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Danger! Seeing Deborah open her eyes, Hitomi Mikishima, who was dressed in white, subconsciously shouted in Japanese. Helena, who was holding Deborah, was slightly startled and then lowered her head. The next moment, She directly met Wanbora's slate-gray gaze without any emotion. Suddenly, a large amount of blood spurted out from Wanbora's back. In Helena's horrified eyes, strange tentacles like insect arthropods were covered with pink flesh and khaki horny, covered in mucus. With help, they suddenly squeezed open the cracks on Deborah's skin, and came out from Deborah's cracked back. They kept squirming and bending in the air, and then shaped little by little, growing joints. Those entangled tendons, blood vessels, and scattered flesh and blood began to be hidden within the huge joints, which made the joints become thicker and thicker. Under the blood stained, they even emitted bits and pieces of blood. Metallic luster! Seeing that Deborah, who Helena missed, was undergoing malignant mutation, Leon and Ada subconsciously raised the guns in their hands. Seeing this, Helena quickly turned her head, stretched out her hand to the two of them and begged hurriedly: No! Stop! Please don't shoot! As soon as he finished speaking, Boila, who had five thick jointed limbs growing out of his back, three long, two short, suddenly sat up and let out a howl that was completely unhuman. In the frenzy, it grabbed it He pushed Helena who was closest to him to the ground, and at the same time raised the sharp metallic limbs high, and was about to hit Helena who was lying on the ground with nowhere to hide. In despair, he fell to the ground, The despairing Helena even closed her eyes. Suddenly, the sweet sound of metal friction was enveloped in cold light, and accompanied by a white figure that was difficult to catch with the naked eye, penetrated the darkness. The next second, only ding was heard. With a sound, her long black hair suddenly flew up under the impact, and the warrior girl in white was seen holding a black alloy sword behind her back with both hands, firmly holding Wanbora behind her back.

The arthropods saved Helena from this almost fatal blow. Are you Ms. Yubola? Feeling the tremendous pressure constantly coming from the alloy sword in her hand, and looking at the ferocious-looking girl who had lost her mind in front of her, Chishima Hitomi's expression finally changed. There was a trace of excitement in her eyes, and a fanatical smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Her lips parted slightly, and the white warrior girl smiled and whispered in Japanese: You know? I have been looking forward to this battle for a long time... Finally waited. This is a real showdown between monsters! A piercing murderous intention instantly overflowed from his eyes. Hitomi Mikishima took a step to the side, and at the same time suddenly changed the direction of the sword, and the thick jointed limbs that kept pressing him immediately followed. The inertia grazed the blade of the black alloy long knife, causing a splash of sparks, and then smashed into the ground only one step away from Haina's head. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Hitomi Mikishima stepped on it again. Stepping forward, she lowered her center of gravity, and then suddenly rotated her body. Suddenly, the hem of the white leather jacket rose slightly along with the smooth black hair. Under this shocking cold light, a brilliant light burst out in Hitomi Mikishima's eyes. , and with a wide-open and wide-open turn, she slashed at Wanbora's defenseless abdomen. 8 Blade - When it touches the skin, there is an oppressive feeling of obstruction. There is no doubt that Wanbora's skin is much harder than it looks! Even Mikishima couldn't cut open its abdomen with one knife, biting Teeth, Hitomi Mikishima frowned, and exerted force again. Suddenly, the tip of the alloy long knife made a teeth-searing sound, and with a burst of flying sparks, it was forcefully pulled through Wanbora's abdomen, and there was a A shallow wound was left on the cracked blue-gray belly. The tip of the knife flew up, and the blood contained in it turned into flames and dispersed in the air. The blood continued to gush out from the shallow wound, and Wanbo was in pain. , let out a piercing howl, and at the same time holding his stomach, he hurriedly took two steps back, letting the flames turned from blood burn his fingers. After a round of confrontation, Hitomi Mikishima already had the most basic understanding of the monster in front of him. know. Without combat experience and fighting skills5, fighting depends entirely on instinct. Normally speaking, it will never be Hitomi Inkishima's opponent. 1 But now, Hitomi Inkishima has to face a headache problem. This guy's skin Isn’t it too tough?! It’s completely different from what Yakyou-kun said! Although, Hitomi Inkishima likes enemies that can withstand cutting... Habitually shaking off the alloy long knife in his hand, Hitomi Inkishima ignored him. At her feet, Heena looked dull. She didn't care about Leon who looked complicated not far away and Ada who finally had a smile on her face. She just stared at Ji Bora in front of her silently, waiting for everything. Bora launched his next attack.

On the other side, Wanbora waved the ferocious limbs behind his back as if he were bluffing. His blue-grey eyes looking at Hitomi Mishima were full of fear. After a few seconds of confrontation, his sight began to wander continuously, and finally Stay on the load-bearing pillars made of boulders in this entire space. A trace of joy flashed between her brows dominated by fanaticism and wildness. Wanbora bared her teeth at Hitomi Mikishima, like a beast showing off something. The next second, she suddenly waved her thick and thick jointed limbs. , and swept hard on the load-bearing pillars that supported the entire space. There was only a loud noise, and the cylindrical load-bearing pillars collapsed in an instant, and huge stones began to fall continuously, smashing hard. On the wooden floor, the entire space suddenly began to shake! The wooden boards broke, sawdust and rubble flew everywhere, and the entire platform was about to collapse. During the shaking, Leon and Ada were unable to stand firm, but they were dry. Shima Hitomi was as steady as a mountain. Amidst the series of falling objects, her eyes were sharp as she watched Deborah waving her jointed limbs and jumping towards the walls around the large cavity until Wanbora disappeared in the falling objects. She Then he lowered his eyebrows, danced with a cold rich man's knife flower, and put the black alloy long knife back into its sheath. The warm-up exercise was over. Hitomi Mikishima turned his head and was about to reach out to Helena who was still lying on the ground. Suddenly, he saw the corner of the template under Helena suddenly cracked. After experiencing the collapse of load-bearing columns and falling objects,

After the attack, this large wooden platform finally couldn't support it! The next second, as Hitomi Mikishima frowned slightly, the overwhelmed wooden platform collapsed instantly, and the floor, which was not strong at all, quickly cracked into pieces. Falling objects of different sizes fell rapidly into the bottomless dark abyss. Seeing the platform collapse and falling suddenly, Leon subconsciously grabbed the edge of the wooden platform. However, immediately after, the corners of the wooden board he grabbed cracked instantly. Leon grabbed the broken board and fell straight down. He groaned for a while. With a loud sound, he fell hard on the wooden bridge under the platform. Feeling the pain from his internal organs, Ang gritted his teeth and forcibly supported his body. When he raised his head, he was surprised to find that Ada had fallen on him. Next to her, less than two steps away from her, she was struggling to get up like Leon, but her face didn't look good, as if she had fallen badly. In the large hollow, on the other side of the circular wooden bridge, Helena, who fell on the wooden bridge on the other side, endured the impact and severe pain from behind and gasped. Before she could recover, she saw a The white figure fell from the darkness, and then landed steadily next to her with a soft sound. Slightly bending her knees to remove the impact from the bridge, the white Musuki turned her head and stared at Haina who still fell to the ground even though she fell from the top. At this moment, Helena suddenly felt as if she was despised by this girl!

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