What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

6-54. The macho wife wants to post

After the quarrel was over, Li Yexing quickly arranged a new task for Ti Lilian and hung up the phone. Li Yexing thought about it, it seems that only Ti Lilith and Tong have not arranged yet? Lilith and Hitomi's task was to protect Director Casimir, and there was no extra arrangement, but out of concern, he still decisively called Tilly Jingsi. Contrary to Li Yexing's expectations, no one answered the phone. Listening to the busy tone from the phone, Li Yexing's heart slowly picked up, thinking that something must have happened, right? Just when he was about to hang up the phone, The phone was suddenly answered, and in a burst of gunshots and shouting, the familiar voice came from the other side of the phone: Do you travel at night? Tiililith? Ye Xing was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, Why are you so noisy over there? Something happened?

Mouth, followed by a burst of exclamations, and the noise on the other side of the phone suddenly disappeared. After a while, Tililith said in a low voice: Is it still noisy? Yexing? No more. Li Yexing whispered Dao, he vaguely felt that there might be something wrong with the hospital, but he didn't really want to get into it, so he said to Tililith: Is yours okay? It's okay. Tiliris whispered to herself: Is Yexing coming to see me? I'm so bored, I want to hug Yexing.. No, my heart is going to melt-I'm afraid I can't now, I still have things to do.. Blood pressure rises, old face--red, Li Yexingqing After clearing his throat, he said: 'Where's Hitomi? And you

As soon as Li Yexing finished speaking, he heard another loud noise from the other side of the phone. Then, he seemed to faintly hear Hitomi Kanjima shouting in Japanese, and his tone sounded very pleasant. After a moment of silence, Tillyris lowered his voice. Said Tomi's words, go to the bathroom. That's it. Nodding mechanically, Li Yexing said, In short, you'll be fine, I'll be busy next time. Yexing is busy. That unwavering voice whispered: Remember to come back and hug... After hanging up the phone, Li Yexing's mouth twitched with a smile, he knew very well that something must have happened at the hospital, but it seemed that Tililith and Hitomi Wan

Probably because he didn't want to worry about it.. Well, since you can handle it, you can rest assured and leave it to them.. Li Yehang stood up, stretched his head, and took the red Joker playing card under his butt. Inserted into the body armor, then grabbed his AR-15 from the wall behind him, and said with a smile on his face: Finally it's my turn to play.

Hanging up the phone, she glanced at the lock screen wallpaper of her and Li Yexing's group photo, and the expressionless Tililith turned off her phone, and then stuffed the phone back into her trouser pocket with her slender, white hand. Under her butt, there was a Something throbbed, struggled, and slowly propped up. Oh, I felt the hard touch from Ruo Ruo's buttocks, Tililith stood up and slid down, standing up slowly, she didn't turn around, she just turned her face sideways, and looked at the monster with the corner of her eyes. , the tyrant's body is already full of imitation scars, and the coat is also

It has become tattered, and some of the muscles under the body have begun to swell, as if it is about to be unshackled, but the most interesting thing is the tyrant's head. At this moment, the shape of the tyrant's head has become very strange, It's like half a gourd that's been cut in half. It seems that the skull was deformed by himself. Under the contemptuous eyes of Tilly, the T.103C Tyrant slowly stood up from the cracks in the ground, shook off the rubble on his body, and then suddenly issued - roared, as if to vent her anger at being beaten - half, Tililith didn't care too much, she just looked around, in the hospital corridor,

The thugs in white gods, the bandaged thugs, and the thugs in wheelchairs are quietly watching Tililith, as if waiting for something

Continue. Like a queen sitting on the throne. The expressionless silver-haired girl gave orders to everyone coldly. The next second, crazy and excited roars and fierce gunshots filled the entire line again. Corridor, all kinds of firepower from all sides 1 \\ Fang hello to the tyrant's body and expression The frenzied thugs wantonly vent their inner passion, even though they know very well that the fire power in their hands can't seem to shake the huge monster , but this did not prevent the honest and honest local people from welcoming this big outsider who seemed not very good at speaking with their own enthusiasm. Just now, Tililith, who wanted to talk on the phone with Li Yexing, used a rude gesture to make all the doctors and patients who were clamoring to talk. According to the style of the Loples, if you are a disgusting guy, no matter how hard you can fight, the locals will not sell you a good face, but the ancient Loples mascot from a certain firm Miss Tililith is obviously not in the rank of disgusting, after all, who doesn't like a beautiful girl with silver hair and red eyes? The happiness of men and men is often interlinked. On the other side, watching the T-103C tyrant who stood up again rushing towards him, Tililith's face was as usual, she just stood there quietly and waited for the tyrant to raise her fist towards Tililith. Si dodged sideways, then stepped on the tyrant's fist and jumped up suddenly, and kicked the tyrant's side face with a whip in the air. The head was hit hard again, and the tyrant ran with him and collided with the wall next to him. into the ward. Oh oh oh! All of a sudden, cheers resounded throughout the corridor, and everyone was cheering for the girl, this earth-shattering friend, a soil protector wearing white silk ran up courageously, and she followed- Panaru AK.47's doctor borrowed a mobile phone, then stepped over the tyrant lying on the ground and came to Tililith's side, half stepped down and raised the phone, as if he wanted to come with Tillyris--Zhang Taiying.Ti Lilith raised her hand, lightly blocked the camera of her phone, shook her head at the nurse beside her, and whispered, Yixing said not to take pictures with outsiders.

Hearing Tililith's words, Miss Nurse lost her enthusiasm instantly, she stood like a salted fish.

He got up and was about to turn his head to leave when he heard a loud bang, and the door of the bathroom next to him suddenly flew out with a large piece of rubble, and then, the tyrant waving his arms in a random manner and ran away. When they came out, Tililith looked up indifferently following the sound, and saw that the tyrant's face was covered with knife marks, which looked like a squid flower that had been carefully processed by the chef. Even though the cold tap water was on the ground, she walked slowly out of the bathroom with water all over her body. She tilted her head slightly, with a dazed smile on her face, and whispered in Japanese: kill, kill,

There was a sound in front of her, and Tililith lowered her head silently, only to see the tyrant who was hammered into the ward just now struggling to stand up, like a stubborn Xiaoqiang who could only be beaten to death, but he didn't wait to stand up. Body, the tyrant with his face shaved - stepped on its ass and pressed it back to the ground. The silver-haired and red-haired petite girl sighed rarely. To be honest, she was a little tired. After all, at this moment, her mind was full of sticking with Li Yexing.

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