What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

6-47. Hunk's Cheating Card

Winter Wolf 6, Winter Wolf 6, here's the 2 of Spades, we're entangled by a bunch of damn mud legs, ask for air support, repeat, ask for air support. A voice from the ground force came from the communicator , The gunship pilot replied immediately: 'Spade 2, here is Winter Wolf 6, please report your location.

Winter Wolf 6, we are in area 6, near the police station, and are currently converging with the K of Spades. The reply from the ground force came from the communicator, and the voice said eagerly: 'Our team is severely attenuated, and we need it urgently. Support! Understood, Winter Wolf 6 is already heading in your direction. Controlling the helicopter to make a sharp turn in the air, the helicopter pilot said: Let's teach those mud legs a lesson! With a roar, the armed helicopter He quickly approached the ground troops requesting support. Soon, the pilot of the helicopter flew over a relatively large building and reached the sky above Area 6. Through the green-lighted display screen, he saw those The enemy hidden in the alley. This is Winter Wolf 6, pay attention to concealment. The helicopter pilot said in a deep voice, he locked the target at the alley where the enemy was. Then he fired without hesitation, accompanied by the formation. There was a roar, the heavy firepower under the helicopter spit out tongues of flame instantly, dense bullets swept across the ground inside the alley, splashed a burst of smoke and then slammed into the enemy's position, - time, the house below The rubble that was beaten was scattered, and those mercenaries who were suppressed did not dare to show their faces. Tsk, why are these damn houses built so densely? They're like mouse holes... Cursing in a low voice, the pilot of the helicopter was hovering in the air, and through the display, he could faintly see those The local mercenaries are retreating quickly. Where is the Lord? With a sneer on his face, the helicopter pilot once again steered the helicopter to spit fire tongues. Because the buildings are too dense, it is difficult for him to fire directly at those mud legs, and once he adjusts the angle, those mud legs will He turned immediately and ran into the side alley. In the end, he could only let the

Incessant large-caliber bullets swept over the heads of the Mud Legs, driving them far away. Spade 2, here is Winter Wolf 6, I have successfully driven out the defenders in front of you, you can move forward.. Pulling the gunship high, hovering in the air of the entire sixth area, the helicopter pilot said : By the way, if the advance is blocked, consider the area 1 that is closer to you, where two teams are advancing with a T.103C tyrant, you can enter from area 7, by hitting those mud legs The flanks of the sub to relieve the pressure of the friendly advance.

Thank you for your suggestion, Winter Wolf 6... A friendly voice came from the communicator, and that voice said: 'Next we're going to move forward. Good luck, Spades 2.. Helicopter Pilot Shen said, from the monitor, he could see that the friendly troops that had just been stuck were moving fast in the direction of the target. These guys are really slippery.. Thinking of the group that relied on Jiang's surrounding buildings as bunkers, they succeeded The evacuated mud legs, the pilot of the helicopter cursed in a low voice, It's like a rat in the sewer - complaining, suddenly, a voice came from the communicator in his ear, and the voice was a little eager. :Attention to all parts, this is Golden Eye, a large number of armed forces are moving towards you through the central block! The number is roughly estimated to be more than four hundred, equipped with more than ten armored vehicles and tanks! What?! Armored vehicles and tanks? The driver of Winter Wolf 6 was slightly taken aback when he heard the information from Golden Eye, and then he couldn't help but be surprised: Who are those guys? It looks like the local government armed forces. Golden Eye replied Damn, doesn't it mean that the local troops in Idonia are poorly equipped, with only a lot of light weapons and a small amount of heavy weapons? The driver of Winter Wolf 6 couldn't help cursing, Don't you think this place is not messy enough? The intelligence department is eating dry. Is it sloppy? Don't complain, the order for this operation was directly issued by the Joint Committee, and the chase was very tight. The Intelligence Department [had no time to obtain accurate and detailed information at all. The Golden Eye on the other side of the communicator Our B0W has just dropped on the battlefield, - once this group of bastards with heavy firepower rushes into the s, the combat effect will be greatly reduced, I need you to stop those guys! Well, just a few armored vehicles and It's just a tank. It's not like a missile, is it? The voice of another gunship pilot came from the communicator, which seemed to be the driver of Winter Wolf 4, and the man sneered. Well, who are you going to send to death? This is not death! The Golden Eye on the other side of the communicator said loudly: Listen, I want you to go up high, and then hit their ground troops as much as possible and destroy their Armored vehicles, after the - round attack, you will leave the battlefield, understand? - round attack? Hehe, I'm afraid you won't even be able to hit half a round... The driver of Winter Wolf 4 smiled and said:, call me, I I'm still in a hurry to go down and reunite with my dad! Okay, since you're in such a hurry, then you can go! It seems that he was a little annoyed, and the tone of 'Golden Eye' became impatient, he said in a deep voice The single 8 of spades, 10 of spades, and U of spades immediately left the battlefield and moved to the 16th area to stop those government armed forces. Winter Wolf 4, Winter Wolf 5. Winter Wolf 6. Winter Wolf 7 is responsible for providing air support, and we are in contact. The technical team has changed the combat route of the two tyrants T.103C. They will release the restraint device when they reach the 16th area. In addition, I will propose reinforcements to the command. Now, let's move. Damn it, I thought I didn't have a chance, but not only did I get it, but I had to bite the bullet and fight this kind of battle. I really don't understand why a small-scale operation turned into what it is now? His face became more and more ugly. , The driver of Winter Wolf 6 controlled the gunship to slowly pull up, then drew an arc in the air and flew towards the mission target location.

....Whoops Yeager's Army

Has the team started yet? Sitting on Yeger's office chair, quietly staring out the window of the colonel's office, Li Yexing's mouth curled into a scheming smile, he stretched out his hand and touched under his buttocks , it took a long time to draw out a slightly deformed playing card, turned it over, and saw that it was a 6 of hearts. Go to your maiden. There was a hint of dissatisfaction on his face, and Li Yexing put the card in his hand. The playing card was torn off at will, and then he stretched his hand under his butt again, and pulled out another playing card from there. The poker card was turned over, and I saw a gray and white funny clown printed on the poker card, with a shy smile on his face. Well, that's right. The mood instantly became happy, Li Yexing leaned on the chair and played with his left hand. The gray ghost card, the right hand took out his hand from his pocket l. He dialed a certain number, and after a while, a familiar voice came from the opposite side of the phone, the voice said solemnly, Hello? Is it Li? It's me . Li Yexing said with a smile: They flopped, you can move. Very... Far away from Ganli, near the border of country R, ​​at the junction of Smolensk Oblast and 8 countries In the northern wilderness, Chris Redfield hung up the phone, he looked at Pierce who was beside him, then turned to the group of BSAA battlegrounds behind him and said solemnly: Ready to start the action target Black Ann. Brera Eastern European Division.

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