What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-49. Why does the macho guy keep flipping over?

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In the end, Inuishima couldn't stand sleeping anymore. Everyone on the mine car was very skilled, so why did he have to let the second lady of the Li family perform an iron-head smashing performance? Standing at the front of the mine car, Inuishima Hitomi pulled out the black knife The alloy long knife easily split all the wooden boards blocking the road, allowing everyone on the mine cart to pass unimpeded at this rapid speed. Despite this, Leon still had a trace of uneasiness in his heart. He didn't Knowing what was waiting for him on the road ahead, he subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Ada under anxiety, only to see that Ada was still the same as before, calm and gentle, as if she didn't care at all.

You are calm enough. After a moment, Leon couldn't help but chat. After all, we can only move forward now, can't we? Ada responded with a smile. That's right. Hearing this, Leon shrugged He shrugged, knowing that his position was a bit messed up. Whether it was Ada's matter, the President's matter or even Helena's matter, he was the only one present who knew nothing and was always kept in the dark. Thinking of it At this time, Leon glanced at Helena again, and saw that her face was full of anxiety, and her eyes were moving around, as if she was searching for something. Just when Leon was thinking about whether to take this opportunity to inquire about Tililith and Tililian When the news came out, I heard Hitomi Mikishima standing at the front of the mine car with a stern look on her face and said, Here we come! With Hitomi Mikishima's voice, everyone immediately raised their heads subconsciously and saw the mine car right in front of it. Beside the tunnel, the familiar figure jumped up again. Wanbora supported the ferocious joints behind his back and squatted on the wooden load-bearing beam beside him, with a ferocious face and gnashing teeth. He saw the mine car getting closer and closer. , she stood up slowly, with undisguised cruelty and fanaticism in her eyes. Stop it! Wanbora! This is not the real you! Finally she saw her sister again, Hina Ren on the mine car. She couldn't help crying loudly to Anbora, but Deborah didn't care. She lost her mind and didn't pay attention to her sister's words. She took steps, ran quickly on the beam, then jumped and jumped directly. Arriving at the rails of the minecart, she stopped in front of the minecart. At the front of the minecart, Hitomi Mikishima was like a formidable enemy. She clenched the alloy long knife in her hand, and her eyes were fixed on Wanbo who was getting closer and closer. Pull, and Deborah watched the mine cart crash into her without dodge. Finally, at the moment of contact with Deborah, the mine cart shook violently, and Leon, Ada and Helena almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, the minecart was crowded enough that everyone just staggered for a while.

