What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

6-40. Men's Cooperative Operation

Hansel didn't tell the story of himself and his sister and Li Yexing after all, but Hank had already read some inexplicable emotions in the eyes of the silver-haired boy, which was more like dependence than love. Loples, does everyone have a story.0? With a little self-deprecation, Hank smiled helplessly, and then said to Gemini Killer, Since this entrustment is a cover letter for Li, then you can You have to take it seriously, you know, Li is very strict. Hmm! The silver-haired Gemini Killer nodded excitedly, looking eager to try. Very good, I like young people who are motivated. Hank said with a smile, while holding up the HK-416 in his hand, he stuck his head out and looked at the alley lit by gunfire, only to see a crowd from Eastern Europe The security team members of the branch were slowly advancing with the BOW scavenger team in front. Hank's smile gradually subsided. He slowly raised his arms and turned his back to his team members and the silver-haired twins. After a while, he He waved his hand violently, and at the same time said loudly: Action! In Shun, Hank rushed out of the alley and went straight to the back road of the enemy team just now, while Fisher and Anna immediately followed and were left behind. The silver-haired twins were stunned for a moment, then turned their heads to look at each other at the same time, and looked at each other. After a while, the faces of the two siblings showed sweet smiles like angels at the same time. The younger brother Hansel turned around and put the heavy machine gun in his back behind him. He was by the wall, facing his sister, and then he suddenly picked up his black windbreaker and half-straddled it, crossing his fingers like a The platform was like a platform, while her sister Gretel held the sniper rifle like a heavy artillery across her waist, and then ran directly towards Hansel. When she was in front of Hansel, she jumped up suddenly, Stepping on Hansel's hand, feeling the weight from the palm of his hand, Hansel slammed Eryi and directly lifted Gretel up. With this force, Grete jumped again and directly Jump on the roof. I'll leave the top of my head to my sister! Hansel smiled at Grete on the roof. Then I'll leave it to my younger brother. Grete removed the NTW-20 from her back and responded with a smile. After putting Gretel on the roof, Hansel quickly ran in the direction where the frantic team left.

After a burst of gunshots, Jiang Xueyang pulled the bolt, pulled out the bullet casing, and then continued to put his sight in the scope, and was hit from the end just now.

Because the locals attacked too many times from the roof and inside the building, the security forces from the Eastern European branch also began to try to break through the defense line from the roof, they came up from all sides, and then hunted with the locals and those The hunters formed a group. Through the scope, Jiang Xueyang saw a squad leader of the security force flying over the roof with his own team members. Just as he took off, a hunter y suddenly jumped out of the alley below. The unlucky squad leader - swallowed it, Jiang Xueyang did not hesitate, pulled the trigger instantly, and punched Hunter γ in mid-air together with the squad leader in its stomach. It was a mess. Ear On the side - bursts of gunshots from HK 416, although suppressed by the silencer, but still clear, Puglis is holding the gun, looking through the ACOG scope and constantly shooting towards the roof below, whispering Complained: Monsters and people are jumping, I don't know who to deal with first. Provide cover for the locals in Loples as much as possible, I have to keep an eye on the captain, can't be too much Heart... Jiang Xueyang, who had withdrawn from the bullet casing, said in a low voice, he shook the muzzle, looking for the next target through the scope, only to see the machine gun on the other side, and the blond eldest sister in scantily clad was hiding in a pile of debris. Afterwards, he opened fire at the security forces who were trying to pass through the defense line from the roof in the distance, covering the girl in dress holding a telegram jumping back and forth on the roof. At this moment, a hunter quietly crawled from behind the blond eldest sister. When it came up, it was about to stretch out its mouthparts when Jiang Xueyang shot it directly. The large-caliber sniper rifle bullets pierced through the flesh, and the hunter fell down with a scream, leaving only bloodstains on the ground. Hearing the screams of the monster behind her, the blond elder sister was stunned for a moment and then looked back. After seeing the blood on her back, she turned her head and looked at Jiang Xueyang's position. Through the sight, Jiang Xueyang could see the woman. With a seductive expression on his face, he snorted at himself. Ha. Jiang Xueyang chuckled lightly, pulled the gun bolt, and then heard Puglistang beside him: What are you laughing at? 'It's nothing' Jiang Xueyang put the gun down again. Focusing on the scope, he whispered, Loples is such an interesting place. Yeah, Loples has that kind of bitch who will talk to other people's men casually. It's funny. - A smell of vinegar came to my face, only to hear Pugless pouting, That woman is disgusting. , Wearing such a shameless look, it is better not to wear it. Please look at your own wardrobe before talking to others. I am afraid you are no better than her when you are in bed. Of course, this kind of thing is definitely It is impossible to say clearly, Jiang Xueyang turned his eyes and saw that the hunters could no longer stop the security forces who wanted to leap over the roof from all directions. He directly locked the front sight on those people, and then pulled the trigger. - After the gunshots went off, Jiang Xueyang - while pulling the bolt - said to Pugjings: The guy who is staring at the security force, there are not enough hunters, we can't stop them. No problem! Pugliese tore off the empty magazine, replaced the bullet, and then locked the field of view in the scope on the members of the security forces, - after the gunshots, the two security forces One of the players fell down, and the rest shouted in Russian, then spread out all around at the same time, hiding behind the debris.

