What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

6-62. Stubborn ass! The end of the scum!

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In the long and narrow corridor, the sound of dense footsteps constantly echoed behind him. Director Paranov knew very well that those BSAAs were about to catch up with the 2nd, but he had exhausted his stamina, and he could no longer run. And most importantly, he lost his glasses. Everything in front of him was extremely blurry. In the dark, the red emergency lights were blurred into red spots, reflecting the yellow sign on the wall. Although he couldn't see it clearly, Paranov was very clear that it was biochemical. Contamination warning sign, and further ahead is the warehouse for stacking discarded test products waiting to be processed. According to common sense, there will be at least two members of the security force in front of the warehouse, and any staff who are not wearing protective clothing are not allowed. Inside, as a researcher, Paranov knew very well what would happen if he entered the warehouse without wearing protective clothing. Even if it was stored at low temperature, the virus carried by the corpses in the warehouse might still kill him. The footsteps behind him were getting closer and closer. Paranov approached the door of the warehouse and focused his blurry vision on the scanner by the door. With the help of liZ, he groped to find the scanner's protection. Opened the shell, opened it, and then swiped his work card on the reader beside the door. After a di sound, an inorganic female voice came from the reader: Welcome, Director Paranov. , I wish you a happy work. With the sound of rumbling, the metal door of the warehouse slowly opened, revealing the narrower and cramped corridor behind. ...happy. The wretched face outlines - self-deprecating, hunched. Paranov walked in majestically, and after entering the disinfection corridor, the spray nozzles on both sides of the corridor automatically sprayed Paranov's body with disinfectant that is almost harmless to the human body. This disinfectant should have been sprinkled on the protective clothing, but at this time, Director Paranov was not wearing a protective clothing. After passing through this corridor, he was already soaked through. ...Death. Feeling the smell of disinfectant and the coldness from the wet clothes, Paranov cursed in a low voice. Opening the last door, a gust of cold air rushed in, Paranov shivered, and then used The body squeezes out of the special curtain in front of it and enters the space for parking

A warehouse for discarded experiments. Only when you enter the interior will you find out that this warehouse is actually surprisingly spacious, and the corpses are just randomly placed in the warehouse, some of them are those of the poor experimenters, and some are of monsters. There were several security personnel mixed in. Some of these corpses were placed on a nearby cabinet, and some were thrown to the ground indiscriminately. Paranov, who could not see the road, squinted and groped the counter to slowly go deep. Immediately afterwards, a strange touch came from his fingertips, O Lanov turned his head, and saw that his hand was pressing on a corpse in the counter. The corpse was wrapped in a body bag, but his head But it was exposed outside. The corpse seemed to belong to a girl. She had her eyes open, and the skin on her face peeled off a little. Around those skins, there were traces of festering. Looking at the corpse in front of him, Paranov suddenly remembered that this corpse should be an experiment from a week ago. It's been placed for a whole week, what a slacker, the stupid pigs in the security department can't even do such trivial things as burning a boiler? He frowned slightly, Paranov cursed in a low voice, he still remembered This corpse looked like it was still alive. It was a girl with blond hair, probably in her teens. Although she couldn't be said to be very handsome, she smiled sweetly. Paranov liked her very much and even gave her a gift. gave her a lollipop and a teddy bear, and the little girl stuck with Paranov. Given that this is a very cute child, Paranov decided to experiment on her, and the overall effect was very satisfactory. The girl's limbs mutated as he expected, indicating that his first-stage research It's been successful, the only downside is that the child's dying cry was a little too loud. Old Pala is not very good at dealing with living children.

It seemed that something had been put down in his heart. Paranov's hand gently brushed the rotten face of the girl's corpse, and the footsteps outside the warehouse became louder and louder. Don't move! Raise your hands! Director Paranov turned his head indifferently, and saw a group of heavily armed BSAA soldiers rushed into the warehouse, they held guns and pointed at themselves. Because of the blurred vision, he looked at He couldn't understand the expressions on the faces of those BSAA soldiers, which made him narrow his eyes subconsciously. He seemed to sense Paranov's embarrassment. After a while, he took something out of his waist and threw it at Paranov's feet. Your glasses. The BSAA soldier said in a bit blunt English: I picked it up on the road. . Director Paranov lowered his head. He couldn't see what the BSAA soldier had dropped at his feet, but he knew very well that it was undoubtedly his glasses. Suddenly, an absurd feeling came to Paranov's mind. Instead of bending down to pick up his glasses, he focused his blurry vision on the BSAA soldier. After a while, he You're really a good person, he said blankly. I just have my own bottom line. The BSAA soldier said, Now, give up your resistance and go back with us, as long as you tell us everything you know. , the upper management may treat you leniently. Bottom line. Paranov smiled, he turned his head, glanced at the girl's body on the cabinet, and smiled at the BSAA soldier, It's a pity, I don't have that kind of thing, for my sake Curiosity, I can easily erase my bottom line. Well, Paranov suddenly took out a silver metal tube from his pocket and stabbed it hard towards his neck. Seeing Paranov The BSAA soldiers who had entered the warehouse with some changes subconsciously opened fire. The bullets penetrated Paranov's body one by one. The scattered blood stained the white box red, and Paranov fell straight into the pool of blood. in. After half an hour