In an instant, Wanbora disappeared, as if she had been run over by a mine cart. However, Hitomi Mikishima, who was standing at the front of the car, did not feel relieved at all. She got the smell of Wanbola, and that was It felt like being with her. Sure enough, in the next second, two blue-gray arms covered with cracks grabbed the edge of the mine cart. Then, Wanbola came up, and as soon as she showed her head, she greeted her. . caught Chishima Hitomi's sight, and in a rage, she fixed her legs on the bottom of the mine car, and at the same time suddenly opened her arms. In an instant, the jointed limbs that she had gathered up were squeezed out of the cracks in her back with blood and mucus. Don't tell me you're still crying... Looking at the ferocious Deborah, Ada sneered and said to Helena: She's thinking about killing you. Can't I see myself?! Hina responded with a frown, as if she was annoyed by Ada's words. Gritting her teeth and grinning, Wanbora's expression became extremely fanatical. She suddenly waved her thick jointed limbs, as if she wanted to sweep everyone off the mine car, but Hitomi Mikishima couldn't let her go. She got her wish, and saw Hitomi Mikishima turning sideways in an instant, and at the same time blocking the long alloy knife in her hand to her side. She only heard the sound of 0, and sparks exploded. The thick jointed limbs were actually lightly touched by Hitomi Mikishima. Blocked! A stream of steam emerged from the snow-white collar. Hitomi Mikishima looked cold, and his smooth white forehead cracked bit by bit. Dao Maoyuan squeezed out a turbid eyeball, which turned crazily. Finally, he suddenly stopped moving, and stared at the astonished Wanbora with Hitomi Mikishima's naturally sharp eyes. Miss Deborah, we are the same. Hitomi Mikishima said with an indifferent expression. One hit missed, and the muscles on his face were torn by anger, and the smile before was completely gone. Wanbora let out a roar and quickly withdrew the quilt. Hitomi Mikishima held the joint and at the same time suddenly turned his body and used the joint on the other side to sweep at everyone again. However, he saw that Hitomi Mikishima not only easily took a step to the right, but also followed the same pattern and blocked it again with the alloy sword in his hand. Hitomi Mikishima's attack. Just when Yubola was furious because of the failure of the attack, Hitomi Mikishima suddenly pushed the thick jointed limbs away. She took a step forward, leaned forward, and the alloy long sword in her hand changed the direction of the sword. Swinging out suddenly from bottom to top, the tip of the knife instantly pierced the tight and firm skin, and then went vertically upward along Deborah's abdomen to her chest. The next second, blood spurted out from the wound, turning into... As sparks filled the sky, Wanbora howled miserably. She quickly retracted her jointed limbs, then leaned back slightly and disappeared directly from everyone's sight. Watch your back! As soon as Wambora disappeared, Hitomi Mikishima reminded loudly. Everyone immediately turned their heads after hearing the words. Sure enough, behind the mine cart, Wambora was using the minecart to brush against the rails. The roar concealed her movements, and she climbed up silently. At the same time, she stretched out the thick jointed limbs behind her back, and was about to sweep everyone down like she just did, when she saw Tililith's expressionless face. She suddenly jumped up and delivered a tyrant's right hook. He pressed hard on Deborah's chin. Suddenly, Deborah felt a burst of impact going straight to her brain. In a daze, she couldn't even organize an attack, even to continue to fix herself on the mine car. Seems extremely difficult. Shaking her dizzy head vigorously, Wanbora let out a low growl. She turned her head and Tililith met her eyes. Under the rapidly passing light and shadow, Tililith's face Flashing and extinguishing, only those eyes always emitted a faint and frightening red light. The green-gray eyes were once again filled with rage, Wanbora's roar was filled with rage, and then, she

His face suddenly split open in the middle, and a thick arthropod squeezed out from the crack, swaying gently in the air. Then, like a sickle, the arthropod stabbed from top to bottom towards the seemingly The defenseless Tilly

Seeing that the huge arthropod was about to pierce her head, Tililith raised her hand expressionlessly, and in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, she tightly held the sharp spikes at the tip of the thick arthropod in her hand. The attack was parried again, and waves of muffled moans continued to come out of Wanbora's throat. She tried hard to pierce the sharp thorns towards Tiililith, but Tiililith's white and tender hands were like iron pliers, making her Deborah's jointed limbs could not move forward at all. Wanbora saw this and wanted to withdraw the jointed limbs, but Tililith held it firmly. For a moment, the two BOWs were deadlocked like a tug of war. , but Tililith remained expressionless, while Deborah had already exerted all her strength. The rails suddenly changed direction, and the mine car drove rapidly downwards, faster and faster. There was no trace of compassion in the red eyes of the silver-haired girl on the mine car. Ti Lilith tightened her fingers bit by bit, holding tighter and tighter, while Ti Lilith was Deborah, who was tightly controlled by Lilith, began to squeeze out a painful low roar from her throat. The next second, there was only a sound, like a crab shell being crushed by violence, the woman who was tightly held by Ti Lilith The joints and limbs suddenly exploded into a crack, and immediately Wanbora let out a heart-rending howl. For a moment, everyone's attention seemed to be attracted by Tilithis and Jibora, and no one paid attention to the road ahead, until Hitomi Mishima shouted: Be careful! Everyone turned around in a hurry, I saw that there was no rail in front of the mine cart. Under the huge inertia, the mine cart flew out suddenly, then hit the opposite stone wall, and then fell directly with a loud noise.

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