Damn it. Seeing the security forces all hid, Puglis cursed in a low voice: Why do people here like to pile all the clutter on the roof? Are you sick? ^ Maybe It's because the houses here are too densely built. After knocking down a member of the security force, Jiang Xueyang pulled the gun bolt - if the debris was piled outside, it would easily block the road, so I simply piled it all up. The roof is down, that's what I thought. While speaking, Jiang Xueyang saw the girl in the dress with the chainsaw jumping

When I reached the roof of a house, I stepped on the debris and jumped to the back of the debris pile. The next second, a shrill scream came from behind the debris pile, and a large amount of blood splashed out from behind the debris pile. Afterwards, the girl in the dress stepped out from behind the clutter and kicked half of the corpse off the roof. It's really shocking, Jiang Xueyang whispered, he turned his vision, and then saw a silver-haired girl in a long black dress lying on the house in the distance. It was the one he aimed at before. A large exaggerated sniper rifle, with a smile on her face, after a while, she pulled the trigger suddenly, accompanied by a deafening gunshot, a pile of debris on the roof in the distance suddenly burst, and large pieces of flesh and blood were mixed with broken pieces. A piece of black cloth was spilled out. Jiang, her gun seems to be bigger than yours! Seeing the scene just now through the ACOG scope, Puglis couldn't help turning her head and surprised Jiang Xueyang.

Shout, what's the use of such a big gun? With a touch of displeasure on his face, Jiang Xueyang casually - the gun pierced through a pile of debris, shot the security team members hiding behind, and then pulled the gun bolt - Bian said unhappily, Things with excess power are just toys!

On the other side of the alley, Hank flanked and successfully took his team members to intercept a group of enemies' backroads. There were local mercenaries in front, and then the members of the security force fell into the embarrassment of being attacked by the enemy. In this situation, the commander of the squad quickly made a judgment. Instead of retreating without knowing how many people there were, it was better to use BOW's physical advantage to fight over, so he quickly ordered to break through the front at all costs, and instantly. The grenade that was left by the security forces on the waist and hadn't been thrown out - all the brains flew forward, and for a while, the explosion sounded with the rising fire, and it was endless, and it was mixed with those The scolding of the mercenary who was greeted by a grenade. From the other side of the alley, he quickly probed and fired two shots at the enemy, and then the BOW scavenger who was covering the team retreated with firepower. Fisher frowned, and while changing bullets, he aimed at Hank and Anna on the other side. Dao has two scavengers guarding the buttocks, and they are in a hurry. Our task is to get those BOWs, and the rest is enough for the locals... Hank whispered, and then suddenly probed to fire, and Fisher also followed Hank's movements and opened fire, - time, The firepower of the two attacked the back of the local team from both sides, but after the two finished a shuttle at the same time, the two scavengers still stayed behind, although the legs and arms were full of bullet holes, but There is absolutely no intention of falling. It's too hard, right? Fisher, who was reloading the bullets again, couldn't help complaining: What did they wear to the scavengers? Because of the high cost, there are only a small number of installations in the European branch.. Hank, who also changed bullets, frowned and said: I heard a long time ago that the Eastern European branch is better than the research institute. It's more like - a barracks with its own arsenal is now a bit of experience, if there is no special armor-piercing warhead, these monsters will be difficult to kill. It seems that they need some artistic inspiration... Fisher frowned, took out a piece of C4 from his pocket, and was about to install it when he saw a figure in a windbreaker coming directly from Hank and Anna's Jumping out from behind, the silver-haired boy Hansel excitedly shouted, I'm here for the native officer! He rushed into the alley, ignoring Hank's exclamation, the silver-haired handsome boy raised a crane to face the blanket. The security forces stuck in the alley directly vented their firepower, accompanied by the roar of gunshots, and the metal storm shot out instantly, shooting sparks on the armor-like black body armor, even as strong as a scavenger could not resist this. With a huge impact, one scavenger fell directly to the ground, while the other directly aimed the muzzle at Hansel, seeing that the scavenger was about to fire

