In Loples, after killing the aerial firepower of the Eastern European branch security forces, the Idonia government forces began a full-scale offensive, and the Eastern European branch headquarters far away on the border of the R country, the battle of BSAA is also like this. The fire was like tea. They found the underground entrance of the Eastern European branch in the cowshed of the camouflage farm, and then divided into two fighting groups to enter directly. The large number of security forces and the large number of BOW mobilization led to the defense of the Eastern European branch headquarters. Abnormally empty, Chris ripped open the enemy's flimsy defenses with little effort, with his heavily armed BSAA fighters, and drove straight in. In the corridor with white lights, after clearing the monitors in the corners, the BSAA fighters cling to the wall and wait silently, only to see a bald BSAA fighter wearing sunglasses using a Pad-like The instrument carefully scanned the wall. On the screen of the instrument, the red glowing circles continued to expand outward. After sweeping a section of the wall, the soldier put away the instrument in his hand, and turned his head to face each other. Chrisby gestured for six enemies lying in ambush on the other side of the wall. Chris didn't speak, he just turned around, looked behind him, and nodded at Kosi Kabayev from the BSAA extreme eastern branch, who was heavily armed

Kosikabayev understood, he came to the wall, took a plate-sized Xia shot explosive from his waist, and pressed it hard on the wall in front of him, the drill bit on the shot shot penetrated the wall instantly. , Then a voice sounded: Boom, boom, boom.

The next second, accompanied by a burst of yelling from the opposite side of the wall, the sound of the explosion rang out. In the explosion of the sound, the yelling of the enemy on the opposite side of the wall gradually became miserable. After a while, there was no sound from the opposite side. The BSAA war soil wearing sunglasses took out the instrument again and scanned the wall. After confirming that there were no enemies, he nodded to Chris, who frowned and whispered, Come in! Accompanying Chris The order, Pierce rushed across the corner and stepped over the unrecognizable corpses in front of him that had been blown up by shotgun explosives. When he arrived at the door, Pierce kicked the door open, and at the same time lowered his center of gravity to check the internal situation. Chris followed closely. Afterwards, after confirming that there was no threat in the house in front of him, Chris made a tactical gesture to signal safety, and the team members behind him rushed in immediately. Quickly knocking down the monitor in the room, Chris pressed the communicator in his ear: This is the AIphaB team. It has successfully reached the database. How is your situation?

Here is the Bravo team, the attack is very smooth, no casualties, we have just killed a tyrant, and now we are heading to the archives, just now we found a list of employees, and I will send it to you immediately. The voice of a troop captain heard that everything was going smoothly, and Chris finally let go of his dangling heart. He pressed the communicator and whispered: , continue to act, collect all possible data, and arrest them as much as possible. Researchers. Understood! replied the captain of Bravo's team. After cutting off the communication, Chris turned his head and glanced around, only to see the players around him rummaging for information that might be useful. Relaxed, he came to Chris and joked: This is the action that you didn't want me to participate in? It's too easy 7. Entering here is like entering my own home-group easy. Don't relax Being vigilant and the sense of danger brought by walking on the line of life and death all the year round made Chris couldn't help reminding Pierce. After a pause, he continued, And the reason why we are so relaxed is because most of the armed forces in this facility are The power is now trapped in Idonia. What are they doing in Idonia? Pierce asked in doubt after hearing Chris's words.

Who knows? Maybe there is something in a hurry to get it back. Recalling the Loples incident, Chris said casually: In short, this task is not as easy as it seems, and we need to find problems at the BSAA headquarters. And before the security force of this facility returned to help, the battle was resolved. Pierce shrugged, as if he didn't agree with Chris's words. Seeing Pierce's unconcerned appearance, Chris wanted to say a few more words, but right here At that time, Chris's cell phone rang. Chris took out his cell phone and saw on the screen that the captain of the Bravo team had sent him a document. After opening the document, he saw an employee of the Black Umbrella Eastern European branch. list.

Subject to the discipline of blindness, discipline means unity, unity means strength, strength is life, black Umbrella, needs every employee to perform their duties. Lightly chanting the top line of the staff list, Chris's eyebrows There was a hint of sarcasm, and he whispered to himself: Oh, I thought this stupid talk would have been buried in the ground with Umbrella. After reading those stinky and boring words, Chris Swiping his finger, he saw on the screen - - a photo and its corresponding person's name as well as the relevant professional bow. The most senior is the minister xx, - a man named Lexie Mando Toroyevsky, Followed by the research director, a man with a very wretched appearance named Angel Paranov, and then the names of various researchers and low-level employees, Chris flipped the list twice, and finally The target is locked on the minister and the research director. These two people will definitely know a lot of information about Black Umbrella, if they can be captured alive... just thinking about the next action, a soldier from BSAA suddenly ran over, and he stood beside Chris. , and then said in a deep voice: Captain, the data in the database has been downloaded. Downloaded? So fast? Hearing the soldier's words, Chris was slightly taken aback. No. The BSAA soldier shook his head. He shook his head and said: 'The database has been deleted in large numbers, some of the more important data may have been deleted. According to the time calculation, it is likely to open at the first time when we start the attack.

Chris frowned slightly. The first time they attacked this place, the person in charge of the facility started to delete the data? What is this operation? Intend to resist the same. In an instant, thoughts flashed through Ke's mind, and Chris raised his head suddenly and said loudly: Don't worry about these data! It's all meaningless things, hurry up and go deeper! The person in charge of this facility wants to run! After all, Chris quickly raised his hand and pressed the communicator in his ear: This is the Bravo team, we have reached the archives... The Bravo team leader's annoyed voice came from the other side of the communicator, and he said angrily: Damn it. , Chris, you have absolutely no idea what these bastards did, they. They burned all the files, right?! Chris said directly. How do you know? Chris's quick reply made the Bravo team leader slightly - - stunned. Because the database on our side has also been deleted, it is clear that the big fish is going to run away... Chris said solemnly: Listen, forget about those damn foundation researchers and materials, this facility will definitely have Something like a tarmac, you immediately lead the team to find there, stop them from escaping, and I lead the team to start a search from the other side and catch them all!

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