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Look at me! Everything will be fine! Although the light was dazzling, the room was inexplicably dim. Helena's face, which was tied to a chair, was covered with scars. Despite this, she kept comforting the person sitting on her The girl opposite, the child in a dirty dress, covered in scars, frightened, sobbing constantly. That was her biological sister, Wanbora Harper. Although she said it will be fine, Helena's expression had revealed everything. The fear flowing from her eyes could not be concealed at all, so Wanboola, who was tied to the chair opposite, was even more frightened, and Helena's tone also became anxious. She hurriedly comforted: Look at me, Wanbo, look at me! You will be fine! You Just look at me! Help me. With helplessness on his face, Wanbora sobbed and said to Heena. I will rescue you! Wanbora! Her body couldn't help but lean forward. Helena Jiao kept comforting and said: Wanbora, look at me, we will get through it!

At the intersection of light and shadow, a middle-aged man in a white suit stood aside, constantly rubbing the ring on his thumb that symbolized family status. Half of his body was hidden in the shadow, while the other half was exposed to the light. Next, his eye sockets were filled with chilling gloom. Derek C. Simmons, the national security adviser of country A, silently watched the scene of sisterly love in front of him, with a hint of contempt in his eyes. After a while, he turned his head. , pouted at the other strong men hiding in the shadows, wearing black suits and sunglasses. Then, two strong men walked out of the darkness, grabbed the chair where Deborah was tied, and moved toward The metal i behind was dragged away. No! Let her go! Seeing that her sister was about to be dragged away, Helena's eyes were splitting. She shook the chair where she was tied up desperately while shouting at the top of her voice, Let her go! Don't do this to me. younger sister!

Despite Heena's helpless screams, the two strong men ignored Wanbora's struggling cries and dragged Wanbora directly into the darkness where the dazzling light could not reach. Take me away! Please! I'm willing to do anything! Seeing Deborah getting farther and farther away from her in the dazzling light, with helpless cries, Helena's corner collapsed instantly, she Turning his head suddenly, looking at the cold-faced Simonsi beside him, he cried: Please! Please! Don't hurt her! Please!

There was a sudden collision, and the sister was dragged away but could not do anything. Helena stretched her neck and cried to the cold metal door: Deiyi--Boyi--pull!

I didn't know what I was going to do, so we helped him. Wanbora, who looked a little groggy, was holding her arms and stroking her delicate breasts.

Holding some sticky hair, Heena wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and told her difficulties in a deep voice. She shook her head slightly and looked at Lyon and said: It was me, it was me who helped Simmons get past the president's security system. i Helena! What did you say?! Deborah, who had just regained her senses and was still a little confused about the situation, was frightened by Henna's words. She subconsciously wanted to get up, but then she doubled over. Her legs softened and she returned to Helena's arms. Wan Bora didn't know why, but his body suddenly became a little bit out of control. But at the moment, Wan Bora couldn't care about it at all. His blue-grey eyes were full of astonishment. Ji Bora shook his head and murmured softly: Helena, you shouldn't have done this.

On the other side, after listening to Helena's narration, Ada put one hand on her waist, with a trace of disdain and ridicule between her eyebrows. She commented with a sneer: It does sound like Simmons' usual approach. But he did this. What is the purpose? Spreading his hands, Leon turned to Ada and asked in a deep voice. It's a long story. Ada responded with a complicated expression. Now, Leon finally had a clue in his heart. , On the surface, the whole story of this incident is: National Security Advisor Simons kidnapped Deborah, the sister of new DSO agent Heina, blackmailed Deborah to create loopholes in the president's defense work, and then assassinated the president on the same plane. At first glance, it seems that the truth has been revealed, but in fact, the questions thrown to Lyon have become more. What happened to the Ada video tape in the laboratory? Why did Simmons assassinate the president? It was obviously done. With such a huge pomp and circumstance, what is the significance of such a superfluous action as kidnapping sister Heina? And... Such a messy and clueless thing, why would Li Yexing, the mercenary far away in Idonia, know everything about it? ?Not only did he set out in advance to rescue the general manager, but he also brought several armed forces to rescue the refugees! Such careful preparations must not have been something he had thought of, so there was only one possibility, starting from Li Yehang has already been preparing this plan since Simmons proposed it! This is totally unreasonable?! Did he insert an undercover agent into Congress? No, if so, Leon would rather flush his brain away with a flush toilet! Just when Leon's face was full of confusion, he kept raising his eyebrows, and the silent Ti Lilian suddenly came to Hina and Wanbora. She raised her little head and extended her arms to Hina. He said: Okay! The intimate time between Dabo Girl and Dabo Sister is over. Plus, Dabo Girl is going to follow me! Why? Subconsciously tightened Deborah in her arms, Henna's eyebrows There was a hint of vigilance in the moment, and she whispered: Wanbo pull her... She has recovered, I can take good care of her... No, Sister Dabo can't, and Sister Dabo hasn't recovered from her acne either. She shook her head , causing the two golden ponytails to sway, Tilly Heanbo frowned and said: The thing injected into the big wave girl is just an inhibitor. It can temporarily suppress the mutation of the big wave girl, the stronger the mutation ability brought by the virus, The worse the effect of the medicine, the bigger the girl is, I'm afraid she won't have to wait until dawn to return to her previous state. Mutation? Me? Wanbo La was slightly startled, then turned his head and said with fear on his face: Helen

Na, what are they talking about? What mutation? I... It's okay, Wan Bo La, it's okay, believe me... He quickly comforted Wan Bo La, who was extremely emotionally unstable. He Na's face was full of tangles. She turned her head to look at Tililian, then looked at Tililith and Hitomi Mikishima. After a while, she turned her gaze to Tililian again, and whispered at the same time: Can I believe you? You can only Believe us. With that fragile voice, Tilly Hean raised her eyebrows and said in a serious voice. She closed her eyes and sighed. Helena finally gave in. She nodded and said: Okay, I'll leave Wanbora to you. Wait! Helena, I don't have anything else. Seeing that her sister, who had finally rescued her, was about to send her out, Wanbora shook her head and thought. He was about to say something, but Helena immediately patted Deborah on the shoulder, interrupting Wanbora's words. Listen, Wanbora, listen. The words came to her lips, but they couldn't come out. After struggling a few times, Helena said softly: Wanbola, some changes have happened in you, don't Worry, you just got sick after being locked up for too long. Fortunately, your illness is not serious. Next, my sister still has a lot of things to do. She can't protect you. So, you follow them first. Over there There are doctors, and they will cure your disease... Looking into Hina's eyes, Wanboola read the helplessness and bitterness that she had never seen in Hena. After a while, she lowered her head. He nodded and responded softly, Okay, sister...

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