The sound of footsteps resounded in the dimly lit corridor. A short middle-aged man in a white coat was running--he was breathing heavily, and when he was about to dodge-a corner, he slammed open the door of the room next to the corridor, and drilled with his head. He went in, then hid behind the cabinet in the room, and the violent running almost tore his senses. At this moment, he only felt gold stars in his eyes and a splitting headache. Even so, he stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and dared not speak. Not the slightest sound. It didn't take long for the sound of footsteps to come from the corridor outside the room. Then, the voice of a middle-aged man came in, and the man said, Where did this guy go? Why did he disappear in a blink of an eye? Already? Maybe they hid in a certain room? Another person's voice rang out, and then the door of the room was pushed open, and the light in the corridor came in through the crack of the door and sprinkled on the cabinet. Next to the middle-aged man, the man's eyes widened instantly, and he could hardly hold his breath. He had even seen the black figure reflected in the white light, but then, the man outside the door said, Forget it. Now, that guy can't run very far, we split our troops, one team chases forward, the other team controls the entrance and exit of this facility, the research director is a big fish, 0 we can't let Chris. I think Redd Mr. Field doesn't care much about these things. The young man who pushed the door turned his head and said casually. He doesn't care, I'm at peace.. The middle-aged man said: Okay, don't worry about these details, let's hurry up, we don't have enough time. With the words of the middle-aged man outside the door, The dense footsteps sounded again, and soon they were gone. Moments later, the man who was hiding behind the cabinet sighed in relief. He let go of the hand covering his mouth, and then it was like a stranded man. big fish

Gasping. The middle-aged man's name is Angel and Paranov. He is the research director of the Eastern European branch of Black Umbrella. Like a research director from the European branch, he is not good at running. Hiding tiredly behind the cabinet, Paranov did not rush to get up, but quickly took out a small medicine bottle from the chest pocket of the big white box. After begging for two pills with a bitter face, his expression changed. It eased up a little. Paranov swore that this day was definitely the worst day he had ever experienced in his life. He never dreamed that the BSAA, which was supposed to be controlled by the International Pharmaceutical Federation, would come directly to the door, and it was still in the When the armed forces of the Eastern Europe branch went out, the internal defense was so empty that it could almost be ignored. When the news that BSAA had invaded the facility came, Director Paranov immediately notified Allie, who was far away in Idonia. Keshay, but Alexei's return to the summer is very simple, that is, I let him drag it, Paranov didn't think about reporting the situation directly to the headquarters, but Alexei directly refused, and stood in the pavilion. From Ranov's point of view, he also doesn't want the headquarters to know about this. As the only researcher in the Eastern European Division, Paranov can be said to be Alexei's confidant. He knows many secrets about Alexei. For example, Alexei and a certain joint committee of the headquarters The delicate relationship between MPs. Like Alexei, who was eager to help Senator Sadleton leave the Eastern European branch, Paranov hoped to use Alexei's transfer to leave the poor and bad waters of the Eastern European branch. If the headquarters knew, his and Alexei's road to transfer and promotion would be blocked. Neither Alexei nor Ranov would like to see such a situation, and objectively speaking, even if you ask for help from the headquarters, it will take a huge amount of time from passing the bill to sending troops to arriving here. Time, enough time for the heavily armed forces of the BSAA to knock down the Eastern European branch several times. In desperation, Paranov chose to release the remaining part of the BOW in the facility. Except for the two T.103C-type tyrants, most of the rest were still in the experimental state. As soon as the monsters left the experimental area, they ran around like wild dogs, and began to indiscriminately attack all living things in the facility, killing some of the security forces, and some of the researchers and workers. The only thing that could not stop the group of BSAA soldiers. In this indoor environment, there is no room for BOWi to carry out sneak attacks. Seeing that the situation is not good, after experiencing a fierce ideological struggle, Director Paranov , had to make a choice.. run first, running is more important than anything else! Unlike those researchers and low-level employees who don't know anything, as the research director of the Eastern Europe branch, Paranov knows too much The secret of Black Umbrella is gone, and Black Umbrella has an unusual relationship with the International Pharmaceutical Alliance. Although Palanoff doesn't know why the BSAA is hitting the door,1 he is very clear, - once it falls into the hands of the BSAA He is dead, and the International Pharmaceutical Federation will find a way to keep his mouth shut. After realizing his situation, Paranov resolutely chose to run away, but this involves the issues mentioned earlier, Like a nearly crippled European branch research director, Director Paranoff was not good at running, and just ran out - half way, he was speeded up by the BSAA chasing from behind. Forced to dodge, he hid He entered this small storage room, but from the moment he entered here, he deeply understood one thing, he could not get out. There is no doubt that those BSAAs have already run in front of him, they will block Stay at all the exits and want to go out, unless Paranov can dig a hundred meters long hole in the ground! In other words, Director Angel Paranov is dead. ... even... why the hell did it become like this? In the darkness, the desperate director Paranov whispered to himself, recalling the death row he had brought in from the outside and bought it from human traffickers. Paranov couldn't help but grit his teeth for a while when his children were sent to the test bench, and at this moment, he finally realized what it was like to have his own destiny in the hands of others. such a feeling. No, I can't just die like this, at least I shouldn't die in this way. In a trance, Paranov's eyes were filled with a hint of determination.

Absolutely and fiercely, this I. He has not been killed by the district, he still has a chance! Although it is very slim, it is better than waiting to die! With trembling hands, he reached into his trousers pocket and took out a small The silver metal rod, Paranov pressed the switch on the metal rod, and suddenly, with a soft sound, the metal rod shrunk and opened to both sides, revealing the glass tube covered by the metal rod. The glass tube was filled with a transparent pink liquid, and in the liquid, one by one black spherical particles could be faintly seen, and they were floating in the pink liquid, as if there was life. As a research supervisor , as an elite, my genes are undoubtedly the best among human beings, and I can definitely control its power.. Staring at the glass tube in his hand, Director Paranov whispered like a demon : Furthermore, even if I die, I can't let Zhenxia die. I want to burn my brilliance like a phoenix in flames! After making up my mind, Director Paranov stood up majestically. He put the glass tube back in his pocket, then hunched his body out of the storage room, and walked step by step toward the bottom floor of the facility, where all the corpses that had failed experiments and were waiting to be incinerated were piled up.

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