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By the faint light emitted by the lightbulb overhead. Leon and Helena moved forward cautiously in the dark and cramped tunnel. Before, Leon would never have imagined that a seemingly ordinary church would be filled with complex retro mechanisms, let alone such a complex and wide secret space hidden under this church with so many mechanisms. At this moment, Leon's location looks like a mine. The surrounding walls are integrated with the ground. At first glance, it can be seen that they were dug and dug manually. It seems to be to stabilize the internal structure of the underground cave. The walls and walls of the cave are The roof of the shed is covered with thick wooden frames used for support and fixation. Every few steps, a light bulb is hung on the wooden frame. The light is dazzling, but it is inexplicably difficult to dispel the surrounding darkness. Although it looks like a mine, considering that the entrance of this tunnel is the garbage discharge port of the upper-level facility, Rippin speculates that this tunnel is used to transport garbage and debris.

The sound of footsteps echoed from the shadows, and there was a faint musty smell in the air. Leon frowned slightly and led Helena forward step by step. After a moment of silence, he finally couldn't help but said: 'Why, still can't Tell the truth? Because you may not believe me, so I want you to see it with your own eyes... Helena shook her head gently and said with a complicated expression: When the time comes, you The answers and evidence you need will be right in front of you.

Going back in time, after opening the mechanism under the icon in the church hall and killing the terrifying OW that emerged from the secret passage, Leon and Helena went down the tunnel. The tunnel was dark, but the stairs It didn't take long. Before long, Leon and Helena opened the iron door at the end and came to a secret facility. On the other side of the iron gate, it is like a foreign land. The underground space is filled with bricks and stones that are full of age and have even begun to turn black seriously. The ventilation facilities are full of oil stains and the floor paved with metal mesh is also rusty. On the decayed walls , inlaid with rusty iron doors. This place looks like a prison, with zombies dressed in white shirts wandering around the prison.

Moving along the corridor of this unknown facility, it didn't take long for Leon to bring Helena to a metal door with a Resident Evil warning sign. He opened the somewhat deformed metal door and saw the other side of the door. On one side is a dark room, with a dazzling incandescent lamp hanging on the ceiling, and water dripping faintly from the side. Under this light, the square room is empty except for the stains all over the wall. And there were two metal chairs on the ground, one was up and the other was on the ground. Looking at the scene in front of him, Leon, who had worked at CA, suddenly remembered some not-so-good scenes. On the other side, Heina was in a daze. She walked past Leon and walked step by step to the center of the room. She kept looking around until she stood in front of the standing metal chair. She squatted down and put her arms on the chair. As if remembering something, he murmured softly: Wait, I remember this place, Wanbora must be nearby...

After saying that, Helena stood up, with a trace of anxiety in her eyes. Sensing Helena's strangeness, Leon frowned subconsciously and said: Who are you talking about? Without answering Leon's words, Helena eagerly opened the iron door. , while walking quickly through the dark and narrow corridor, he murmured in a low voice: You must not let anything happen to you... Following behind Heena, Leon could clearly feel that Heena was becoming more and more... The more impatient she became, she saw her violently pushing open the iron door in front of her. Before Leon could react, Helena suddenly whispered in fear: Don't let it be her... With that, Helena rushed directly to Entered the room. Wait Leon subconsciously wanted to call Helena, but at this moment Helena seemed to have lost her mind. In desperation, he had no choice but to follow in. When he entered the door, Leon saw Helena standing in the room. In front of a hospital bed in the center, she carefully looked at the female body lying on the bed, her eyes full of impatience and panic. It wasn't until a moment later that she breathed a sigh of relief and said, Thank God, this is not her. Her eyes moved to another metal door, and Heina's expression became more and more anxious. She whispered to herself: But... is she there? Looking around, she could see that there were cloths beside the hospital bed and in the corners of the room. The cabinet was filled with all kinds of instruments, and there were various reagents and medicines in the cabinet. Leon frowned subconsciously. At first glance, this place seemed a bit like a ward, but upon closer inspection, it looked more like a laboratory. The laboratory was connected to the prison. In an instant, a terrifying thought popped up in Leon's head. There was no doubt that this was a research facility hidden under the Tall Oak Cathedral, and those who were previously held in prisons were... He was a guinea pig in the experimental facility! Questions began to pop up one after another, but Leon had no time to take care of it, because there was a bigger question right in front of him. Watching Helena open room after room like crazy , listening to Helena's constant prayers, Leon frowned and asked again, What on earth are we doing here?

Although Leon was full of doubts, Helena seemed to have no intention of answering. She changed her previous composure, boiling and exploding like oil on a hot pot, dragging Leon along. After killing a group of zombies, Leon finally couldn't help it anymore. , he whispered: You are making me spin around like this, I can't stand it anymore! Can you speak clearly here?! I will, but we don't have time. Helen's expression was full of anxiety. Na said urgently, Please, Leon, wait a little longer.

Leaving the room that was attacked by zombies and full of hospital beds and weird instruments, Leon and Helena came to a metal door with a Resident Evil warning sign again. Because the door frame and the door were all deformed, I No matter how much Leon shook the doorknob, the door remained motionless. He and Helena had been looking at each other all morning. Leon stepped back slightly, and then suddenly made a move with Helena amid a muffled groan, only to hear a loud noise. With the sound of the door shaft breaking

Sound, the deformed metal door crashed to the ground.

After kicking open the door, Leon led Helena into the room step by step. With the gun in his hand and his eyes full of caution, Leon searched every corner where zombies might be hiding. Only after confirming that the room was safe, he breathed a sigh of relief and began to look at this room. It was different from the previous room. Although it was also filled with instruments, what caught Leon's attention more were the huge glass culture chambers. They were neatly arranged one after another in front of the walls covered with pipes and wires. The liquid filled with Damien was full of bubbles, and in the liquid, there were weird humanoid objects soaked in it. Yes, it can only be said to be a humanoid object. The things soaked in the culture cabin looked like a standing person holding his shoulders with both hands, and then covering the whole person with soil. Even through the glass, Leon still felt a wave of evil. cold.

What the hell is going on? Watching Helena put down her gun, Leon frowned and asked Helena in a deep voice. On the other side, looking at these training cabins, Helena seemed equally confused. She shook her head. He shook his head and whispered: Three days ago, there were no such things. He turned around and looked deeply at Helena with an extremely complicated look. Suddenly, the computer with a gray screen at the far end of the room caught Leon's attention. He locked his eyes and walked up step by step. When he got to the computer, he opened the tape on the table at a glance. Hesitantly reached out his hand and picked up the tape. Leon turned it over and saw a note stuck on the side of the black tape. The note said: Happy birthday, King Ada.

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