What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

6-39. Sweet memories of the macho twins

For a long time, the lips parted, the silver thread was broken in the blazing fire, the silver-haired sister and brother looked directly at each other in the sound of gunfire, and their eyes were full of love. , and then turned their heads together, smiling brightly at Hank. Looking at the siblings in front of him, Hank's heart calmed down. To be honest, because of the work of the first agency, Hank was running back and forth most of the time, and the frantic bar was exposed because of a quack doctor. Without the customer, Hank had very little time to contact the local people, which indirectly led him to pass on wrong information, so that Director Casimir and Secretary Carriea were always wrong about Loples. awareness. But tonight, Hank suddenly felt that he seemed to understand a little bit about Loples. After all, this night brought him more impact than the whole year of last year. People, after all, have to serve old... Sighing lightly, the blood pressure gradually dropped, Hank said helplessly and loudly: Fisher, Anna, don't look at it, go to work. Awakened from the cultural shock, the two of them's body slightly squatted and Anna was a little surprised. He whispered: Didn't you say that you will be called by the code name during the mission? Forget it, it doesn't matter, you can call it whatever you like. As if a compromise, Hank shrugged his shoulders with an unprecedented smile on his face. It was as easy as unloading some burdens. At this moment, everything accumulated from the USS in the Umbrella era was instantly wiped out, and the serious and cautious frenzied squad leader was finally polished by Loples. I have a little old man who has just passed through the mid-life crisis. Sister, this uncle has become so strange. Brother Hansel smiled. It's like a retiree who has lost his motivation to live--it's like. Sister Gretel responded with a smile. You two are so good together, Hank said with an old father-like smile. Of course, because they're siblings! The silver-haired Gemini Killer smiled and said in unison. Will a brother and sister kiss like that? Fisher, whose facial muscles were twitching slightly, turned his head and asked Anna, who didn't hesitate, - The slap slapped Fisher on the back of the head. Why are you hitting me? Being slapped on the back of the head, Fisher couldn't help but said angrily. Itchy hands. Anna said blankly. Okay, you guys have won, and the relationship is very good. Hank smiled and said: Next, we are going to deal with those guys in front of us, do you want to help? Of course! After all, it's a commission from the eldest brother! said the younger brother Hansel excitedly. Boss Li's office? Looking at the siblings who were excited when they mentioned Li Yexing, Fisher asked curiously, Why? With your skills, wouldn't you be able to make more money by doing it alone? It's not because of money! Sister Gretel said with the NTW-20 in her arms: This is a repayment! Yes! I want to repay my big brother for saving my life! The younger brother Hansel said excitedly: What's more, Does the elder sister like the big brother the most? Wait, it seems a little bit. Anna's expression gradually became horrified. Didn't the sister and brother kiss passionately just now? Why is the younger brother now discussing this kind of issue? She sorted out her somewhat confused brain, and then wondered: Hansel... right? If you pushed your sister to your big brother, wouldn't you be separated from your sister? Brother Hansel Er's expression suddenly became weird, he tilted his head and looked at Anna, his eyes seemed to be looking at some rare animal, and the elder sister Grete on the side was also a little puzzled: Separate? Why is the big sister so, What do you say? Having said this, Grete stretched out her plain finger and lightly tapped her chin, and said, Since I don't want to be separated, why not marry my big brother with me? Fisher looked at it. Looking at Hansel's two bare white legs, then he glanced between Hansel's legs, and finally shook his head and said, I don't think so.

It will do! Big sister Gretel said loudly.

That's right! Big brother loves us the most! Brother Hansel followed Shi Hedao. Fisher thought for a while, and then said to Hank, who has not spoken any more, You said that Boss Li would not be... that one. Hank just wanted to say no, but looking at the pair of siblings with angel faces in front of him, he suddenly felt a little less confident. Perhaps it was through Fisher's eyes that his filthy thoughts were read, and her sister Grete couldn't help shouting: 'I'm thinking about it! Big brother is a wonderful person! Yes! Brother Hansel He followed up: Although the big brother murdered, set fire, and went shopping in the flower street, the big brother is a great person! Because... because of that

some time...

