Who was that just now? Pierce, the handsome young sniper walking beside Chris, suddenly asked when the BSAA team quietly passed through the wilderness.

Just now? Hearing Pierce's words, Chris was slightly - - stunned, and then said: 'You mean the one who called? Seems to be on the phone with that guy a lot? Who the hell is he? Why are Captain and Miss Kelly so mysterious?

Chris hesitated for a moment, then said solemnly: That guy is our informant, right? He does that kind of shady business, so he knows a lot of things we don't know. Intelligence agent? Hearing Chris Pierce frowned slightly and asked. Of course Li Yexing is not an intelligence dealer, but Chris doesn't want to entangle Pierce more on this matter. It's not that he doesn't trust Pierce. He doesn't even know about Li Yexing. Tell yourself, your old partner for many years, the other person in the BSAA Golden Boy Jade Girl Group - Jill Watting. There are some things, the better the person who knows, the better, and it has nothing to do with trust. As one of the founders of BSAA, Chris Ray Durfield is very clear that the more intersections, the more flaws. Just like this operation... It is a bit embarrassing to say that this operation against the Eastern European branch of Black Umbrella has not been approved by the International Pharmaceutical Federation. When Li When Nightwalk informed Chris of the address of Black Umbrella's Eastern European branch, Chris was somewhat skeptical. After all, since the Lopres incident in 2005, Chris has been paying close attention to this organization hidden in the shadows. But not even a single hair of this organization was found, as if this behemoth was just made up by someone under the guise, and now, Li Yexing, the guy who never provided accurate information for himself, suddenly appeared and directly The address of the Eastern European branch of Black Umbrella was revealed, which made it difficult for Chris not to doubt the accuracy of the intelligence. Although he was skeptical, Chris decided to take a small team to take a look, so he Directly submitted an application for action to the upper management and the International Pharmaceutical Alliance to search for an unknown biochemical terrorist force on the border of country R. What happened next was a serious surprise to Chris, and his application for action was rejected at the speed of light Now! Chris didn't know that BSAA's efficiency could be so high! Looking at the old guys looking like they had their tails stomped on, Chris was basically sure, although about the black Umbrella he It's not very clear, but there must be something wrong with the address that Li Yexing gave him! Those old guys have ghosts in their hearts! Chris was instantly relieved, and since that's the case, why are you still bringing a team? Directly follow the large-scale anti-biochemical terrorist attack Wouldn’t it be nice to push the battle lineup? What? It’s not allowed by the International Pharmaceutical Federation? Joke! What am I, Chris, have you ever heard of those old people? Mr. Chris was pulled directly from the North American branch and the Far East branch - a large number of people were ready to go into action. Just on the eve of the operation, Chris suffered a - a little accident, when he changed his equipment in the warehouse and was ready to fight with the Far East When the branch merged, - turned around and saw Pierce, who was also fully armed. Captain, I'm going too. The young sniper said solemnly. After learning from Kelly that Chris planned to act without permission from the upper management, Pierce resolutely put on his equipment and went straight to the door. Damn, that big-mouthed girl. At this moment, Chris finally understood why Li Yexing didn't want to see Kelly anymore.

Initially, Chris did not consider bringing Pierce in this private operation. There are deep-seated reasons. Although Pierce is indeed an excellent sniper and reliable as a partner, as a BSAA war native Speaking of, Pierce is still a rookie. He has no experience in fighting B0W. According to Li Yexing's intelligence, this battle is likely to be extremely difficult. Chris thinks that Pierce is not ready. Of course, the above reasons are only secondary. The main reason is that the operator this time is unknown. Chris can foresee that no matter whether the operation is successful or not, he will not be able to escape his involvement. Accountability, maybe even dismissed, so he didn't want to implicate Pierce. Unlike him and the battle-hardened old guys he found this time, Pierce is still young and has a broader future. The world needs a young man like him, and Chris doesn't think Pierce should be in trouble with him. What's more, Pierce was trained by Chris as his successor. Twelve years have passed since the Raccoon City incident. In the past twelve years, Chris has been fighting everywhere. He has witnessed the rise of countless forces, the fall of countless forces, the death of countless conspirators, and the fact that he has witnessed all of this behind the scenes. Countless personal tragedies, he and those like-minded comrades in arms fought non-stop, but in exchange for not the stability of the world, but the growing biochemical terrorism, as if all their efforts were only to give things to got worse. God is pitiful, Chris is too tired, he urgently needs to stop, that is, at this time, Pierce appeared. He was an excellent young man, strong, intelligent, charismatic, righteous, and very enthusiastic about joining the BSAA

In this way, Chris brought Pierce from his original special forces unit into BSAA, and planned to train him as his successor. Although the young man looked a little exuberant, Chris didn't care. Said that he was very satisfied. In his opinion, young people should be like this, and the excessive part of their character will eventually be worn away by time. Considering Pierce's future, Chris didn't want Pierce's resume to be stained for his own sake, but the same sentence, life is unhappy + eight or nine, when Pierce found out that Chris didn't care about taking him out. too much

After taking the risk, he decisively threatened: If you don't take me with you, captain of this operation, I have to consider reporting your disobedience to the superiors. Female horse, if you don't take you out to play, you will report your father to the elders at home. Where are you the unlucky child to hide the money from the private house? In the end, Chris still compromised and said it in his heart. It would be good to bring this child out to see the world... A large number of thoughts kept going through his mind, Chris finally just sighed lightly, and he began to consider whether to tell Pierce about Li Yexing. After all, if Pierce was to take his shift in the future, he would definitely inherit the relationship between Chris and Li Yexing. Although it is against the original intention to rely on B0w's combat power, Li Yexing and his office are too easy to use, whether as an intelligence dealer or a thug. Yes, that guy is an intelligence dealer. After a while, Chris said solemnly to Pierce. In the end, Chris still didn't tell Pierce about Li Yexing.

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