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A burst of sirens reverberated continuously in the huge empty space, and the red warning lights on the wall rhythmically sounded along with the siren. The sides opened slowly, revealing the dark sky outside. Captain, it's on! Pierce's voice came from the communicator, and Chris immediately pressed the communicator to reply: Good job, Pierce, come back now, we're ready to evacuate. Okay Captain, I'm on my way back! Pierce replied. After finishing the communication with Pierce, Chris immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a certain number. The call was connected almost instantly. On the other side, a woman's voice came over, and the woman said anxiously: Chris, what the hell are you doing?! Listen, Jill, I am in a BOW research facility near Smolensk in the R country. Nie, the situation here is out of control, and I need support! Chris frowned. Oh my God. In a helicopter far away, a woman with a single blond ponytail, and gram Reese's old partner who has experienced countless incidents together - Jill Valentine frowned and said: 'Chris, do you know how big a basket you have stabbed? The North American branch and the extreme east branch were suddenly transferred to a large number of armed forces Strength, the upper levels are going crazy, Cui just sent me a message, everyone is asking her why she became like this, she can't stand it anymore!

Cui Chris was stunned for a moment, then remembered that Cui should be referring to the former intelligence officer of the K country who worked in the extreme east branch, his full name is Cui Zhiyun, who has a lot of power in the extreme east branch, information coordination, material mobilization and cooperation with She is in charge of all communication between the front-line combat troops. She is an out-and-out strong woman. This time, Cui Zhiyun helped Chris a lot when he was able to mobilize the troops in the extreme east branch, but now it seems that Chris is a little underestimated. The relationship between Black Umbrella and the International Pharmaceutical Alliance has already exploded at the top of the BSAA. But now, it doesn't matter anymore. Listen, Jill, tell Cui, you can tell the truth of the matter to those guys at the top, as long as you put all the blame on my head! Chris frowned and arranged: Right now We have to mobilize the armed forces, the troops I have are not enough to deal with the situation here! Are you sure you want Cui to put everything on your head? Jill frowned and said: Then you don't No problem, those guys can't do anything to me. Chris had a rare smile on his face, he said solemnly: It's not that I'm boasting, as far as I'm concerned, only I can help those old people. Guys wipe their butts clean, they use me! What a mess. Jill shook his head, and then said: Since this is your decision, then I won't stop you, I will let Cui tell the situation to the upper management, The upper management of BSAA will definitely communicate with the officials of country R after knowing the situation. If there is no accident, the border troops of country R may arrive at your place first.

Very good, Jill. Chris nodded and said: ' 'My back, I'll leave it to you. After the communication with the old partner, the new partner Pierce was late. Chris followed the running footsteps and turned his head, only to see behind Pierce - a BSAA soldier, headed by an Asian. , if I remember correctly, the name seems to be Jin Haishan. Behind the BSAA soldiers, there are also a group of people dressed in different clothes, some in work clothes, some in white coats, and some in black combat uniforms, look It seems to be the staff in this facility. I met them on the way back. Pierce said solemnly to Chris, turned around at the same time, and looked at the embarrassed Kim Hae-sun behind him.

I'm sorry, Mr. Redfield... Jin Hae-sun panted heavily, glanced at the staff behind him who had been brought out by himself, and then whispered: I can only bring out so much, those ghosts are everywhere Yes! You've done a great job. Chris patted Kim Hae-sun on the shoulder, then turned his head and glanced around. Near him, there were dozens of BSAA soldiers standing scattered. They were checking the transport helicopters on the platform. This is the underground apron located in the Eastern European branch of Black Umbrella. Whether you want to enter or fly out, you need to open the huge dome above the apron.

i, and just now the dome was opened by Pierce, that is to say, they could evacuate. After simply counting the number of people, Chris nodded and said, We're all here, let's go. Wait! Jin Haishan on the other side suddenly raised his hand to interrupt Chris, he looked around, then wrinkled He frowned and said: Mr. Redfield, the team 6 led by Kuroki to hunt down the research director has not returned! Then, Jin Haishan saw Chris's expression gloomy at a speed visible to the naked eye. In an instant, Jin Haishan understood. What, he gritted his teeth and cursed viciously: Damn it. Let's go, Chris whispered, he turned around, looked at the panic-stricken staff behind Jin Hae-sun, and then Suppressing the disgust in his heart, he said: Come on a team, take the staff here to evacuate first! No one of the BSAA soldiers around responded, Chris turned his head and glanced at everyone, and found that there were more or less in their eyes. With a little disgust, the young man seemed to be reluctant to take these people out. Finally, a squad leader stood up, and he frowned and said to Chris: Forget it, I took the help of the son of a bitch. The things came out. After that, the squad leader turned around and greeted his teammates. And the staff who followed Jin Haeshan also looked like they had been granted amnesty. Under the surveillance of the BSAA, they rushed to board After getting on the first helicopter, the BSAA team with guns followed closely. Soon, the boarding was over, and a BSAA soldier ran to the front and waved his hand, indicating that he could take off. The propeller moved slowly, and then the more The faster the turn, the sooner, with the wind pressure