Thinking back to Romania, everything in my memory seems to be gray. In that year, the sweet and charming young twins who looked like angels were swept away by their innocence.

The parents who can repay the gang's loan sharks are sold. This big gang has a strong background in the local area, and they are almost all evil, gambling, drugs, and astringent feelings. With the power of -2, this gang has monopolized all the surrounding gray industries. , and the dark life of this pair of siblings began from here. At that time, the astringent industry was the pillar industry of the big gangsters. In addition to forcing the special workers to sell tsubaki for them, they also made a profit by making films about the absurdity. This is no exception for the poor siblings, but Even more tragic, in order to meet the needs of some special users, whether it is the services provided by the siblings to customers or the movies made by the siblings, they all revolve around one word: abuse. How dark can human hearts be? How distorted can human nature be? The two brothers and sisters fully experienced the coldness of this world when they were young, and their eyes gradually lost light. However, one day, a beam of light penetrated the darkness and illuminated the young siblings. It was a very ordinary day. The scarred siblings were lying on the bed, motionless, with tears streaming from their eyes, letting the gang leader do what they wanted. Suddenly, the locked door of the room was kicked open. , followed by a wearing

The Asian man with the AR-1 in his body armor walked in. He grabbed the back of the gangster's head, put on the layers of fat, and ripped him off Hansel from the ground. The boss of the gang was broken, and just about to rebel, the young man with Asian face slammed a gun butt into his face. -Time, the bridge of the nose is broken, the blood is overflowing, and the gang boss rolls all over the floor in pain. His eyes swept indifferently over the scarred siblings on the bed, the Asian man's face was full of disgust, and he was still rolling on the ground beyond the gang boss. The Asian man looked around, and then locked his eyes on the mop at the door. On, he stepped forward, - smashed the mop with his feet, and then weighed the mop rod with spikes on his hands, looking at the gangster boss with undisguised cruelty and jokes in his eyes.- For a time, miserable The screams filled the entire corridor, but there would never be someone who came to rescue him, because the corpses of his men had already covered the entire corridor. After a while, a muscular man with brown hair who also carried AR-15 tweeted Opening the door, he said impatiently: Li, why are you so slow? Then the brown-haired man saw the pair of siblings who were sitting on the bed with the duck, covered in injuries but with shining eyes, and saw their faces. Li Yexing with a grim smile, the blood-stained wooden pole on his hand, and the gang boss who was on the ground with his hands tied back by his clothes, his mouth stuffed with his underwear, pouting his buttocks and weeping bitterly. Seeing someone come in, The gang boss immediately let out a whimper like killing a pig, and in his eyes, the brown-haired man read out a sentence: Give me a happy

The brown-haired man thought about it and said to Li: Hurry up, it is estimated that the police will come in soon. Then, in the desperate cry of the gangster, the brown-haired man turned away and closed it. A few days later, on the boat that was smuggled back to Loples, there was a pair of young siblings beside the Asian man. To be honest, it would be better to take them back to Loples and throw them directly on the On the street. In the cabin, the brown-haired man shrugged and said: Loples is not a place for children. The young Asian man didn't speak, just stared out the window silently. Beside him, two siblings hugged his arms tightly, for fear that he would run away. Oh, Li Yexing, Li Yexing. Gently muttering the name of his employee, a smile appeared on the face of the boss who was born in UBCS, and he said lightly: For the smuggling tickets for these two children, you put yourself I took all the money from the second entrustment, is it worth it? A look of boredom flashed between his brows, Li Yexing's face was sullen, as if he didn't intend to listen to anyone. Forget it, just be happy.. Shaking his head, he looked a little helpless. From that day on, the seeds were planted, and the scarred silver-haired siblings, the notorious twin killers, branded that big brother's name deeply in their minds.

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