What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-44. The macho man fills up his py position at night

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After shaking her head, which was a little dizzy from the fall, Heiluna stood up unsteadily under the gaze of Qian Daosui. She looked around at the darkness that could not be penetrated by the nearby oil lamp, and called out urgently: , 'Wambora! Where are you?! Seeing Haina's devastated look, Hitomi Mikishima felt a trace of pity between his eyebrows, but then, the pity dissipated, and his eyes became cold again, Inkishima stepped forward and pushed Helena gently, and at the same time whispered in somewhat stiff English: We should go. Turning her head blankly and looking at the girl in white in front of her, Helena suddenly felt a strange sense of absurdity. She remembered very clearly that just now this girl withstood a heavy blow from Wan Bo La with a wudukiri, and even After scratching Wanbora's abdomen, he was able to fight 0W with only cold weapons, and even gained the upper hand.

Who is she? Before she had time to think about it, the wooden bridge under her feet suddenly shook. Helena was unsteady and almost fell to the ground. On the contrary, Mijishima Hitomi remained motionless, as if her feet were nailed to the ground. , seeing that the wooden bridge under her feet did not seem to be strong and might collapse at any time, Helena temporarily gave up her thoughts of looking for her sister and nodded silently to Hitomi Mishima.

On the wooden bridge on the other side of the large cavity, Leon and Ada were also moving quickly towards the platform below. The two of them passed through the wooden crane surrounding the entire outer wall of the large cavity. The sound of rapid footsteps stepped on the unstable wood. There were creaking sounds on the structure. Leon subconsciously turned his head to look at Ada, only to see Ada, who was holding a mechanical crossbow, staring ahead with an expressionless face and looking very worried. With rapid footsteps, The two of them moved forward rapidly, and not long after, the road ahead stopped, and Leon saw the broken rope hanging in the middle of the large hollow. If they could reach the rope, he and Ada could jump directly over, but no matter No matter how you look at it, the rope is a bit too far. Thoughts flashed like lightning, and Li Jing's plan came to mind. He subconsciously turned his head to look at Ada, only to find that Ada was also looking at him. It was obvious that the two of them wanted to go together. Without any words, the tacit understanding was all silent. Leon turned around and faced Ada. He put his hands together and pressed his center of gravity. Ada took two steps back and then rushed towards Leon. She raised her legs and stepped on Leon's high-heeled boots. Leon suddenly exerted force and lifted Ada into the air. Ada soared into the air and drew a beautiful arc in the air, dangerous and dangerous. He grabbed the rope, and suddenly, the rope began to shake. Upon seeing this, Leon immediately turned around and stared at the swaying rope. When the rope swayed in front of him, Leon kicked hard with one leg, jumped up, and directly He hugged Ada who was hanging on the rope, and the huge impact directly swung the two of them out, helping them fly over the bottomless abyss and land steadily on the wooden bridge on the opposite side. Kneeling on one side to cushion the pressure, Leon subconsciously looked at Ada beside him. Seeing that Ada also landed smoothly, Leon was slightly relieved. At this moment, looking at the woman he thought he was familiar with, there were many questions piled up. In Leon's mind, the scene of Ada breaking out of the cocoon in the video tape of the upper laboratory was played repeatedly in Leon's mind, making Li Jing feel as if something was stuck in his chest. He desperately wanted to throw out all his questions, but according to his understanding of Ada, even if Ada knew the truth, she probably wouldn't tell him the answer. That's right, so far, he is the only one who has been kept in the dark and knows nothing. Thinking of this, Leon felt a trace of disgust between his brows.

With this disgust, Leon was about to stand up when he saw Ada beside him suddenly throw something towards him. Leon subconsciously reached out to catch it. When he opened his hand, he saw that it was a stone inlaid with gems. It looks very simple, a ring engraved with infinite snake patterns. For you. Ada said softly. After hearing Ada's words, Leon immediately raised his head and looked at Ada, and saw that there was finally a smile on the corner of Ada's lips. The female plotter who seemed to be at ease at all times seemed to be back again.

Standing up, holding the ring tightly in his hand, Leon asked softly and suspiciously: Is this a ring? Don't think about it... Walking at a leisurely pace, walking close to Leon's back, Ada turned slightly Nodding his head, he chuckled and said to Leon: This thing

You will need it later. Gently throwing the ring up, then holding it with his backhand and stuffing it into his pocket, Leon said with some disappointment: Okay. On the wooden bridge on the other side of the big hole, Mijishima Hitomi didn't run too fast because he accommodated Helena's speed. Taking a panoramic view of this scene, I recall the time when I was in Changye

What on earth is going on with these two people? A couple? It doesn’t feel like it, but if they are not a couple, these two people are too close and have a tacit understanding, right? With thoughts between his eyebrows, Hitomi Mishima always felt that when Miss Wang and Mr. Kennedy get along, He seemed to have seen that awkward state somewhere, where exactly was he? Suddenly, an Asian face with short black hair, fair skin, and good looks came to mind. At this moment, Hitomi Mikishima suddenly realized. Following closely behind Hitomi Mikishima, she and Hitomi Mikishima watched the small interaction on the other side of the big hole. Helena did not notice anything strange. After all, now, all she was thinking about was herself becoming like Doctor Octopus. Sister, seeing that Leon and Ada on the opposite side seemed to be blocked by a hanging debris, Helena jumped down from the upper floor, quickly pulled the lever on the side of the wooden elevator, and removed the equipment A big box full of miscellaneous items. As the heavy glove box rose little by little, new ropes were placed in front of Leon and Ada, and the elevator where Heina was located little by little began to go straight to the platform at the bottom of the large hollow. Hitomi Mikishima Standing on the edge of the wooden bridge, I gently kicked my legs, jumped onto the slowly descending wooden elevator, and landed firmly next to Haina. Under the impact of Hitomi Mikishima's gravity, the seemingly shaky elevator actually did not move. A slight sway. Helena couldn't help but glance at Hitomi Mikishima again.

In just a few seconds, the elevator dropped to the ground. Helena and Hitomi Mikishima arrived at the bottom platform one after another. They raised their heads and watched Ada jump up suddenly with the support of Leon, and hugged the hanging rope. The broken rope of the broken board, when the rope shook to the limit, the moment Leon took off, Mijishima Hitomi, who had been watching the two of them, was slightly startled. In the wooden building built around the stone wall in the distance, Helena's sister Wanbora was squatting outside the window illuminated by the oil lamp, watching eagerly. Be careful! With a tight brow, Hitomi Mikishima subconsciously shouted to Ada and Leon in Japanese. However, it was too late. Deborah on the stone wall suddenly jumped up and went straight to Leon and Leon who were hanging in the air. Ada came, and just when Leon was about to catch Ada, Wanbora hit his head on the two of them, hitting his ribs hard, and Leon let out a muffled groan, and fell down directly, heading towards The lower platform fell over, and he protected his head in the air. The moment his body came into contact with the platform, he performed a tactical roll to remove the force from his body, and then stood up. On the other side, Ada landed on the last wooden bridge. She also used the same tactical roll to get up, and then jumped directly from the wooden bridge. Seeing Deborah landing firmly on the wooden bridge opposite, looking down at the people at the bottom of the high platform, Leon couldn't help but remind loudly: Be careful! She is very dangerous.

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