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Come back! Feeling the violent shaking around him and watching the platform under his feet turn into gravel and falling continuously into the abyss, Leon subconsciously backed away and couldn't help complaining loudly: How deep is this damn hole? !Did they dig through the bottom of Tall Oak Cathedral? This is really unexpected. Ada subconsciously took out the rope hook gun at her waist, ready to fly away at any time. Wow... Standing between the cracks that collapsed first, Tililith exclaimed in a low voice and fell directly. Losing her balance, she subconsciously let go of Wanbora's ankle, and Deborah instantly connected with the piece. Falling boulder - Tong Xiaofu is in the shadow. The platform collapsed again, and everyone fell rapidly. With a muffled sound, Leon fell hard to the musty wooden floor. Damn... this is the first time today. After shaking his head and struggling to get up, Leon looked around and saw that the structure here was similar to the upper level. The only difference was that movement no longer relied on those weapons. Suspension bridges are stacked horizontally and vertically. The road here seems to have become a one-way street. A wooden road built around the inner wall of the large cavity goes all the way down to the bottom floor. Fires are lit on the walls, and the wooden road The broken wooden boxes piled next to each other are filled with white candles. The flame of a single candle may be very weak, but tens of thousands of candles are enough to illuminate this large cavity brightly.

Who on earth would put so many candles in such a deep place and guarantee that they won't burn out? Frowning slightly, Leon forced himself to ignore the small pieces of gravel above his head that were still falling. Scanning his gaze around, and looking beyond the bottomless abyss in the center of the huge hole, Leon saw the other travelers at a glance. Except for himself, everyone fell on the other side, including the three Miss BoW. , at this moment, they were jumping onto the mine transport truck opposite, and then the transport truck began to slowly descend towards the depths. It seems that the girls all left together, leaving the only man behind. With a helpless smile on his lips, Leon untied himself, then suddenly opened his legs and headed towards the road ahead - Running wildly down the road, he saw many rotten skinny zombies wandering on the road ahead. As he ran, Leon shouted loudly to everyone in the cable car through the echo of the big hole: Can you guys help me a little bit?! Leave it to me! Ada was about to reply when she saw Ti Lilian, a blond girl with heterochromatic eyes and double ponytails, carrying the coffin with her fingers excitedly. Opening it long, popping up the aiming device, Tillillian grinned and said: Have a taste of how powerful I am! Miss Tillillian, please be careful not to hurt Mr. Kennedy... Seeing Tillillian, she looked like she was about to go on a killing spree. With a look on her face, Hitomi Mikishima couldn't help but remind her in a low voice. Don't worry, Hitomi, Mr. Kennedy can stop time and he won't be hurt by bullets. Before Tililian could complain, Tililith subconsciously

Then, as if she remembered something, Tililith's face suddenly turned cold, and she said resentfully, No, Tililith forgot, Mr. Kennedy is not Mr. Kennedy... She looked at the three BOW girls silently. While talking about cross talk, Ada and Helena looked at each other. Ada tilted her head slightly and showed a smile, while Helena immediately avoided looking, her eyebrows filled with bitterness. Oh. Let me take a look. 0 Oh! Locked on 37 points! Finding Leon who was running at high speed through the aiming device, Tillillian puffed out her chest and laughed wildly: Fire! In an instant, the metal storm washed towards the opposite side with a roar. The wooden passage is like shining rain, but if it is swept by this rain, not only will it not be full of vitality, but no grass will grow! I saw the light chain composed of the metal storm being dragged and hit on the opposite wooden passage, turning that passage The wooden planks on the floor were scattered in all directions, and the zombies that were swept away were torn into pieces in an instant. Time, gravel, sawdust, smoke, and the fire caused by the spontaneous combustion of the zombie corpses filled the entire wooden stack.

On the way to enlightenment, Leon was frightened by this terrifying chain of light, and almost stopped several times. After running to the bottom in fear, Leon

He turned around and got into the passage made of bricks and stones, and then without hesitation pulled the switch of the passage. Suddenly, the mine car that had reached the bottom moved slowly along the track, and finally stopped beside Leon. . Meeting up with everyone again, Leon wiped the cold sweat from his head. He climbed onto the mine cart and squeezed in with everyone. Then he managed a smile and joked, It seems everyone is here. The next second, Accompanied by bursts of roaring and shaking, the mine car drove quickly forward along the track, illuminated by the wisdom fires on the wall. Although I didn't know where this car was headed, as long as I walked along the road, I would not be able to reach it. Something will go wrong. Standing on the rapidly advancing minecart, watching the base fire around him quickly pass by, Leon just gasped. Before he could take a break, someone suddenly tapped him on the shoulder. Squeezing Ada, Leon turned his head subconsciously, and then he saw Tiliji'an standing in front of him. She raised her head slightly, holding the coffin, hands on her hips, and said with an air of dignity: How are you? Three t points? My fire cover is amazing, right?!

Recalling the moment when he seemed to be able to sweep away friendly forces at any time, but he accurately avoided his own fire cover, Leon thought to himself that it was indeed a BOW, and his ability to control firepower could reach such a level, so he couldn't help but take action. He nodded to Tillillian and praised: It's very accurate, very timely, and very powerful. Right! Patting his almost nonexistent chest, Tillillian's little nose turned up to the sky, and he said it with a proud look on his face. Shima Hitomi said: 'How is it? I'm just telling you, I will never score 37 points! A miracle... On the other side, Ti Lilili said expressionlessly: Ti Lilian was able to successfully cover and so on. It's unbelievable. Mr. Kennedy must have stopped time.

She got through the bullet, otherwise, how could Tililith not be able to hit Mr. Kennedy? As she said that, Tililith turned her head, and there was light in her eyes again. She said with an expressionless face: - Mr. Kennedy must have stopped. It’s time, right?

I always feel that you seem to have some strange misunderstanding about me, Miss Tierlis. Shrugging at Tiejinglis, Leon raised his eyebrows and said, Also, I care a little about what you just said, why does that person Miss Tilimaoan, it's a miracle that you didn't hit me? As we all know, Tilimaoan never aims when shooting... Tilimaoan explained expressionlessly: So, unless Mr. Kennedy stops time, There was no way Mr. Kennedy could survive Tillillian's cover of fire. Hearing Tillillian's words, Li Jing felt his scalp go numb. He turned his head sharply to look at Tillillian, only to see Tillillian whistling. , with a look of guilty conscience, she looked at the sky, squeezed between Leon and Ada, and walked towards the front of the car while muttering: Ah, I, sir, go take a look in front. As soon as she finished speaking, there was only a banging sound, - Blockbuster Broken wooden boards suddenly flew past everyone. Leon was slightly startled, and then he suddenly realized that Tilly Hean, who had squeezed into the front of the car, seemed to have hit something! Frightened, he hurriedly turned his head, only to see Tilly Hean. An was unharmed. She touched her head and looked at Tililith next to Leon with some confusion: Sister, Tililith seemed to have hit something just now. Leon frowned slightly, wondering. , I saw that the railway track in front of me was blocked by wooden boards! There was only room for the minecart to pass. If you don't squat down quickly, this blocking wooden board is enough to kill someone! Quickly squat down! It's about to happen. Too late, Leon quickly shouted to Tilly Zhanan who was standing at the front of the car looking at him. Huh? Ti Lilian was stunned for a moment, and then the back of her head hit the wooden board hard. There was another dou sound, and the wooden board blocking the road was smashed into pieces, and Ti Lilian just scratched the back of her head and said with a puzzled look: It seems like we bumped into each other again. Looking at the scene in front of him, Leon finally gave up thinking.

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