What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

6-38. Blood pressure rises sharply in the elderly

After a moment of stunnedness, Hank made a precise judgment. The sister and brother were friends. The basis for the judgment was not only because the other party helped his team clear the siege, but also because of the other party's attire and the atmosphere around them. Obviously, only Loples can breed such a monster that can fight and has an extremely weird style. Captain, are you alright? I saw two people on the roof opening fire in the alley! Jiang Xueyang's nervous voice came from the communicator. He had a chance to kill the two children on the roof just now. But he didn't do it, because he instinctively felt that these two didn't seem to be looking for Bianfan. It's okay, it's a friendly army. He briefly reported Jiang Xueyang's safety, Hank looked at the boy and girl on the opposite roof and said solemnly: Thank you for your help.

Hey! Hearing Hank's words, the boy and the girl jumped down from the house at the same time, without the backlight, Hank finally saw their appearance clearly, only to see the two children like finely carved porcelain dolls The face is as white as snow, the eyes are blue as beautiful as gems, and they look almost exactly the same. If it weren't for the difference in the clothes and hairstyles of the two, Hank would not be able to distinguish their gender. My God Fisher said. She shrank back and whispered to Anna: 'I think my sexuality has become a little dangerous.. Fortunately Puglis is not here. Anna replied in a low voice, and then, as if she suddenly thought of something, Anna He said to himself: No, maybe I can introduce that boy to Puglis, and then A-Jiang will be my own! I said, I'll be called a code name during the mission. - Hank Shen next to him Channel. Looking at the small interaction in front of him, the silver-haired boy and girl laughed at the same time. Sister, they are so interesting. The boy smiled and said softly. Yes, it feels like a fool. The girl responded with a smile. Hank suddenly felt a little weird. On the other side, seeing that the interaction of the frantic team was over, the silver-haired boy and girl carefully looked at the three members of the frantic team. After a while, the boy suddenly asked: Are you also the helper invited by the big brother? The girl next to him asked. With a smile, he said: - must be the helper invited by the big brother? Big brother? Hearing the words of the two children, Fisher was slightly taken aback, and then said: You mean Boss Li? That's right! The two children replied with a smile at the same time. It can't be said to be invited. After a moment of relaxation, Hank couldn't help but asked curiously: 'Why do you think so? Because only the big brother can invite Move a guy like you! The silver-haired boy replied with a smile. That's right, Mr. Agor can't afford such a powerful guy as you! The silver-haired girl responded with a smile. I think this pair of siblings is a bit weird. Fisher whispered to Anna: I don't know why, I always feel a little E when I'm stared at by this pair of siblings. Not caring about Fisher's words, Anna looked at the pair of siblings in front of her and asked curiously: So, you are also Boss Li, please Are you here? That's right! Hansel and Gretel were invited by the big brother to help! The silver-haired boy named Hansel replied with a smile. Where's my office! The silver-haired girl named Gretel replied with a smile. This place in Loples is really... Facial and muscles twitched slightly, Fisher couldn't help but say, You're a hireling at such a young age. Soldiers? How old are you?

It's not a gentleman's act to ask a lady's age! Seemingly offended, her sister Grete pursed her lips and shook the NTW-20 in her hand. That's right, and we're not mercenaries, We are killers! We can kill anyone with money, as many as you want! Brother Hansel said with a smile. Speaking of this, the silver-haired siblings suddenly came up and said in unison: Want to kill someone? Today is Loples carnival night, Loples Gemini Killer takes orders) \\Discount!

No need. Shrinking back a little, Hank frowned and said: My team and I still have tasks, so I won't disturb the two of you. After that, Hank turned his head to Fisher and Anna and said: Come on, we've wasted too much time here. Although they were a little curious about the beautiful Gemini Killers in front of them, Fisher and Anna resolutely obeyed the order and followed Hank away. Hank took the two team members and stepped on the corpses all over the alley and walked through the alley, and then found that The killer sister and brother were following closely behind, with a heart-wrenching smile on their faces, and blue eyes full of curiosity. Stopping, Hank turned around and frowned at the following. The two children at the back of the team said: 'What else do you have? No! We just want to follow! Sister Gretel smiled and said. That's right! We just want to follow! Brother Hansey Er followed suit. Hank wanted to tell the siblings that there was a battlefield ahead, not a place where children should stay, but looking at the oversized sniper rifle in his sister's hand and the heavy machine gun in his brother's hand, he decisively put his mouth to his mouth. I swallowed the words on the side. I guess it's a waste of time to say it, then it's better not to say it, forget it, they can just follow if they like, as long as they don't make trouble. After all, the heavy machine gun in the little boy's hand is too powerful to let He followed the team, and the difficulty of the task went straight down. After making up his mind, Hank no longer focused on the two children, but concentrated on rushing forward, and the killer siblings stopped talking. Then he followed silently with a rash smile. Although he was a killer, he was still a child. After passing through the two alleys, Hansel suddenly pouted and said, Sister, it's so boring. Even more boring than Sister Suya. Yeah, it's so boring. I thought that someone who could meet Big Brother would be a very interesting person. Grete replied with a slight brow. Hank, who ran at the front, smacked his lips, and said yes, we are boring people, maybe you can go to your big brother, who is now hiding in the office of the government army boss to catch fish. Although they said they were bored, the siblings didn't seem to have any intention of leaving. They still followed closely behind the frantic team, chatting with each other from time to time.

After chatting a few words, for a while, the atmosphere of the whole team seemed extremely strange. Fortunately, after the - series of events, Hank was used to bringing children. Although Fiji was a little awkward, it was not to the point of disgust. In this way, the frenzied team that joined the Twin Killers passed through dense houses under the leadership of Hank. After a while, they finally came to the predetermined firefight area. At this time, the scene can be said to be chaos, the security forces and The BOW scavengers attacked in concert, desperately squeezing the defense line composed of gangsters and local mercenaries, while those hunter Ys were two-faced, whoever saw who could eat whoever. Arriving at the flank of the firefighting area, Hank quickly raised his hand to signal concealment. Fisher and Anna immediately stuck to the wall, leaving the Gemini Killer in the middle of the alley. It seemed that they could not understand tactical gestures. They froze in place, and after a while, the two brothers turned around at the same time, facing each other, smiling at each other. Hank didn't care too much about the strangeness of this strange pair of siblings. He stuck out his head slightly, looked at the gunfire in the side alley with a serious expression, and then pressed the communicator beside his ear and said, Arctic wolf, We arrived at the right wing of the battlefield, can you see the situation on our side? You can only see the roof, Captain... Jiang Xueyang's voice came from the communicator, and the young sniper said solemnly: The roof There's a lot of hunter Y, and a girl with a chainsaw and a big sister with a heavy machine gun, and I'm trying to clear those monsters for them both. Focus on the top of our heads first. Hank frowned. Don't worry, I've been staring. Jiang Xueyang replied. That's good. Hank nodded, then cut off the communication, and whispered to the players behind him: 'Next, follow me to attack from the flanks, be careful of those BOWs, and at the same time be careful to avoid the locals There was no response from behind. Hank was startled, turned his head sharply, and then he was stunned, only to see Fisher and Anna standing side by side against the wall behind him. His eyes were round and round, as if he had seen something incredible. Looking down the line of sight of the two of them, he saw the silver-haired killer twins hugging each other, eyes closed, and nibbling on each other's blood unscrupulously. The lips and the two tender tongues were mixed together, and the saliva of the two exchanged and then disappeared down the corner of the mouth. In an instant, a burst of anger rose from his chest and went straight to his forehead. Hank just felt dizzy.. No, blood pressure is up!

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