In the black Umbrella station outside Loples, Alexei, who looked cold, put his mobile phone back into his pocket silently. On the other side, his adjutant Lu Xiao ran over and said, Minister, 'Ymir. ' is ready, ready to start. Alexey didn't speak, he just hid himself in the shadows, leading slightly, so that people couldn't see the expression on his face.

-The adjutant next to him was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but called out in a low voice. I can hear. Alexei suddenly opened his mouth and said coldly. He turned his head, his eyes passed through the woods and the mounds, and looked in the direction of Loples silently for a while, then he said solemnly: Launch Well, launch 'Ymir' towards the center of Loples. Yes, Ministry x.. The adjutant felt something was not quite right in his heart. In his opinion, Alexei's order was too hasty, and there was no mood swing of Sibo, which made him a little unable to guess Alexei. Xie's idea, but as an adjutant, he doesn't need to doubt Alexei's order, he just needs to faithfully implement it. Taking out the walkie-talkie hanging on his shoulder, the adjutant whispered: * Department xx gave an order to immediately launch 'Ymir'. Wait, are you sure? The voice on the other side of the walkie-talkie was filled with surprise and confusion, as if he couldn't understand the order. His eyes swept over to Alexei, who was standing in the shadows, but the adjutant still couldn't see his expression clearly, so the adjutant whispered: Launch, this is a xx

.... The reply came from the other side of the walkie-talkie, with a little hesitation and doubt in his tone, and then the communication was cut off. After a while, there was a sudden roar on the road away from the convoy, and then, the scorching temperature spread, frantically scorching the surrounding air, and the large smoke and dust rolled away with the wind pressure, all the guards on the ground. The army couldn't help but focus on the past, only to see in the night sky in the distance, a huge luminous object dragged the tail flame and thick steam into the sky, rising into the sky like a rocket launch, and then streaked in the air. The arc went straight in the direction of Loples. Seeing that Ymir had been launched, Alexei's face did not show the slightest expression. At this moment, his heart was full of joy and sorrow. Because Alexei knew that his future might be over. News came from the Golden Eye on the front line that the defense line organized by the security forces was being squeezed frantically by the Idonian government forces. With the loss of air support, they could not hold on for long, even if the two sides were unshackled. The T-103C tyrant can't resist this kind of firepower comparable to the regular armored force for a long time. Once the defense line is completely torn apart, the security force members who are caught in the street battle will completely lose the possibility of withdrawing. They will be nibbled inside a little bit, and all that awaits them is a rout. In addition, just now, Alexei suddenly found that he was completely unable to contact the Eastern Europe branch, all communications could not be connected, even the research director Paranov's mobile phone could not get through, Alexei Understand that the Eastern European branch has fallen, and this desperate battle, he has completely failed. It's really strange? What went wrong? Why can the poor Idonian government army suddenly pull out a heavy firepower armored force? Why since 2 has a large number of B0W and better equipment, but still can't fight in the street Beat these scumbags? Why was the research director so decisive in selling the black Umbrella to the BSAA? Did he really think he could get away with selling himself to the BSAA? Will the side let him sue BSAA about the black Umbrella's intelligence?! Too many reasons are entrenched in Alexei's head, but Alexey has no intention of thinking, after all, this kind of thinking is very important to the current situation. The situation doesn't help, now, he needs someone to be held accountable for this failure. As long as he can put all the blame for this failure on someone else, maybe he still has a chance, as long as he can help Senator Sadleton kill Europe The branch's Alzeric division xxK, he is still a qualified hound! In an instant, a plan took shape in his head, and Alexei couldn't help showing a somewhat hideous smile.

Walking out of the shadows, he walked slowly towards a black troop transport truck under the watchful eye of the adjutant. When he arrived at the side of the carriage, Alexei first cleared the security forces who were standing by the side of the vehicle, and then lifted his foot to enter. In the carriage, under the dim light, he saw Bai Muqing sitting quietly in the carriage with his eyes closed at a glance. Hearing the noise from the side, Bai Muqing slowly opened his eyes, and saw that the person entering the carriage was Allie Keshay, she asked in a low voice, What was the noise just now?

-im.. Alexey replied in a low voice: That is the final product of the 'Ymir Project', the crystallization of the combination of BOW and modern military technology, and its manufacture continues my former mentor. A design concept of Sergei Vladimir, which improves the production process of T-ALO.5 and equips it with a more powerful weapon system. There is no doubt that T-Yimr can be used for the front in the true sense. Battlefield B0

You didn't tell me that you still have this kind of thing in your hand, Bai Muqing said with a blank expression. Because I didn't want it to play, after all, it was too expensive, so I hid it in the back of the team. There was a trace of regret in Alexey's eyes, and he whispered, Such a good product, I Originally, I planned to use it to subvert the headquarters' view of the Eastern European branch, but I had to pay it here. Although I can collect a full set of actual combat data, it is still a pity... I will pay here. For those T At first glance, it was obvious that the development project based on tyrants was not of interest. Bai Muqing immediately grasped the cryptic information conveyed in Alexei's words. She slightly raised the corner of her mouth and said, It seems that you Completely screwed up Yes, I screwed up, I still underestimated the fighting power of those mud legs. To Bai Muqing's surprise, Alexei directly and generously admitted his failure, he shrugged , said with a light smile: No

That's all, just as we were talking, the BSAA was attacking the headquarters of the Eastern Europe Division. I might have already taken it down. What?! This news really frightened Bai Muqing, and her eyes changed instantly. Feeling cold, Bai Muqing frowned and said: 'What did the headquarters say? Has the emergency plan been activated? Has the Joint Committee started to communicate with the International Pharmaceutical Alliance? They didn't say anything. Alexei He smiled and said, Because I didn't tell them anything.. Minister Alexei! Are you crazy?! Hearing Lexie's words, Bai Muqing finally couldn't control it, she stood up suddenly, He subconsciously stared at his eyes and said angrily: 'Do you know what you are doing?! Do you know that your actions will destroy the Eastern European branch and even threaten the headquarters and branches in various regions?! Your loyalty What?! Where's your dogma?! Come on, pampered elite lady. The inexplicable smile on his face disappeared, replaced by the deep contempt in his eyes, Alexey raised his eyebrows and said: If you have time to worry about Black Umbrella, it's better for you to worry about yourself. After all, you are a detestable, pathetic, despicable traitor!  … Bai Muqing was stunned for a moment.

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