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In the laboratory of the Eastern Europe branch, Jin Haishan sitting on the desk silently lit a cigarette, holding the M4A1 in his hand, he casually raised his head and looked around, only to see that the nearby ground was covered with white clothes. The staff in the coats were also mixed with a few disarmed security personnel in black combat uniforms, and around them were- BSAA soldiers armed to the teeth. The scene in front of him reminded Jin Haishan of a mission in Japan a few months ago. A gang leader used BOW in a small county town and took a large group of hostages in a commercial building in the city center. When the team he led rushed over. When entering the commercial building, the hostages were also straddling them. The captain led the team to block the road, and the other team is still chasing the supervisor. After spitting out a mouthful of white mist, Jin Haishan whispered to himself: I don't know the progress of the AIpha team. How's it going? At this moment, a synthetic female voice rang through the laboratory's speakers, only to hear the voice say: . The staff around the area C is detected to have a level 3 biochemical crisis, please evacuate immediately, and the security personnel please go to deal with it immediately, repeat, a level 3 biochemical crisis is detected in the C area. Captain? Hearing the sound from the broadcast, The team members turned their heads to look at Jin Haishan in unison. Facing the gazes of his subordinates, Jin Haishan waved his hands and said, It should be the head of the research who jumped the wall and released something Bow, don't worry, it started when we first came in. Just- been shouting Level 3 Resident Evil, Level 3 is only Kuroda and they have to deal with it Jin Haishan's voice just fell, the content of the broadcast suddenly changed, just listen to the woman's voice: Detected area C, area Level 4 occurred Resident Evil, please evacuate the surrounding staff immediately, and the security personnel please go to deal with it immediately.. Jin Haishan frowned slightly, he slid off the table, raised his gun and said to the surrounding team members: Something's wrong, Everyone was on alert. It seemed that they were influenced by Kim Hae Sun, and the team members became nervous. They looked around with their guns, but the surrounding was still quiet. Except for the constant sound of the broadcast above, the BSAA soldiers did not feel it at all. When it came to a crisis. Just when Jin Haishan wondered what was going on, the female voice on the broadcast suddenly changed again, and the inorganic voice slowly said: Warning, we have detected a five-level outbreak in the east, c, and D areas of area B. Biochemical crisis, data preparation transfer, please orderly evacuate the facility under the leadership of security personnel, repeat, test

It only took a few seconds from the third-level Resident Evil crisis in the D area to the fifth-level Resident Evil crisis in the B and C. D areas!

Jin Haishan's expression changed in an instant. As a veteran who has worked in BSAA for many years, he knows very well what the level 5 biochemical crisis in the facility means. Generally, this situation will never be caused by a certain BOW running. It came out, but because the virus leaked in a large area! - Putting the gas mask that was grabbed and hung around the neck and put on his face, Kim Hae-sun shouted to the surrounding BSAA soldiers 1: Everyone wear gas masks! Prepare to fight. At the same time, a rushing voice rang from the communicator in the ear, and the voice said anxiously: Here is AlphaBA Captain Chris, all the soldiers in the facility obeyed the order, and there was an emergency in the facility, The evacuation site was set on the top apron, and each unit immediately transferred to the evacuation site, repeat, immediately transferred to the evacuation site! Hearing Chris's words, Jin Haishan immediately pressed the communicator beside his ear and responded, This is Team Bravo's subordinate. Team leader Jin Haishan, we have a large number of staff in the facility, will they be evacuated together? After a moment of hesitation, Chris on the other side of the communicator said solemnly: - Get out. Understood.. Hanging up the communication, Jin Haishan turned his head to look at the staff of the Eastern Europe branch who were squatting on the ground, full of bewilderment and fear, and cursed in a low voice: Assi... in two seconds. After confirming the personnel at the scene, Jin Hae-sun shouted to the people squatting on the ground: You have a problem with this garbage facility! If you don't want to die, just follow us, don't try to make small moves! After all, Jin Hae-sun is facing the BSAA soil. The soldiers shouted: 'Let's withdraw! The voice just fell, and suddenly there was a loud noise from the ceiling of the laboratory. It seemed that something was passing from the ceiling, and the ventilation ducts of the laboratory began to continuously There was a strange sound, and then - drops of black liquid flowed out from it. Don't look! Go! A senior BSAA battleground, Kim Hae-sun knows a thing well, that is, don't wait for monsters to appear before you think it's time to run, run without hesitation, run without hesitation! With a sound, Kim Hae-sun passed between the panicked staff, then slammed open the door of the laboratory, and rushed to the corridor outside with the BSAA soldiers, while the large group of staff followed closely behind, face. It was full of fear, after all, such things as Level 5 Resident Evil can only be seen in the employee handbook. Walking through the corridor with a large group of tired likes, Jin Haishan's face became more and more ugly, and the voice above his head was too loud, the voice was incompetent. Giving Jin Haishan a strong sense of oppression from time to time, the black viscous liquid continued to flow down the ventilation duct, and he could faintly feel that something was scurrying inside. Suddenly, he heard Dong behind him. There was a sound, followed by screams of horror from the crowd behind, Jin Haishan turned his head subconsciously, and then he was stunned, only to see a large black strange object drilling from the ventilation duct. It came out, and it seemed to be made of countless black snakes. They were as soft and sticky as worms, and they were constantly intertwined, forming a thick and disgusting tentacle, which was constantly flowing and sticky. The black liquid was raging in the corridor, grabbing the staff running behind one by one, and then quickly intertwined and interspersed with their bodies in their terrified screams. The seemingly soft black tentacles directly pierced the skin. see through, for a time, red

The blood was mixed with black slime - splashed on the wall, like a picture of hell. What the hell is this?! After an instant sluggishness, Jin Hae-sun shouted, Get down! At the same time, he suddenly raised his gun and shot at the thing. It splattered and splattered, but the monster didn't seem to care at all. Against the firepower of the BSAA soldiers, it recklessly devoured the staff in the corridor, who were rolling around, very embarrassed. In a blink of an eye, a magazine was hit. Empty, looking at the huge black tentacles emerging from the ventilation duct, it seems that there is no sign of backing down, Jin Haishan gritted his teeth, and said to the staff of your female horse, how many can you run! He directly Turning his head and running wildly, while changing the magazine for the gun in his hand, he yelled at the people behind him: Don't shoot! Don't look back! Run! Run! Run!

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