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The mine cart was thrown out, and Leon, who was flying in the air, looked ferocious. He could no longer remember how many times he had experienced high altitudes in these short few hours.

Breaking through the loose wooden boards, the mine cart fell into the abyss. Leon hit the wooden ground hard. His whole body was in severe pain. Before he could get up, he saw Ada also fell down, and her body It directly smashed the wooden board that had become very fragile due to the impact. Ada! Seeing that he was about to fall into the abyss, Leon gritted his teeth, suddenly raised his arms and crawled over, grabbing Zhangda's hand. Even though he walked before the gate of hell, Ada looked like But she didn't have the slightest fear when she saw Leon grabbing her hand and facing her while she was hanging above the abyss.

Compared with Zhangda's calmness, Leon couldn't laugh anymore. He held his breath to support his body, and then pulled Ada up with force. Ada stretched out his other hand and grabbed Living on the edge of the wooden platform, he climbed up again without much effort. On the other side, seeing that Ada was safe, Leon hurriedly turned around and saw Helena falling on the wooden plank below, her back even smashed. A row of wooden boards cracked, but Tililith, who fell not far away from him, and Tililian and Hitomi Chishima, who fell below, landed quite smoothly. In comparison, Helena's sister Wanbora looked a lot more embarrassed. First, she was severely injured by Tililith, and then because she had no time to retract the joints, she crashed into the stone wall with the mine cart. At this moment, Deborah had already retracted the joints, and she was lying naked under her own body. Between the cracked boards, she frowned and let out low roars while vomiting blood. With her chest rising and falling violently, she opened her arms several times to try to support her body, but failed. There is no doubt that within a short period of time, Deborah no longer has the ability to fight. Wanwanbola. Despite the severe pain all over her body, Helena still struggled to get up. She covered her arms and staggered towards the ground.

Wan Bora walked up to Wan Bora, but just when she was about to reach Wan Bora's side, a black alloy long knife blocked her way. I'm sorry... She made a sword out of the long sword and put it back into the scabbard. Hitomi Mikishima stood in front of Helena. She shook her head gently and said:

Now, you can't go over there. Why?! Deborah. Helena was still thinking about arguing, but she met Hitomi Mikishima's sharp eyes and the cloudy eyeballs floating on her forehead. After a moment, her attitude softened. She came down, staggered back two steps, shook her head gently, and said with a hint of tears: ...You must have a way to save her, right? Can you save her? Even if she becomes like you Same, I...I'm not even in peace. Shut up! Sister Dabo! Before Helena could finish speaking, a delicate but irritable voice came with a nervous tone, and Helena subconsciously turned around. Looking over, I saw Tilly Hean, a blond girl with heterochromatic eyes carrying the huge silver equipment, walking towards her step by step, with a trace of impatience between her brows. She frowned slightly and said, I promised you I would save Dabo girl. I will definitely save him! Why do you talk so much nonsense?! Are you from F country? ! Then, Tililian suddenly put the heavy silver weapon called coffin in her hand on the ground, and at the same time put her own He pressed his finger on it, and heard a soft beep sound. White mist spurted out from the side of the coffin. Then, a mezzanine suddenly popped up on the side of the coffin. He reached into the mezzanine and pulled out a piece of mist. Tillillian looked at the metal needle carefully, then turned around and walked towards Deborah, who was lying on the ground and panting. Listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer in her ears, Wanbora's emotions became excited again. She kicked her legs and tried hard to support her arms, but the severe pain throughout her body made her unable to move at all. Seeing Ti Lilian coming to her side, She could only stare, bared her teeth, and kept growling, like a wounded beast.

Have fun, big wave girl. A flash of light flashed in the purple and blue one-eye, Ti Lilian raised her eyebrows and said: Don't blame me. The more serious the malignant mutation is, the more it will weaken the infected person's immunity. Resistance, otherwise the inhibitory effect will be seriously compromised, this is what Casimir's father meant. As he spoke, Tillyhian squatted down and directly pierced the syringe in his hand into Anbora's chest. Feeling a A cool feeling spread from the chest along with a faint pain. Wanbo La wanted to resist instinctively, but the next second, the heartbreaking pain spread from the chest and occupied the whole body in a few seconds.

Then she suddenly bowed up, as if she was having an epileptic attack - her whole body was stiff, her limbs were twisted, and steam was rising from every crack in her skin. Then, she suddenly turned over and ran to the ground. , her mouth was wide open, but she couldn't make a sound, as if her neck was stuck. Wambora! Seeing her sister's face in pain, looking like she was about to die, Helena Almost crying, she said anxiously: You... what did you inject her with?! I don't know. Hitomi Mikishima shook her head and replied. Looking at Wanbora who was constantly convulsing, Helena couldn't even breathe. It became lumpy. She was about to ask something more when suddenly, a large amount of gray-yellow mud was spat out from Wanbora's mouth. She was convulsing and vomiting as if she had drunk too much wine. Then, accompanied by intense vomiting, the cracks on Wanboola's skin began to close little by little, until they turned into thin red lines, just like lines drawn on the body with a red pen, and the skin color changed from blue to gray. Little by little, it turned into a bloodless pale color. Although the amount of vomited was far more than that of a normal person, Wan Bora continued to vomit. It was not until the mud began to solidify that Wan Bora's body softened. His eyes were tight and he fell to the side. Wambora! Deborah! Can you hear me?! Although she was stopped by Hitomi Mikishima, Haina couldn't help but kept calling. It was as if she heard Helena's despair.

After a moment, Wanbora's eyebrows suddenly twitched slightly, and then she opened her eyes little by little, revealing her blue-gray eyes. In an instant, Li Er and Ada on the high platform tensed up their nerves at the same time. Their fingers were already stuck on the trigger and the muzzle of the gun was slightly raised. As long as the situation was not right, they could fire immediately.

With her blue-grey eyes open, Wanbora seemed to be waking up from a nightmare. She looked around confusedly, and finally followed the sound and locked her sights on Helena. After a moment, she tilted her head and said with some suspicion: Helena? Wambora! Hearing her sister calling her name again, Helena finally couldn't help it. Tears burst into her eyes. She finally couldn't help but rushed forward, and Hitomi Mikishima stepped aside in time. , so, regardless of the mucus all over her body, Helena hugged the naked Wanbora, crying loudly and saying, thank God... thank God. Standing on the high platform above, let go Clenching the hand holding the pistol tightly, Leon silently watched the miraculous scene in front of him. After a while, he whispered that this was not a good sign. I think it's not bad. - Ada, who was holding a mechanical crossbow next to her, shrugged her shoulders and said to the two with a smile: If those guys really have a way to save this girl, then why do they refuse to save her?

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