What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

6-45. The macho supervisor online tidying up

Garya, what was that sound just now? Lying on the hospital bed, leaning against the yellowish pillow, Director Casimir stared at the door of the ward], looking uneasy: I don't know. It wasn't my illusion. It seemed as if the whole building was shaken down just now, as if something exploded. I don't know, maybe the medical dispute has escalated outside. Jia Liya frowned and said, as usual, In such a situation that she might be so anxious for the life of Director Casimir, she should have gone out to have a look, but since entering the hospital, the gunshots in the corridor seemed to have never stopped, and after a fuss 5. Carrie Ya is a little used to it. Really, the doctor-patient relationship here is really delicate. Tightening the small quilt covering him, Director Casimir shrank subconsciously, but I didn't expect that, Loples It's really an incredible place.. Yeah, it's an incredible place. Jia Liya said casually. Seconds later, Director Casimir suddenly frowned and said, No! Jia Liya didn't say anything, she just looked at Director Casimir on the hospital bed with a hint of questioning in her expression. Jia Liya, don't you feel it? ? From the loud noise just now, the corridor outside seemed to be extraordinarily noisy. Director Casimir looked ugly: Obviously, there were only two gunshots from time to time, but now, the gunshots are continuous. It may be that a very individual doctor-patient dispute has developed into a fire well for the medical team and the patient group.. Hearing the words of Director Casimir, Jia Liya's expression also began to become a little serious, she stood up She got up and stared at the door of the ward. At this moment, the Russian screams she could not understand were constantly being transmitted into the room with the gunshots. It was difficult for people not to feel that something was wrong outside. Pistol, just when Carrie was about to go out to take a look, Director Casimir suddenly raised her hand and said: Carrie stopped immediately, she turned her head, looked at Director Casimir a little puzzled, but saw Casey Director Mill frowned, with a serious expression, his eyes focused on the door of the ward, as if listening to something. What sound? I heard it, the yelling and gunshots were loud. Jia Liya replied. No, not a sound. Director Casimir frowned and whispered: This sound sounds like footsteps? Footsteps? Jialiya was slightly stunned , and then turned her head to look at the door of the ward. Indistinctly, she seemed to hear a sound, and the sound was getting louder and louder, as if...

In the next second, there was only a loud bang, and the door of the ward, mixed with broken bricks and rubble, flew up suddenly, brushing over Carrie's body and past Cassie.

Director Mill's legs slammed into the ward's window. The window glass was shattered instantly. The vase containing the withered flowers fell from the window sill and fell onto the cold concrete floor. The wall facing the ward had collapsed, and amidst the billowing smoke, a tall figure walked in with heavy footsteps. It had an expressionless face, had a gray bald head, and was wearing a heavy restraint suit, as if there was no one. Emotional killer, this is not a tyrant, what could it be? ! Damn it! It's T.I03C! Carrie! Run! At a glance, he recognized the model of the tyrant, and Casimir on the hospital bed was in charge of Ninja Can't stop shouting 0: Bring me by the way! Although I shouted to run, but there is no way out right now, behind the broken window, there are three stories high, if you jump down, whether it is Jialiya Even the director of Casimir would be killed on the spot. In the crisis, Carya raised her pistol without hesitation. Although this ignition power was basically useless for a tyrant, it was still necessary to struggle.

Jun slammed his face and fell to the ground, his heavy body crushed the empty hospital bed next to him, and his big gray-white head smashed directly at Jia Liya's feet. Lilith rushed up, her ruby-like eyes seemed to be burning with fire, the girl with silver hair and red eyes rode on the back of the tyrant, raised her white and tender pink fist high, and then pointed at the tyrant's The back of the head was smashed hard. In an instant, a burst of smoke rose up, and the cement floor under the tyrant's head was cracked. This heavy punch directly slammed the tyrant who was struggling to get up again to the ground, while the tyrant didn't get up, The silver-haired girl stood up expressionlessly and stepped back quickly, wrapping her arms around the tyrant's legs hidden under the coat, and then dragged the tyrant out of the ward directly. When the tyrant's face was dragged off the concrete floor, Also brought up a few pieces of fine rubble. For a time, only the frightened Carrie and the bewildered Director Casimir were left in the ward. He lowered his head and looked at the mold of the tyrant's face printed on the concrete floor, and then raised his head to look at the messy corridor outside the ward. The smile on Director Casimir's face gradually became wild, he said excitedly. : As expected of my daughter Director Casimir, there was a trace of worry between her brows. When Carrie turned around, she saw Director Casimir was struggling to get off the bed. Director Casimir grinned, but his movements were extremely agile, struggling to get out of the bed, Director Casimir immediately got off the card, he subconsciously wanted to get up, but the pain in his thigh made his body - soft, and then directly She threw herself into Jialiya's arms. Director Casimir, what are you doing?! Subconsciously caught Director Casimir, Jialiya was a little angry, she was about to scold Director Casimir but saw Cassie Director Mill's face, which was pressed against the two large white flowers, suddenly lifted up, with indescribable excitement in his eyes.

Carya! Help me out! Because the lower half of her face was still pressed between the white and the big, the F Institute stood up in the voice of Director Casimir, and even then, Carya still kept from There was unimaginable enthusiasm and urgency in Director Casimir's tone. Do you know what you're talking about? Director Casimir?! This time, Jia Liya really lost her temper, she said angrily: Don't you know that you have 5 on your body? According to you

With a physique that is so fragile that it is close to a disability, such an injury is enough to kill you! No! Carrie! I have to go out! With an unprecedented firmness in his eyes, Casimir said, That's between B0wZ. War! It is very important for the next step of research! Even if I lose my tongue! I had to wait for Director Casimir to finish her sentence, but Carrie interrupted her roughly, and the female secretary said coldly: You are not Have you already collected the battle data of Miss Tillyris? !

That's not the same! Carya! That's not the same! Director Casimir, whose face was half buried between the white and the big, shook his head and raised a wave. This is a rare opportunity for the product of the product to have the ability to fight after genetic perfection. It will give me an intuitive understanding of the perfect product of the research on the miniaturization and latentization of tyrants! At this moment, I must use my eyes to see Witness! Every time Director Casimir said a word, there would be a hot breath on Carrie's chest, which made Carya couldn't help turning a little red. She lowered her head and looked at her chest. The clear director Casimir, Jia Liya suddenly felt helpless. Why is this guy always like a child

In the end, the female secretary Leng Yan gave in to her willful supervisor, she nodded, and was about to add supervisor Casimir, but at this moment, supervisor Casimir suddenly chased after him: Wait, Carrie! Don't move. !

Jia Liya was stunned for a moment, then looked at Director Casimir with some doubts, but saw Director Casimir slowly closing her eyes, - shaking her head gently - and saying with a happy face: Don't move for now. , This is too soft, I rubbed it again.. In an instant, Carrie only felt her blood pressure soaring, her face was frosty, a sneer appeared at the corners of her mouth, and then she stretched out her arms and hugged Director Casimir's The neck was locked. Wait! Carrie! Don't breathe! Can't breathe! The neck is about to break! The neck is about to break!

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