Pushing open the heavy bulletproof glass door and walking out of the military building in Loples, Yeger raised his head, and his eyes swept across the messy street in front of him. After a few seconds, he raised his head, Looking into the distance, there, under the sky illuminated by the fire, the gunships were constantly circling, pouring firepower towards the dense construction area below. Hmph, you can fly beyond that. Fly as much as you like. Yeger said with a sneer. Hger, whose full name is Grantanov Yeger, was born and raised in Idonia, when he was thirteen years old That year, when the Soviet Union disintegrated, the situation in Eastern Europe gradually became turbulent, and the Idonian regime faced major challenges. Three years later, Yeger joined the army in order to beg for food. To be honest, Yeger could not have imagined that he could achieve today's achievements. The national strength is weak, the government is corrupt and incompetent, the anti-government armed forces are numerous, and the military is full of wine bags. Against this background, one only insists on doing what he should The person who did the thing inexplicably became a new star of the military. Maybe this is the big one out of the dwarf. Yeger's ascension was fast, and within a few years, he became the deputy of General Carter, another military leader. Yeger didn't care about his achievements, because he knew very well, In Idonia, things like the military street are not as good as the women in the flower street of Loples. The former only needs a gun or money, while the latter cannot work with a gun. The situation in Idonia is chaotic, and the military There are many factions, the land is king, and they only accept the government's jurisdiction in name. In essence, they are a group of poor people who have lost their pants. Their income depends on scraping the oil and water of the people. The military sound of the army, the update of equipment and so on is a fantasy. With the money to buy a tank and sleep a few more women for the commander, isn't he fragrant? Although Yeger is quite dissatisfied with this situation, he is not What does it mean to be the master? The most important thing for a person is not to forget the original intention. Yeger joined the army just because he wanted to eat those crap and leave it to the big man to deal with it. I just need to make sure that the sound of the army from the two soldiers can be on time. It is enough to distribute according to the quantity.

But that's how the world is, and a lot of times, things backfire.

It was the leader of an Italian mafia, and Yeger had heard something about this man's past. Diablo didn't come to Loples voluntarily, he was

He was kicked out because he had no bottom line in doing things and touched the interests of too many people. Yeger hated Diablo, but he couldn't change anything, because his boss, General Carter, and Diablo wore the same pants. From here on, the smoky Idonia changed. It became even more chaotic, and the smell of chaos attracted a large number of war wild dogs. The army was addicted to drugs and could not extricate itself. The exploitation of the people under his rule became more and more serious. The young man with blond hair suddenly found Yeger. I, Giornoba, have a dream! Said the young man with curly blond hair from the Italian gang. This young man with golden spirit evoked The fire in Yeger's heart, so on a dark and windy night, the two of them turned against the water at the same time and came to their boss. The general died, this town mired in chaos has finally ushered in a new dawn. Although he sent away the villains of the old era, Loples has turned into an out-and-out villain. Wo, after the chaos, it is more about compromise, Yeger and Chobana had to formulate rules for these villains, such as allowing street fire wells, but only for pistols, and not allowing fully automatic weapons. Kind and friendly Italian friends will make you feel what, 04 enthusiasm from Naples, for example, if you don’t give money for shopping, you will be dealt with by the police, and if the police can’t deal with it, the military will deal with it. , If you have the ability to go shopping and not give money, it means that you are very powerful. You don’t give money because of your ability, and everyone can’t say anything about you. In short, after the short riot, Loples gradually stabilized, because The people here are basically high-income people, so no one complains about the harshness of the tax. At most, they will open a few interviews to show their dissatisfaction, so within a few years, the military and the Italians are very rich. , Although the pockets are bulging, Joe and Yeger have no plans to greatly expand their strength. After all, no one will bother Loples, and the Italian Mafia and the military also need to maintain a delicate Balance. It was the Lopres incident in 2005 that woke Yeger and Chopper with their slaps. On that day, the frog at the bottom of the well saw the real sky for the first time, and also felt the outside world for the first time. The horror. Since then, Yeger has been hoarding heavy weapons in the dark like crazy, and the mafia members under Chobana have also begun to receive military training from the military. On the surface, Loples It seems that there are no waves, but behind the scenes, the city is undergoing great changes, the local people who are crazy enough to be nervous and the foreigners who have successfully stayed after a lot of sand washing, plus the local armed forces that are not visible and do not reveal the water. The seemingly ordinary town of Les has turned into a terrifying military fortress before you know it. Now, this military fortress is about to start eating people! Looking at the sky shrouded in fire in the distance, Yeger suddenly laughed. The rebellion that subverted Loples seemed to reflect the sky like this.

Clearing his throat and restraining the smile on his face, Yeger stood up straight, his eagle-like temperament diffused again, and he shouted: Adjutant! The man in military uniform hurried to his side, then stood up, gave him a military salute, and shouted at the same time: Colonel Yeger!

Kay, how's the preparation going? Yeger asked in a deep voice. Report to Colonel Yeger, everything is ready, our soldiers are in high spirits and ready to fight at any time! replied forcefully.

Very good.. Yeger nodded and said: I will not mobilize before the war, and tell our soldiers that tonight's war is a war of revenge, our woman is an old enemy five years ago, and now, I want to hear the cries of those bastards, I want them to beg for mercy, I want to make those ignorant outsiders repent of their ignorance in hell! Do you hear it?! Heard! Yeager Colonel Er! the adjutant shouted. Now, let the young man 1 play, don't let the Italians steal the limelight! Yeger said in a deep voice. After a while, outside the warehouse of the barracks, wearing tattered military uniforms The soldier holding the small flag slowly opened the door of the warehouse, and saw that a huge underground hole had been dug out under the warehouse, which seemed to be only half the size of a basketball court, as if it was a huge parking lot. From the dark warehouse, the sound of the roaring engine came out, and then, armored vehicles with super-caliber heavy machine guns lined up, followed by - tanks, barracks In addition, hundreds of soldiers gathered at a high speed. They were wearing tattered military uniforms that were about to fade from washing. They held AK.47s in their hands. Grenades were hung around their waists, and a large number of soldiers also carried heavy machine guns, rocket launchers and bomb launchers. , at this moment, the faces of those soldiers are full of madness and excitement, and they can't wait to fight a big battle! Geer couldn't help but shouted loudly: *Come on! Gentlemen! Dedicate to me a war that will kill all the world's crows, like a storm!

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