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The sound of gunfire subsided, and the light from the muzzle dissipated little by little in the rain along with the faint smell of gunpowder smoke. In just a few seconds, the streets returned to dead silence, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

In the alley, Benford, wearing a dirty gray suit, pressed his back against the rain-washed wall, daring not to make a sound until Li Yexing, who was standing in front of him with half of his face exposed and looking, slightly lowered his center of gravity. , he leaned forward and lowered his voice: Who are those people? Are they here to pick you up? Benford vaguely remembered that Li Yexing once mentioned that an armed force under him entered Tall Oak City, and the mission objective was It was to evacuate the refugees as much as possible, so when he first heard the gunshots, Benford's first reaction was: The team to respond to Li Yexing arrived, but then, Li Yexing put on an overly vigilant look. , seeming to be afraid of something. Those people, I'm afraid they are not Li Yexing's men! Sure enough, just as Benford feared, Li Yexing frowned and whispered: They are not my people. Then they are . Benford was about to ask clearly, but he saw Li Yexing suddenly turned his head. His brows were furrowed, his expression was extremely serious, and the indifferent look before was completely gone. A low voice penetrated the rain curtain, and Li Yexing said to Benford. Ford said: They are approaching, let's go up. After saying that, Li Yexing stretched out his hand and pointed behind Benford. Benford turned his head and found that what Li Yexing was pointing at was the invisible OW that fell down before.

place. Seemingly being infected by the serious atmosphere around Li Yexing, Benford did not speak, but just nodded at Li Yexing, then he turned around and headed straight for the shaky-looking metal stairs. Li Yexing Not in a hurry to follow, he probed his head again and confirmed the location of the militants. He stepped on the technical stairs with his soles, and even though he could lower his steps, there were still bursts of sound. Benford held his breath and tried to Maybe he was moving up the stairs quickly. After a few seconds, the footsteps on the metal stairs began to become a little random. Benford subconsciously looked back and saw that Li Yexing had followed him at some point. Stick close behind him. It didn't take long for Benford, who was walking in front, to reach the top of the building. Just when he was about to poke his head out, Li Yexing suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed him down. Look. He was anxious for the cover of the eaves. With his head exposed on the roof of the building, and letting his sight pass through the rain curtain, Li Yexing whispered to Benford. Hearing Li Yexing's words, Benford was slightly startled, then turned his head and followed Li Yexing's line of sight. Vaguely, Benford felt that he seemed to see something, but through the rain curtain, what he saw was not clear, so he blurred his eyes. After a while, Benford's face became ugly. That was a drone! I saw the drone passing through the sky not far away with a faint chirping sound. Its size seemed to be only a little larger than a plate and it was completely dark in this kind of darkness. In the harsh environment of heavy rain, this drone is almost invisible! Did you see it? Seeing Benford's ugly face, Li Yexing stared at the sky and asked in a low voice. Saw it. Benford clicked Nodding, he frowned and responded in a low voice: That thing doesn't look like civilian goods... As he spoke, Benford lowered his figure lower, and whispered to Li Yexing: Mr. Li, Those guys, who are they? You still have to ask? Looking at the standard black combat uniforms and the standard HK-416, Li Yexing knew that these guys were definitely the security force of Black Umbrella. !However, considering the long-term cooperation with the European branch of Black Umbrella, Black Umbrella cannot yet be exposed to people's vision on a large scale. They are the Far East Legion under Simmons, and they are the private property of the Simmons family. After a moment, Li Yexing's face was serious - he was telling Benford nonsense) and said: Obviously, our little move has been discovered. , Now, my team is doing its best to evacuate the survivors, and Simmons definitely does not want there to be survivors in Tall Oak City, so these guys, they are coming to my team. Then from Tall Oak City Aren't the survivors in a very dangerous situation? After hearing Li Yexing's words, Benford said subconsciously. Their situation has always been very dangerous. His frown slightly relaxed, and Li Yexing whispered: But it doesn't matter, I I am very confident about my team. These guys are no match for the scumbags I have. What a joke! In this kind of battlefield, how can Black Umbrella’s regular security forces defeat the Asia-Pacific armed forces? I’m afraid not. He will be beaten until he is incontinent! Having said that, Li Yexing also knows very well that this battle will probably not be a replica of the second Lopulus incident. After all, the second Lopulus incident was At that time, the scumbag villains did not have a tactical nuclear bomb hanging on their heads! Unlike the elitist Pan-Asian armed forces, Black Umbrella's security forces were almost all low-level scum from all over the world, from some kind of In a sense, they cannot be counted as human beings at all. They can only be counted as the property of Black Umbrella, which can be consumed at will. Even if they are buried in this city, the top brass of Black Umbrella will probably not Care too much, -The large group of lagging survivors is enough to make the group of grumpy brothers and sisters of the Huanya Armed Forces miserable. If we run into these stalking guys again, we will be in big trouble! e Otherwise, why would he kill a team before he was discovered by them? I'm afraid that's not possible. I still have Benford, a scumbag. Although Benford was born in the military, he is so fat and has such a fat body. I'm afraid it can't be done. We expect him to be a fighting force, not to mention, what if we fail to save Benford in a firefight? Once the president dies in his own hands, Lyon will have no idea.

Looking forward and backward, Li Yexing vaguely understood how Leon felt when he escorted the former president's daughter Ashley in Resident Evil 4. Just as Li Yexing was weighing the pros and cons, the Black Umbrella security force finally

Yu arrived at the entrance of the alley, and the man-machine hovering above the security forces also approached. When Li Yexing saw this, he immediately pressed Benford's shoulders down, and the two of them hid in the flowerpots and debris piles on the metal stairs. After that, he narrowly avoided the patrol of the drone. After the drone flew away little by little, Li Yexing peeked his head out from behind the pile of debris and stared at the security forces passing by the alley. They seemed not to intend to Stop and be ready to go straight down the street. However, at this moment, the leading security force officer suddenly raised his hand and signaled the team to stop advancing. In the rain, the young officer turned his head and fixed his sight on the alley. He seemed to have discovered something. After a while, he waved his hand to signal the team to follow him, and then he raised his hand. Gun, - step by step deeper into the dark alley. The soles of his boots stepped on the bullet casings hidden in the water. The leading team leader walked slower and slower, and finally stopped. In front of him, lying - the corpse of a hunter with a collar around his head and neck. , washed away by the rain, the eye sockets of the hunter's corpse were still wet with blood, and it looked like he had just died.

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