What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

6-49. The macho is sleepy and stupid

After a long and quiet march, Chris and his team finally reached the vicinity of the predetermined coordinates, lying on the hillside, and Pierce, who was beside Chris, set up the sniper rifle in his hand, and observed through the scope. The situation under the hillside, I saw a huge farm standing behind the hillside. The outer wall of one side of the agricultural products was tied with a cheap barbed wire, and the other side was randomly surrounded by fences. The farm looked very huge, and on the edge of the farm, a two-story wooden house that looked a little dilapidated stood quietly there. On the other side, Chris took out the folding telescope at his waist, and when he unfolded it, he also focused his eyes on the farm under the hillside in the distance. After a while, Chris frowned and said, It seems that Here. Wait. Hearing Chris' words, Pierce was taken aback for a moment, and then said: This might just be an ordinary farm, right? I didn't see anything like a surveillance facility hidden on the outer wall or around, nor did I see it. Seeing that there are guards nearby, as a research facility, is this kind of protection a bit sloppy?

Just because the coordinates of this farm are completely consistent with the information provided by Li, it can't be an ordinary farm, Chris whispered: And to observe things, you can't just look at the appearance, but also analyze the inside, such a big one. A farm, the neighborhood is deserted, where do you think the main farmer lives? Of course he lives on the farm. Pierce was just about to answer, but was suddenly stunned, and then he also frowned and said, No, This farm seems to have no habitable part at all. After all, the most eye-catching building is a cowshed, isn't it? Chris said solemnly, he stood up slowly, and turned his head to face the BSAA team members behind him. They said, We have found the target, now, let's move forward. Following Chris's order, the BSAA unit hiding behind the hillside stood up, everyone looked cold, followed Chris's footsteps and descended the hillside from the front, then slowly. Slowly moving towards the huge clothing field in front of him. Walking in the wilderness, everyone is at every step, and Pierce is always around, looking for surveillance facilities that may be hidden nearby. In this tense atmosphere, the BSAA team spent It took a full + minutes to come to the fence of the farm. Although it is a fence, the height is only about the waist, and it can be stepped over with a little force. In the darkness, Chris looked around and saw that there was no one nearby, only the front There was a faint sound of cows in the cowshed, and a row of birds stood on top of the tattered cows. At first glance, it was impossible to tell whether it was a magpie or a crow. Just when Chris was about to cross the fence to search the cowshed. , I only heard the loud Russian, and then - a flashlight pierced through the darkness and shone on everyone's faces, and I saw a squat middle-aged man walking out of the cowshed, the man looked a little sloppy, Holding a fork for a fork, wearing dirty overalls, he looked very angry, but after seeing the large number of heavily armed BSAA soldiers outside the fence, he immediately persuaded. Step back After two steps, the man in Serenity raised his fork and kept screaming. Hearing the man dressed as a peasant on the other side of the fence talking in Russian, Chris and Pierce looked at each other, Chris thought for a while, then turned around directly To the players behind him: Kosikabayev! Come out! . The next second, as if to answer Chris's call, a big man in full armor squeezed out from the team behind him, wearing a jacket to see He put on a rather heavy body armor, with a 6P41 light machine gun on his back, an AK.12 in his hand, and a row of shotgun explosives hanging on his waist, he looked like a heavy soldier, Hey, Captain , here I come! Kosikabayev spit out the English with a thick tongue, and the big man said through the bulletproof mask: What do you need me to do? Why? Chris pointed to the squat farmer on the other side of the fence. Mi. Kosikabayev nodded, then turned his head and shouted a few words at the clothed man in Russian, while taking out his arms. Out - the relevant documents of the BSAA. After a few seconds of conversation, Kosikabayev took his documents back into his arms, then turned his head to Chris Low Said: The guy said he didn't know what BSAA said that our documents may be forged, and here is his private land, let alone us, even if the president of R country comes in person, he can't help him, if we don't leave, he About to call the police. Call the police? Chris thought it was a little funny, turned his head and looked at the squat man on the other side of the fence, his expression gradually became dangerous, he frowned and said to Kosikabayev next to him: Ask him , What are you doing here without sleeping in the middle of the night? Kosikabayev was stunned for a moment, then turned his head with a smile, and repeated Chris's question aloud in Russian to the man on the other side of the fence, while the man was red Shouting something around his neck, Kosikabayev turned his head to Chris and said: ' This guy said he had the upper hand at night. Chris didn't speak any more, he nodded thoughtfully, and then looked around Looking around, as if searching for something, and the squat man saw that Chris was no longer so aggressive, he sighed softly, raised his hand and hooked his cheek, as if he just wanted to scratch a tick, but right here In an instant, a mutation protruded, and Chris suddenly displayed agile movements that were completely inconsistent with the body he saw. A short stride leaped over the fence and rushed to the short and fat man on the other side of the fence. Seeing that Chris said nothing Fa suddenly rushed up, and the short and fat man turned pale in shock. He subconsciously raised the fork he used for the fork in his hand, just about to stab it, to see Chris slammed into his arms directly. Hooked up and slammed into the man's abdomen. In an instant, the man only felt that his stomach was about to be spit out, and his body lost the ability to resist. However, Chris's movements hadn't ended yet. He suddenly pulled the chunky man's arm, turning his back to himself. Then-kicked the man's knee socket, and at the same time bent his arm behind him with his backhand, pressing it to the ground. Instantly Controlling the chunky man dressed as a farmer, Chris frowned and stretched his hand to the ear where the man's fingers had just hooked.

Duo Shang, within a few seconds, Chris pulled out a fingernail-sized communicator from his ear. Seeing that his identity was revealed, the man who was pinned to the ground struggled violently, while constantly cursing something. , seems to be speaking harshly, after Chris's hand, the BSAA team members - one by one, climbed over the fence and came up, and Kosikabayev even stepped forward and kicked the head of the man who was pressed on the ground. - He said two words of Russian with his feet. After being jumped, the man immediately became honest, but he was still humming, and those small eyes kept gazing. On the other side, Pierce stood silently. Beside Chris, seeing the eyes of the man controlled by Chris keep drifting to the top of the bullpen, Pierce was stunned for a moment and then turned his head subconsciously to follow the man's gaze. The next second, Pierce only felt Chills all over the body. I saw the crows at the top of the cow phase before, standing in a row staring here, I don't know if it was Pierce's illusion, he seemed to see a little red light in the crow's eyes.

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