What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

6-43. The third round of the macho

Bijiwolf, we have already cleared out four scavenger troops, and the front of mercenaries and gangsters will soon be pushed back to the police station, what about your E? It came out, because there was no cold gas mask across the face, F Soo IU's lower and hoarse voice than before

There was a lot of human flavor in Hank's tone. In good condition, Captain, Hunter Y should have been cleaned up. He pressed the communicator beside his ear. Jiang Xueyang, who was lying on the top of the three-story building, replied Said: There are still a few scattered teams of security forces on the roof, and the locals are dealing with them. Don't relax the police... The voice of Hank's old father came from the opposite side of the communicator, and he warned: 'According to Li's instructions It is said that the next battle is the most difficult. Our enemy is going to turn his cards, and our pressure will become very great. Relax, according to the current situation, we can still do it. Jiang Xueyang just wanted to say something. , I only felt that someone suddenly patted his shoulder, Jiang Xueyang raised his head subconsciously, and then saw Pagris pointing at the opposite sky. He looked in the direction he pointed, and the next second, all the muscles on his face froze. What's wrong? Arctic Wolf? Is something wrong? Hank, who noticed something was wrong, asked eagerly on the other side of the walkie-talkie. It's a helicopter! Captain! A lot of helicopters! Looking at the helicopter brigade flying fast from afar, Jiang Xueyang, who was lying on the roof, couldn't help but lose his voice: Gunships and helicopters transporting BOW! Many! Fly towards us Come here! As the helicopters of the brigade approached slowly, the roar of the propellers instantly filled Loples. Those helicopters flew quickly over Loples, and then the containers and metal darts hung below them towards Loples. The firefighting area in the central area of ​​Loples was thrown straight down, and the containers fell into the sky, smashing hard on the dense bungalows, and the metal Yokos were thrown into the complex and narrow small one by one. In the alley, in front of the local mercenary group and gang members, the scene was extremely chaotic for a while. In the roar of the sky, Puglis slowly turned around, and his eyes chased two planes flying overhead. The transport helicopters flew over, and then they threw two huge cans directly on the roof of the small hospital building. With a loud noise, the roof of the hospital collapsed instantly. The metal storage bin smashed through the floor and fell into the building.

Damn it! Stinky tofu! That group of kings) \\The egg directly threw BOW into the hospital! Paglis couldn't help shouting loudly. As soon as the voice fell, I saw a gunship circling constantly in the air, and then slowly Slowly descending, the guns on both sides of the helicopter turned at the same time, aiming directly at Jiang Xueyang and Paglis on the top of the three-story building. My God For a moment, Paglis only felt that the scalp hair salon, The roar of the gunship made it impossible for her and Jiang Xueyang to hear Hank's revival. Jiang Xueyang subconsciously wanted to put away his gun, but before the gun in his hand could be stabilized, Paglis turned around abruptly. He turned around, stretched out his hand and hugged Jiang Xueyang, wrapped one arm around his waist and tucked him around his waist, then turned his head and ran for a second. Youzhong crossed two fine rays of light, chasing Puglis, who was rushing around Jiang Xueyang like a storm created by steel. Lifting it up, seeing that there was no road ahead, Puglis gritted her teeth, stepped on the edge of the roof in Jiang Xueyang's exclamation, and then fell directly towards the junk pile on the lower floor. In seconds, the metal storm was blocked by the building and swept overhead. With a loud bang, Paglis and Jiang Xueyang smashed directly on the pile of debris, squeezing the pile of rags, broken boards and waste furniture. Collapse, - -). Pugris only felt back pain, as if all the bones in her body were about to fall apart, but she didn't have time to breathe. He hugged Jiang Xueyang, who was groaning in pain, and then rolled over again. The two of them rolled down from the roof and landed in the dark alley below. The next second, the gunship spewed flames and swept away. After passing the roof, the roof of the house was smashed. The tongue lost its target, and the armed helicopter in the sky kept circling. After confirming that it could not find a suitable angle, it quickly left and headed towards the battlefield.

to go. In the dark alley, Puglis pressed Jiang Xueyang on the icy ground, and did not dare to move, until the sound of the helicopter hovering above her head gradually faded away, and she propped herself up little by little, only to see Jiang Xueyang under her. Grinning his teeth, frowning, his face looked very ugly. A-Jiang? A-Jiang, why are you here? Seeing Jiang Xueyang's bad face, Puglis asked nervously. It's nothing, it's just a bit miserable. There was a reluctant smile on his face, Jiang Xueyang lowered his voice. Voice: It scared me to death, I thought my bones were about to break. The next second, Paglis hugged Jiang Xueyang tightly, and then kissed him. Jiang Xueyang did not refuse the flirting on the battlefield this time. He accepted the nagging from Gris, and there was a hint of doting in his eyes. He took off his tactical gloves and let his pure white but not to mention delicate fingers gently stroked Papa Grace's red hair, at this moment, Hank's voice sounded in the communicator beside his ear, he said loudly: Jiang Xueyang! Puglis! Is she still alive?! Damn! The corners of his mouth twitched. With a smile, Jiang Xueyang gently pushed Paglis away, then struggled to drag his butt against the pain all over his body, and leaned against the corner, then he slowly raised his hand to hold the communicator and said, I'm still alive, okay? good. Oh, ma'am, thank God. Hank's voice came from the other side of the walkie-talkie, it sounded soothing-sounding, and he said eagerly I just saw a-- a gunship shot at you 1 On the top of the building, what the hell!' We were saved by the clutter, and I love that

The clutter was piled up. Holding the gun and leaning against Jiang Xueyang, Puglis pressed the communicator beside her ear and smiled, completely forgetting that she complained that the clutter had become the enemy's bunker. In short, you guys It’s good to be alive, from now on, we have to fight each other.” Old Hank’s words came from the communicator, and he only heard him exhort: “Be careful of those damn containers, there are breeding reptiles in them, and I will also Don't know what that is, but they climb walls anyway, just treat them like lickers, oh shit, we're in trouble here!' Wait Captain! What are lickers?! Also Before Jiang Xueyang could finish, the communication was rudely hung up. Pulling his fingers off the communicator beside his ear, Puglis and Jiang Xueyang looked at each other.

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