, the BSAA soldier put down his gun and said in a low voice: The female horse, the captain said that he would be caught alive. After that, the BSAA soldier turned around and lightly buckled the communicator in his ear. : Captain, this is Kuroda, we caught up with the research director and tried to resist, I had to kill him. Damn, it's all said to catch the alive, now it's alright. The voice of the Bravo team leader came from the opposite side of the communicator. After complaining for a while, he said solemnly: Forget it, if you die, you will die, you are all right. That's good. We're fine. Next, we're going to return to the office area to meet up with Jin Haishan and escort the staff in those facilities. The BSAA soldier said solemnly, but at this moment, he saw his teammates Their expressions became very strange, they stared at their backs, and some even raised their guns. The BSAA soldier secretly said that he was not good, so he decisively disconnected the communication, then turned around with his gun, only to see just now The knocked down Paranov was standing up little by little. He was wearing a blood-stained white coat and slowly supported his body, which was no longer hunched. With a breath, he looked at his arms and said with some surprise: My eyesight... has recovered, and I can't feel the cold... I succeeded! As soon as he finished speaking, Palauanhu suddenly raised his head and gave the BSAA soldier a look at the head. Then he saw that Palanoff's eyes turned red.

Hehe, hehe, he 0 ha 0 ha 0 ha 00. In an instant, Paranov's manic laughter filled the entire warehouse, and a trace of arrogance appeared on the face of the research director dressed in the Great White God. Channel: Did you see it? Did you see it? I succeeded! My DNA has passed the screening of the gods, at this moment! I have evolved! I have transcended the mortal body! In his white coat, Paranov's smile became more and more strange. He took steps that he did not recognize, and walked up to the guns of the BSAA soldiers. However, Paranov didn't wait a few steps. His expression suddenly froze, he stopped abruptly, as if he was being held by someone, and then a stench of liquid rushed up from his body, Paranov bent down and vomited frantically, black The liquid continuously spewed out of his mouth, and then, something fell to the ground along with his vomit. They were like snakes and worms. They were pitch black and twisted wildly between the black vomit. .. No. Impossible. It's not right. It shouldn't be like this. My genes must be.-- must be able to. The arrogance disappeared, replaced by endless fear, the pain came, like countless snakes biting the body, foreign objects kept swimming from under Paranov's skin, staggered, Paranov - - side Staggering back, he said, No, no, no no no no no.

In the next second, the skin was suddenly torn, and the black liquid splashed in all directions. Along with Paranov's screams, countless snake-like black tentacles spewed out of Paranov's body. Paranov's body, while walking along the ground, climbed up to the corpses in the warehouse with black sticky traces, wrapped them around, and dragged them to Para, who had been completely devoured. Nov, the shocked BSAA soldiers remembered to fire for a while. The bullet casings kept flying out of the ejection window. The bullets passed through the gun chamber with heat and hit the monster that Paranov turned into. There was a splash of black liquid on his body, but it was all in vain. The pitch-black tentacles kept dragging the corpse in the warehouse to Paranov. The monster formed by the entanglement has become a whole-folder! Seeing that the existing weapons could not cause damage to the monster, the BSAA soldier named Kuroda decisively ordered, they turned around and rushed out of the warehouse, only Leaving the monster that could no longer be called Paranov still devouring the surrounding corpses, the tentacles flowing with black liquid slowly went up to the counter, and removed the blond girl's extremely twisted corpse from the body bag. It was dragged out from the middle, and then slowly merged into the body of the huge monster, I wonder if it was an illusion

The corners of the girl's corpse's mouth seemed to have a faint gloomy smile.

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