What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-37. A tough man’s critical moment

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Through the gap between the stairs at their feet, they saw the black Umbrella security force discovering the body of the slandered person that Li Yexing had killed before. Li Yexing and Benford's nerves instantly became tense. Through Wei Yin, Li Yexing saw the head man squatting in front of the body of the injured person, seeming to be inspecting the body. He first turned over the head of the injured person, and then began to inspect the black mechanical collar tied around the neck. , After a moment, he stood up, seemingly saying something to his teammates behind him, and at the same time, he picked it up and began to look around. On the upper stairs, Li Yexing frowned slightly. He looked at the drone hovering in the distance under the cover of the object. In Benford's nervous eyes, he saw Li Yexing raised the gun, pointed the muzzle downward, and locked the cross in the middle of the scope firmly. On top of the head of the security force who was looking around. If - we are discovered, you run directly overhead. After I became that officer, I will try my best to shoot down their drone as soon as possible. Li Yexing frowned as his fingers repeatedly rubbed on the cold trigger. He frowned and whispered: Do you understand? Benford did not reply, but nodded. He turned slightly and put his hand on the debris beside him. As long as the gunfire sounded, he could stand up and turn around immediately. The icy rain continued to fall, adding a sound to the silent street. Amidst this sound, the captain of the black Umbrella security force wearing a black combat uniform held the HK-416 in his hand and turned on the tactical flashlight hanging underneath. While walking forward slowly, he carefully searched for clues in the alley. Above his head, Benford Camp was ready to go, ready to escape at any time, while Li Yexing pointed his mouth downwards, his finger pressed on the trigger as if to press the trigger. It will fire in a second. - After searching, but unable to find any useful clues, the captain of the security force turned his head and stopped his sight on the metal ladder beside him. He raised it slightly and looked towards the second floor. He saw only the second floor. Don't tear the fragile handrail, the torn place is facing the body of the injured person on the ground. There is no doubt that the injured person jumped down from there before death. There is a strange feeling in my heart, that security guard The captain of the unit slowly raised his head subconsciously. On the metal stairs, Li Yexing's finger on the trigger tightened. As long as he looked at each other, he could kill the captain with one shot! (In this moment In an instant, the captain of the security force suddenly looked away, and at the same time raised his hand to press the communicator next to his ear. This is Black 1, please speak.

Understood, we will move towards that side immediately. After ending the communication, the team leader turned his head and shouted to the team members behind him: They are heading outside Tall Oak City, and Golden Eye predicts that they are likely to pass by. Two blocks away on Franklin Avenue, we're going to be there with a few other teams and we're going to set up an ambush and take them all out. After introducing the mission to his team members, the captain of the security force clapped the gun in his hand and continued to shout: Okay! Villains, let's move! Let those guys taste our power! This mission is over, I invite you to go to Area A of the cafeteria. There will be enough drinks, and maybe there will be a girl from the technical department! After the impassioned pre-war encouragement from the team leader, the security force hurriedly left the alley and headed towards the reservation in accordance with the instructions of their superiors. They went to the ambush site and only summoned a cold body of the injured person, as well as Li Yexing and Benford who were hiding on the upper metal stairs. Good luck breathed a sigh of relief, and Benford looked like Somewhat tired, he whispered: I haven't experienced such a tense moment in a long time.

Putting away the gun and flexing his stiff fingers a little, Li Yexing wiped the rain off his face with his sleeve, and then lowered his head: One of my teams was targeted by them. Your team? Benford was startled for a moment, and then asked in a low voice: 'What's going on?' 8 Code name 'Timber Wolf'. Seeing Benford's face showing doubts, Li Yexing simply stopped hiding it and frowned. Brow explained in a low voice: The mission of this team is to communicate with the police in Tall Oaks City, reach cooperation, and try to save as many survivors as possible in the early stages of the disaster. Now, Tall Oaks City is experiencing a power outage. They may not be able to survive in this situation. If possible, more people can be saved, so be prepared to leave. And Simmons's troops plan to ambush on the retreat route? Benford's brows showed a hint of confusion, and then, this suddenness was replaced by anger, and he whispered: That damned one Bastard, he is completely crazy! Leaning against the pile of debris, Li Yexing raised his hand, pressed his finger on the communicator next to his ear, and whispered at the same time: Here is the wolf, forest wolf, you can hear me Are you talking? This is... Immediately, intermittent replies sounded from the communicator. Through several previous communications, Li Yexing could basically conclude that what he said should be clearly heard by all units. , but there was a problem on his side and he could not hear the communications of other teams clearly, so he continued to whisper: Listen, if you and the Tall Oaks police are retreating, be careful on the road ahead, there may be a large number of enemies. Prepare to ambush you around a street that seems to be called Franklin Street. I received your question. The intermittent reply came from the other side. I can't hear you clearly. There seems to be something wrong with my communicator. Erase With the rain on his face, Li Yexing continued: Let me tell you another little news that I can confirm. This time our opponents are old friends from three years ago. They were defeated by us back then, and now they are here. Here, it seems like they are trying to regain their place.

As soon as he finished speaking, the communicator suddenly became noisy. Li Yexing vaguely seemed to hear a group of old men cheering. Even if it was intermittently, Li Yehang could feel the excitement of the people opposite him through the communicator. Bye his girl. The horse is barking! Be careful of the boat capsizing in the gutter! The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, Li Yexing smiled and cursed: Okay, bastards, I still have my work, next,

I'll leave it to you, follow the old rules and get out alive! After saying that, Li Yexing hung up the communication. He stuck his head out and looked around from the roof. After confirming that there were no drones, he turned his head , said to Benford beside him, I have said all that needs to be said, I think we can continue on our way. After hearing Li Yexing's words, Benford did not move. He frowned slightly, seeming to be thinking about it. What, it wasn't until Li Yexing couldn't help but pat him on the shoulder that he suddenly raised his head. I wonder if it was Li Yexing's illusion, but the rain in the sky seemed to have become lighter, and it was not pouring down like before. On the messy gray-white hair, and then flowing along the slits between the hair, the smileless face, through the glasses lenses full of water drops, Benford looked at Li Yexing's eyes, and after a while, He said to Li Yexing with a serious face: Mr. Li, I think we can join the battle!

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