, The helicopter rose to the sky, looking at the helicopter that was flying higher and higher, Jin Haishan suddenly said loudly to Chris: I should have known that I should not have run with them! These scumbags should die like scumbags. Here! Chris didn't want to comment on what Kim Hae-sun said. Seeing that the helicopter was flying higher and higher, it was about to pass over the dome of the zenith. A strange sound came from under the feet, and then, a thick tentacle composed of countless black worms sprayed black juice and shot out from the bottom of the apron. It rose into the air and entangled the tail of the helicopter. , and then frantically pulled down, the transport helicopter that grabbed the tail, lost its balance, swayed wildly in the air, and smashed hard on the hard wall on the other side, and then ran along the apron with The gap in the wall next to it fell, and after a while, there was a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground under the tarmac. Cranbell! No! It was the team leader who took the team to the helicopter before, and was brought by Chris from the North American branch. He is not only a BSAA warfield, but also a father of two children! Damn! Pierce and Kim Hae-sun on the other side cursed in a low voice, while on the other side, the leader of the Bravo squad shouted: Fire! Execute! In an instant, a barrage of dozens of assault rifles mixed with the firepower of heavy machine guns appeared. A burst of gunshots attacked the tentacle that stretched out from under the apron. This powerful firepower was unbearable even for a monster without a real body. After a strange sound, the tentacle was sprayed with black mucus. It got heavier, but before the BSAA soldiers could take a breath, they saw more tentacles sticking out from under the apron. Those things roughly grabbed the edge of the apron, as if they were supporting something. Then, a black figure climbed up from under the tarmac, and the black juice kept falling on the tarmac, as if it was raining black. It was an incomparably huge black monster, even the most basic shape. None, completely made up of - a lot of black tentacles intertwined, those black tentacles are constantly intertwined, squeezing each other, and flowing black juice, although only half of the body is sticking out from under the tarmac, But its size still seems to cover the sky, and between the tentacles, one by one yellow fleshy balls can be vaguely seen, they are wrapped by black tentacles, exuding a faint light in the dark. I. ..madam. Looking up and looking at the huge monster, the Bravo team's captain - said with a dull face: ' What the hell is this, it's too big! Pierce was also shocked, he didn't say anything. Thinking that this is the first time I participated in a large-scale operation, I can encounter such a thing. Is this the enemy that the BSAA is fighting? This is too exaggerated! On the other hand, Chris is also blue-faced, unlike the surrounding group of beings Frightened BSAA soldier, he knows too well what this monster is, When Captain Kuroki died before and after the last - a message mentioned monsters that look like udon noodles, Chris had a faint hunch, but he didn't expect that it was really this ghost!- Years ago, When he was in the South African Autonomous Region, he fought against such monsters many times, and one of them was even bigger than the guy in front of him.

Ouroboros! Cruel and efficient genetic screener, from the legacy of Albert Wesker! Chris's brows furrowed at the rising monster, it's clear this guy has no intention of letting the BSAA open Leave with the helicopter, stop, there is only one way to get out of here, and that is to kill it, 1 but this is easier said than done, the last time in South Africa was able to kill the monster bigger than this guy, it was Because there is a satellite gun on the tanker for no reason, and now, the BSAA can only rely on dozens of guns! Hit those yellow lights! Attacking those places will do wonders for this monster! short-lived After being shocked, Chris immediately calmed down. He shouted while raising the gun in his hand and firing at the yellow glowing object on the huge monster-- while commanding the battle, under the leadership of Chris, his impact was very fast. It stabilized, and dozens of BSAA soldiers kept focusing on the weakness of the huge monster. One by one, the monster could not move. Just when Chris thought there was a fight, the broadcast near the apron suddenly An inorganic female voice came out: A level 5 biochemical crisis has been detected in the A.B.C.D. area, the final security procedure of the Black Umbrella Eastern European branch has been activated, and the countdown to self-destruction is fifteen minutes. Employee. In an instant, Chris's face became even more ugly.

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