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Sir! News from the people below, our flank is coming - a new batch of enemies! Yeager's lieutenant Kaye shouted to Yeager amid the gunfire

Yeager was stunned for a moment, then turned around and pointed his left ear to his adjutant. At the same time, he said loudly: I didn't hear you clearly. Say it again! The enemy's reinforcements appeared on our flank! The adjutant said loudly. How many people? What size? How many heavy weapons? Yeager asked Zeng aloud. Dozens of people, light infantry, didn't see them carrying heavy weapons! The adjutant replied loudly: The group of guys was firing a few shots After that, he became miserable, as if he wanted to run! I've come and still want to run? Think I have too little food on the wine table?! Yeager was angry when he heard this, and he shouted to his adjutant: Let Stan Will took the two teams up and kept them for me! After that, Yeager turned his head and said fiercely: If the food on this table is not finished today, no one should want to leave early! The enemy who came to support him was destroyed. After air power and a few tyrants, the soldiers of the Etonian government army began to rush into the clouds again. The support came too suddenly, so the group of soldiers who just rushed up suffered a bit heavy losses, and most of them did not end up. Can rush into the enemy's defense line, but directly choose to bypass the fire network and get into the alley, trying to use the terrain to pull the enemy's flank. There is no doubt that for the armed forces from the Eastern European branch, this battle has already It's smashed, and the back of the defense line has begun to feel the pressure. Most of the teams attacking the hospital have given up the offensive and started to gather towards the defense line. While they have to beware of the local mercenaries who are still haunted, they also need to be careful before throwing into the battlefield. Hunter Y, who has not been killed yet, and Hunter Y, who have been thrown into the battlefield in the future, are also indifferent to each other. A new type of hunter of the killer type, Paranov, the research director of the Eastern European branch, believes that different traits can be given to the hunter through the control of the genetic selection of raw materials. After a lot of unsightly and unusable garbage, Paranov finally used some kind of gecko gene to create a new hunter--Hunter 8

The skin of this hunter is tan, the epidermis is harder than that of the ordinary hunter a, the body is more slender than the hunter a, and the night vision is better than other types of hunters--a big cut, but relatively , the claws of the Hunter 8 are obviously not as large as other types of Hunters, the fingertips are replaced by swollen suction cups, and they are not as powerful as the Hunter X, the only thing to be commended is that it is almost Ignore the ability to climb the terrain. All in all, a barely usable one out of a pile of junk. Although the comprehensive ability is slightly inferior to other types of hunters, at this moment, the dark night and the complex terrain make this new BOW like a duck to water. These monsters that are indistinguishable between enemy and foe have caused great pressure on the poor security team members. The line of defense seems to be flat and may collapse at any time, but just when the government army in Idonia was about to launch a charge again, two huge figures came out from behind the line of defense of the security forces. Their shapes were the same as the previous T. The -103C Tyrants are imitations, with the same bald gray heads, the same expressionless faces, and the same black coats full of locks, but their T-103C Tyrants are a whole circle bigger.

After a long wait, the two T-103C tyrants who were first cast on the battlefield finally arrived at the battlefield under the guidance of the program. The moment they stepped out of the alley with heavy steps, the locks on the black coat started one by one. Then- one cracked, the stature of the two-headed tyrant swelled rapidly, and soon, the monster with a height of more than three meters appeared like a giant in the mythology. Like the T.103C tyrant in the liberated state, their muscles were extremely developed, It's just that their claws are even bigger, and they have even extended beyond their knees. In addition, a lot of irregular black horny grows out of their bodies and covers them, and there are only scattered parts of the legs. A few pieces, and the upper body was completely covered by this weird black horny, and then extended along the body - straight to the arms, connecting with huge claws, like a jagged rock. Come back? Are they not good at learning? Yeger couldn't help frowning when he saw two big men with unique shapes running from the opposite alley. This time, he said, the machines on the surrounding roofs The gunmen opened fire immediately, and the scorching gun barrels accompanied the gunfire to send the machine gun bullets out of the barrel one by one, hitting the body of the huge monster, and knocking off the black horns all over their bodies. Blocks, but those monsters don't care at all, huge claws cover their faces, those monsters are facing all sides) \\The heavy machine fire from Fang rushed up. It turned out to be a body armor The performance of the monster in front of him Somewhat beyond Yeger's expectations, not far from him, the automatic artillery suddenly rotated the turret, the barrel slowly descended, and then poured out terrifying firepower towards the oncoming monster. With the roar of the artillery, they shot at high speed. They hit those monsters frantically. This time, their horns failed to protect them. Under the destruction of this terrifying firepower, one of the tyrants was beaten back again and again, and the horns on his body continued. The ground fell off, and it seemed that the muscles hidden underneath were about to be exposed, but the other tyrant rushed straight up from the other side towards the mobile artillery. Seeing that the monster was trying to attack the automatic artillery, the surrounding soldiers immediately took out the bomb launcher and bazooka, and hit the monster with a burst of saturation blows. The time machine gun, the bomb and the rocket launcher greeted him at the other end. The tyrant's body set off a scorching fire, with astonishing heat, but the next second, the monster tore open the flame and rushed out. This round of concentrated fire almost destroyed all the horns on its upper body, directly destroying its scarlet red The colored muscles were exposed, but it still managed to rush to the side of the self-propelled artillery. Before the turret of the self-propelled artillery turned around, it was

With a roar, he raised his giant claws, about to hit the barrel of the self-propelled artillery, only to hear a loud bang, the tank on the other side fired, and the cannonball cut through the hot air. In an instant, the tyrant's relatively fragile arm joint was broken, and it flew over the tyrant's shoulder, and slammed its head into a small tower across the street. With an explosion, the tower collapsed, and the one that was hit just now. The tyrant had lost his head, and his neck, which was covered with residual horny, was spraying blood crazily. A few seconds later, the tyrant fell down, and the blood spilled on the barrel of the automatic artillery. of blue smoke. After killing a T-103C tyrant, the other tyrant who had just been madly hit by the automatic artillery slowly stood up. The horny upper body was almost destroyed, leaving only bloody muscles, but it felt Without pain, after regrouping, it rushed up again, but as soon as it rushed to the p room on the street, a rumbling sound suddenly sounded above its head. He stopped, the tyrant raised his head subconsciously, and then, saw a behemoth descending from the sky with firelight, smashing into the street like a bright stone, accompanied by a loud noise, and the shattered horns were mixed. The blood splattered in all directions in the tremor of the ground, and the billowing smoke suddenly rose, sweeping over the positions of both the Idonian government army and the security forces like a storm. - Time, the battlefield fell into silence. After the smoke cleared, Yeger, who was hiding behind the abandoned tank, gritted his teeth and slowly raised his head, only to see that the tyrant who was about to launch the final charge had already been smashed into the ground, and around the tyrant's body, cobweb- Like cracks spread all over the street, and above the tyrant's corpse, a very huge white metal ball suddenly appeared, it exudes terrifying heat, bursts of white smoke, and there are several black paint on it. The lacquer seam, on the metal ball, seems to have a row of mottled gray writing that reads: T-Yimr.

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