What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-38. The macho ideas of the macho commander

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Mr. Li, I think we can join the fight! When Li Yexing heard Benford say this, his first reaction was that Benford was joking, but looking at Benford's serious look, he knew , Benford seemed to be serious.

Mr. General, your life is the most important. After a moment, Li Yexing reminded him in a low voice: Have you forgotten? At this moment, Lyon is still charged with assassinating the president. If something happens to you, How can Leon explain to the people above? How can I explain to Leon? As he spoke, Li Yexing shook his head and rejected Benford's proposal. He frowned and said: We will follow the original plan and follow the plan. Scheduled route withdrawal

Mr. Li, this is not an idea that I came up with in a hot head. I have thought it over carefully. Benford stretched out his hand to catch the raindrops falling from the sky. Benford explained in a low voice: The rain has become lighter. I'm afraid it won't be long before it rains. It will stop completely. Without this rain, it would be difficult for the two of us to fight out from among those monsters that can become invisible. For safety reasons, we need a large enough armed team, and what you mentioned This team and the police in Tall Oaks City are just right. In Li Yexing's somewhat surprised eyes, Benford continued to analyze: According to your statement, Simmons has put a large number of OW in Tall Oaks City. For the two of us, without heavy weapons or support, our road ahead may be difficult, but if we can reunite with your team, our situation will be much better. My team is about to go to war. . Li Yexing frowned and reminded. That's why I said we want to join this battle. His mouth was slightly raised, and Benford's face showed a confidence that ordinary people could not match. He smiled and said, 'We don't need to kill all the soldiers under Simmons. This is a breakout operation. We The goal is to meet up with your team

Then we tore open the blockade of those guys and rushed out. Although bullets were flying in the firefight, I firmly believed that this was more appropriate than letting us advance in the dark. After all, the darkness would not only limit our benefits, but also limit our benefits. Our enemy, isn't it? Looking at the confident Benford, Li Yexing frowned slightly and fell into thought. Indeed, according to Director Casimir, Black Umbrella invested a lot of OW in Tall Oaks. Who knows what those guys invested, especially since Casimir, a bastard, also funded three people who were not very smart. My brother-in-law seems to be called Tiada. If my brother-in-law's fighting ability

E reached two-thirds of Tililith, and even hitting one of them was enough to put Li Yexing into a panic without heavy firepower. If you go alone, it seems safe, 1 but once you hit some inexplicable OW, there is a risk of overturning. On the contrary, although the target on the front battlefield is too big and bullets may fly, it has heavy fire protection, and there is a group The sufficiently elite Lopulus villains and a large number of Tall Oaks police officers can directly follow the convoy out of Tall Oaks City as long as they break through the blockade. The speed is faster than walking, so it will be safer. .0 ? Rubbing his chin, Li Yexing began to think seriously about Benford's proposal. On the other side, Benford urged in a low voice: Make a decision, Mr. Li, I'm afraid we don't have much time. After a long moment of confusion, Afterwards, Li Yexing nodded, then raised his head and said to Benford: Just do what Mr. President said. Very good, you are indeed a young man. With a trace of approval in his eyes, Benford said with a smile: No wonder Leon likes you so much, we may have unexpectedly matched our tempers.

Speaking of which, Mr. Li, are you interested in joining DSO and working for country A? As long as you are willing to join, I will issue you a green card immediately and make you a proud citizen of country A. Forget it. . Li Yexing shook his head and refused: I have a big family now, and my situation is a bit complicated. Li Yehang is looking forward to one day taking his girls back to civilized society and living a warm and happy life as ordinary people, but Li Yehang does not think that the government of country A will provide green card status for his girls and will not let him and him After all the girls were sent to the laboratory, Li Yexing was already burning incense. Okay... On the other side, seeing Li Yexing refuse without hesitation, Benford said with some regret: Lion seems to be looking forward to doing business with you. How can I put it? The stubbornness of yellow people is really a headache.

Okay, we are almost ready to leave. After confirming the safety of the surrounding area, Li Yexing stood up and said to Benford: Since we are going to join this battle, we have to make some preparations in advance to prepare for a breakout later. Buying time. No problem, sir... Benford stood up with a smile. He twisted the corners of his clothes, and then asked Li Yexing: Now, what are your plans?

Find that Franklin Street first, we need information. Li Yexing said with a smile: I want to find a good location to see how many people there are? What equipment configuration? How do you plan to welcome my people? In order to stop me The team must occupy a favorable position and then arrange the scene. I guess they will set up roadblocks or explosives on the streets in an attempt to intercept the convoy and blow it up into the sky, so I have to pay attention to the location of the explosives. In addition, If conditions permit, I hope to catch a tongue and ask about the specific situation. It's so sophisticated, Benji De praised with a smile.

Ignoring Benford's praise, Li Yexing turned around and said to Benford, Follow me, Mr. President. Okay, sir. Benford responded with a smile. The raindrops were still falling, but Zhejiang The patter was not as heavy as before. As he walked down the stairs with a thump thump thump sound of footsteps, and returned to the ground again in the alley shrouded in darkness, Li Yexing suddenly felt an unreal feeling. a feeling of. I actually asked the president of country A to act as my little brother for once. Is this considered an achievement?

The peak of life? Sticking to the wall, braving the drizzle, stepping through the stagnant water with the soles of his shoes, he took Benford little by little to the entrance of the alley. Li Yexing poked his head out and took a look at the street outside, only to see that the street was empty. There was not a single zombie in the whole place. It was probably because the security force that just passed by had them all taken care of. It's so presumptuous, it's like an outing... Giving Black Umbrella's security force a bad review again, Li Yexing took his hand out of his pocket, unlocked the lock screen, and then pulled up a local map of Tall Oak City. His fingers enlarged the details on the map, and it didn't take long for Li Yexing to find the Franklin Street.

It seems we are not far from our destination... After memorizing the route, Li Yexing put away his mobile phone, then turned to Benford and said: Are you ready to join this carnival? Mr. President? Allow me. Mantra, this is not a carnival, this is a tragedy, it is outright terrorism. Benford corrected him seriously: However, I still have to say, I am ready, sir! Very good. Will it again? Focusing on the dark streets, Li Yexing nodded, with an excited smile on his lips and said: Let's go

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