Hanshir only felt that a huge force was being pulled on his collar, and the next second, he was dragged directly into the narrow aisle next to him. The bullet passed through the place where Hansel stood just now, knocked on the wall, and the small pieces of rubble were scattered and scattered. The frightened Hansel sat on the ground and gasped lightly. After a while, He turned his head and saw Fisher staring at him with a frown. You don't want to die? Fisher stared at the silver-haired boy looking over. Hehe Looking at Fisher's slightly sullen face, Hansel's face showed a slight embarrassment. He raised his hand and scratched his head, then stood up and said, What is that? It feels so patient. Oh! Can't even your machine gun wear their body armor? Mei Jiangang was a little irritable, and Fisher whispered: No wonder the locals can't hold them down.

Bai Nen's little hands groped for his chin, Hansel frowned for a moment, then raised his head decisively and shouted at the opposite roof: Sister! Sister! Come and help me! My big gun can't penetrate their bulletproof. Clothes coffee! A few seconds later, a slender figure jumped down from the roof with a heavy tear gun. Grete, a slender silver-haired girl in a black dress, was halfway in the alley.

In between, he let his body be exposed in the center of the enemy's field of vision, and before the two scavengers opened fire, Gretel suddenly raised the big scary sniper 3 in his hand, and then pulled it without hesitation. trigger. Suddenly, the sound of a gunshot was deafening, and Grete couldn't help but take a step backwards. The big gun in her hand was raised high, and the large-caliber sniper rifle bullets were sprayed out of the muzzle like a cannon. A white smoke was left in the middle of the road, penetrating everything along the way, leaving a hole in the body of a whole row of enemies that was almost enough to separate people's bodies, and then a large hole was opened in the wall at the end of the alley. At the moment when Gretel opened fire, Hank rushed up directly. The roaring gunshot of NTW-20 almost made him deaf in his right ear, but he still gritted his teeth and rushed up, taking advantage of this devastating One shot created a riot in the enemy group. Hank directly targeted the other scavenger. He bullied himself and pushed the scavenger away with a slap when the scavenger opened fire.

The muzzle of the gun, and then pulled out the dagger from his waist and stabbed it directly along the gap between the bulletproof vest and the bulletproof helmet. Although the severe injury to the neck was not fatal, it was enough to stop the scavenger's movements for an instant. Hank seized the opportunity and kicked the scavenger's stomach. He kicked the scavenger's neck, and in an instant, a small blade popped out of Hank's toe, and was sent directly into the scavenger's neck. The neck was hit hard, and the scavenger shook his head, just about to fight back. , but saw that Hank had already circled behind it, firmly grasping the scavenger's brain, Hank's hands suddenly exerted force, only to hear a crisp sound of anger, the scavenger's neck bone was completely broken, BOW's The powerful vitality made it not die on the spot, but it lost control of the body, and threw its head that was almost bent-100/ \\ten degrees, the scavenger was about to fall straight and soft, but Hank did not. He didn't let it go, only to see Hank -- holding the scavenger in front of him, passing his HK-416 through the armpit of the scavenger's corpse, and then slammed towards the remaining security forces in the alley The team members deactivated the telegraph, the time, screams and gunshots were mixed together, and the whole alley was shrouded in the blaze of fire.

At this moment, Hank suddenly felt as if he was young again.

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