouth. Anna threw the gun behind her, and she raised her hands high. The bone-chopping knife in the middle slashed fiercely at the monster's back, and the machete, which became sharp again after the mechanical roller was sharpened, shone a terrifying cold light in the dark alley, and in the splattered blood 5 The flesh on the back of the monster was opened in the mucus, revealing some deformed vertebrae, and then cut it down mercilessly. After a while, the panting Anna put away the joy on her face, and let go of her feet that had stepped on Hunter Gather's head, only to see that the monster was already scarred, and it was lying on the ground with its limbs wide open. The body was twitching constantly, but it couldn't move. Behind it, you could see the completely broken spine that was exposed to the flesh and blood. Some monsters were still alive, but it was already dead. You play I'm so happy, quack! a voice lifted Anna from the excitement

Awakened in the afterglow, Anna suddenly came back to her senses, only to see Hank and Fisher holding guns and continuously firing at the slowly approaching toad monsters, emptying the magazines again, and Fisher first shouted Change bullets! Then he said to Anna while changing bullets: However, can you take a look around, these guys have already gathered! When Anna looked up, she saw a large group of hunters Y coming from Coming out of the darkness, although they have no eyes, they are coveting. These guys are indeed a little too hard.. Being squeezed the front line, Hank had to slowly back away, frowning at the same time and said, They may not be the original version. Hunter y, but some kind of reinforced type not documented by the upper Black Umbrella. Although the mission of the frantic squad is to help the frontline mercenaries and Italian gangsters to deal with these B0Ws, but they really did not expect that they were blocked before they could reconcile with the front troops, just as Hank wondered if it was When it was time to change the route, there was only a squeak of gunshots above the head, and the corpse of a hunter with a hole in his head fell directly from the house in front of him. Then, two voices rang from above:

Brothers and sisters, pay attention to concealment~ Brother's big gun is about to be fired~ In an instant, the sixth sense of the elite veteran grabbed Hank's nerves. Hank only felt that the scalp hair salon, he He shouted: Hide! Then he slammed into the air, and Fisher and Anna immediately followed. The next second, the gunshot roared, and the bullets of the heavy machine were pouring down like a gust of wind and rain, landing on the ground. There were bullet holes in the wall, and blood flew everywhere where the fire went. Those rough-skinned monsters were almost vulnerable under this violent firepower. It didn't take long for the entire alley to be stained with blood. The corpses of those monsters lay on the ground. After swallowing, Hank regained his composure. He followed the gunshots just now and pointed his head, only to see two short children standing on the opposite roof, -Male A girl, the boy is wearing a black windbreaker, has short silver hair, and carries a heavy machine gun in his hand, while the girl is wearing a long black dress, with long silver hair, and is carrying a hand that is not inferior to Jiang Xueyang's Take the TAC.50 terror sniper rifle.

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