Soldiers in old military uniforms shouted Russian, took a big mouthful of vodka, and then launched a brave charge with AK-47s. The black gunships covered the entire street with firelight, and the furious soldiers pressed the enemy in the alley, daring not to show their heads. The soldiers in uniform and the surrounding buildings were thrown into the sky in the firelight. The sound of gunfire, the sound of artillery, the sound of engines, and the shouting of soldiers, at this moment, Loples finally turned into a real battlefield. Next to a broken down tank, Yeger closed his eyes and sniffed. With the smell of gunpowder smoke, Soviet March accompanied by Jingjing slowly opened his arms, as if immersed in the intoxicating atmosphere of this battlefield. Wait, why is there music? Yeger snapped back to his senses, looked around, and at the same time shouted: Who's playing the music?! Report to the colonel, it's me! Yeger's adjutant ran out holding a speaker.

Eyebrows raised slightly, Yeger looked at the speaker held in his adjutant's arms, and then slowly looked back along the wire of the speaker, only to see the wire - Lu Yan 3. Finally, he entered a certain place on the street. Inside a small shop. This was Major Stanwell's proposal, to play music while the soldiers were fighting, to cheer up the soldiers. . I have to remind you, (Soviet March) is not a real Soviet song, it was used by the little Bolsheviks in country A to insult the Soviet Union, in order to exaggerate the aggressiveness of the Soviet Union. Listening to the music from the speakers, Ye Ye Gerr couldn't help but comprehend his lieutenant.

Then shall I turn it off? the adjutant asked loudly.

How can you play music during wars? Yeger thought about it, then said to his adjutant, But let's just leave it like this, it's quite atmospheric.

Yes! Sir! the adjutant replied loudly, Yeger could see that both the adjutant and the soldiers under his command seemed to be quite excited. boom

It spun around, and then smashed directly towards the enemy's station. After a while, there was another explosion, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the smoke that turned into black in the fire continued to rise. Very good! Tell the soldiers. Shoot all those flies down! Yeger shouted.

In the sky illuminated by the firelight, the helicopter that had already flown far circled in the air, and then flew back again. The surrounding soldiers shouted for concealment. The next second, the machine guns roared, and the large-caliber roared. The machine gun ammunition slowly pressed from the road to the position of the Etonian government army, and the flesh and blood of several soldiers who were trying to charge forward were flying. Yeger immediately lay behind the tank and only heard a burst of Tintin. With a bang, the dense rain of iron hit the armor of the tank and shot sparks one after another. Yeger, who was behind the tank, turned around - waving his arms - and shouted: Fall down! Female horse's! Don't! Let it fly far! With Yeger's order, the turret of the automatic artillery on the side slowly rotates. Although there is a tank chassis, there are four gun barrels inserted into the turret. Behind the barrels, There was an army green radar like a pot lid. It slowly locked onto the helicopter that was maneuvering in the air, trying to turn around. Then, all the gun barrels roared at the same time, and a dense shell ripped through the sky. Chasing the gunship, smashing holes one by one on the helicopter, and then, the tail of the helicopter shattered suddenly, burning black smoke, the gunship whirled in the sky, and then straightened. It fell to the other side of the street. Yeah, that's it! Yeger said loudly: God. There are two more! Shoot them all down for me! When we get rid of this annoying group of flies, we will The team can move forward! Ulla! For a time, unrestrained roars filled the entire street, and the soldiers' faces had fanatical smiles, as if they had been beaten by chicken blood, and they saw a helicopter flying farther and farther. ,-- A soldier's missile on the roof was sprayed from the launcher, it stopped in the air for a moment, and then slammed out a puff of smoke, and flew out quickly towards the helicopter, as if seeing the oncoming The missile came, the helicopter struggled to pull up slowly, but it was in vain, because the stinger had locked it! With the tail smoke drawing an arc in the night sky, the stinger missile smashed directly The windshield of the helicopter, and then, with an explosion, the helicopter instantly turned into a big fireball. The moment before the explosion, the helicopter shot something towards the street like a dying struggle. The thing slammed into Yeger's hiding anchored tank with a straight trajectory. The next second, the flames rose, and the anti-tank missile directly knocked on the shell of this steel behemoth, although Yeger and his adjutant were hiding. It was in time, but the shock wave of the explosion still knocked them to the ground. With the sound of the explosion, the speaker in the adjutant's hand suddenly fell out and rolled on the ground. After a few bumps, the sound quality of the speaker instantly became weird. When he got up, he didn't know where he fell. His vision became a little blurry. Yeger, who was lying on the ground, slowly got up. He felt like something was stuffed in his ears, and he couldn't hear anything in the firelight. , he raised his head, and saw that the rockets with no accurate head cut through the sky with tail smoke, and the enemy's only remaining gunship was crossing the arc in the sky while trying to avoid it. With one rocket launcher, firepower was poured towards the government army's position, but this struggle was futile in the face of absolute firepower advantage. It crossed two arcs in the air, and then shot from both directions at the same time, hitting the helicopter together. With the sound of explosion, the enemy's last helicopter also turned into broken metal. Seeing that the enemy's gunships were all shot down, Yeger's mouth twitched up - a grim smile

,- put one hand on Yeger's body and dragged him from the ground. Yeger turned his head and saw his adjutant shouting something at him, but in Yeger's view, his own The adjutant seemed to be silent. His fingers brushed his right ear, which was a little sore, and blood stained, Yeger frowned, then turned his left face to the adjutant, and shouted at the same time: 'You and his female horse! Come down! The adjutant's roar could be heard faintly from the left ear, Yeger turned around and kicked the adjutant's calf, roaring: I can't see? You are blind when you think I am?!

What are we going to do next?! the adjutant yelled. Go! There is no obstacle ahead! Let's go up! Clean up all the junk across the street! Yeger yelled. Got the order, the adjutant immediately The dry walkie-talkie yelled at the walkie-talkie. Although Yeger couldn't hear it a little, he knew very well that his adjutant was giving a big order. The next second, accompanied by the sky-shattering Ula sound and the music with explosive sound quality With a sound, hundreds of soldiers in tattered military uniforms rushed out of the alleys and shops next to the street under the cover of fire. They opened fire on the opposite side of the street while running wildly, like a group of war monsters. At this moment, Yeger suddenly felt like he was dreaming of returning to the Soviet Union.

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