What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-52. The macho man’s palace begins with her

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An agreement was reached on the placement of Deborah, and the person supporting Wanbora changed from Helena to Tiheian. If Deborah's face was full of fear and uneasiness when she was about to leave her sister, then Tillillian's face was full of irritability when she was about to leave her sister.

After all, Wanbora is really big, and if it is pressed on the head, the child may not grow taller. Under the double blow of height and breadth, Miss Tilly Hean's face, who is particularly concerned about her figure, becomes more and more ugly. Her mentality was about to explode. After enduring for a while but to no avail, Tillillian pushed her hard like Super Mario. At the same time, she said angrily: Don't put pressure on me, big girl!... Wanboola was about to cry. She looked at the coffin carried by the girl, and then at the girl's head that was covered by her. After a while, she said with an aggrieved face, I...I moved. No. Yes, Deborah is almost completely leaning on Tillillian now.

Subconsciously glanced at Deborah, and then looked away amidst Helena's dissatisfied eyes and Ada's subtle smile. Leon, the only male secretary among the people present, coughed twice, then turned his head to Ti Lili. Si asked: What is the plan for that guy Li next? Hitomi will continue to act with Miss Wang, and Tililian will directly take Miss Deborah to evacuate Tall Oak City. Tililith said expressionlessly: As for Ti Lilith, Ti Li Jing Si will temporarily follow Mr. Kennedy. Do you want to follow us? Leon asked subconsciously, raising his eyebrows. That's right. With the light of expectation in her red eyes, Tililith said to Lyon in that inorganic voice: Don't worry, Tililith will not hold back Mr. Kennedy. Please rest assured that Mr. Kennedy will You can hit the enemy in the sky, or you can stop time. Tilly Jingsi is looking forward to it. So, I always feel that you have some strange misunderstanding about me. Give up the entanglement Tilly Jingsi will follow her action Leon has probably already had an idea about this matter. There is no doubt that Li Yehang is an insider. No matter what Simmons plans to do, Li Yehang must have a response plan in his hands. As he said, at this time, he can only Just follow the path planned by Li Yexing. Thinking of this, Leon's face showed a hint of relief, while Ada, who was standing by, smiled and said to herself: It seems you are used to it. I can only get used to it, right? Leon said helplessly. That's right, you can only get used to it. Ada smiled and said, When that guy Li assigned Miss Qiandao to me, he didn't do anything about it. ask my opinion

As soon as she finished speaking, the phone rang. Ada's expression remained unchanged and she took out a small glass cube from her pocket. After taking a look at the caller ID, she concentrated and then walked towards the other side. When she passed by When they were behind the product, Ada suddenly said: Leon, what we are going to face is someone who is behind the scenes to undermine the country and play an extremely dangerous game. If you don't be tougher. That's all, Ada said to Leon chuckled, she turned around, took out the rope hook gun from her waist, and at the same time smiled at Hitomi Mikishima and said: Let's go, Mikishima

The next second, the rope hook gun was fired, pulling Ada's body rapidly toward the shadow above the rock wall. The eldest lady, the second lady, Hitomi goes first... After bowing to Tilly Silk Making and Tirilian, Mikishima turned around and nodded to Leon, smiling and saying, Looking forward to meeting next time. , Mr. Kennedy. After saying that, Hitomi Mikishima suddenly turned around and shook her long black silky hair. Then, she jumped up. The moment her feet stepped on the rock wall, she suddenly took off again, accompanied by With the sound of high-heeled boots colliding with the rock wall, the white figure moved very quickly between the black rock wall. After a while, Hitomi Mikishima disappeared into the shadows along with Ada. Seeing Mikishima Hitomi left, and Tilihe said with a small mouth: Okay, I have to leave too. I guess the perverted brother-in-law has already returned to the evacuation point. I can't let the perverted brother-in-law wait in a hurry.

After that, Tililian turned around awkwardly and walked towards the wooden plank road on the other side, while Wanbora, who was so weak and sore, hung just behind Tililian. Stop pressing my head, ahhhhh! After a while, Tillillian's furious voice came from the shadows, and she said angrily: My lord, please blow up those things of yours! Beat them! Explode! Explode! I...I can't move. Wanboola's excuse full of grievances gradually faded away as time went by. - Time, on the dim wooden money path, only 2 remained, Helena, and Tililith. After looking at Tililith for a moment, they were defeated by the expectant light in Tililith's eyes. Leon turned his head and looked at Helena, and Helena's mood seemed to be about to change. Better than before - Just when Leon was about to discuss the next course of action with Helena, Leon's cell phone suddenly rang. He quickly turned around and took out his cell phone. After seeing the caller ID, Leon His brows instantly wrinkled and he answered the call. A familiar woman immediately appeared on the phone screen. Hannigan from FOS said anxiously: Leon, where are you? Without answering Hannigan's question, Leon asked directly: Is Simmons on your side? Yes. Hannigan nodded. After hearing Hannigan's answer, Heena turned her head subconsciously. Hannigan, you have to be careful. Holding the phone, Lipin frowned and said, I think it was Simmons who did it. Before Leon could finish speaking, a deep voice suddenly sounded from the phone: I seem to hear someone mentioning me. name.

Along with the voice, a middle-aged man's face appeared on the screen. Even across the screen, Leon could feel the chilling weakness hidden in Simmons' eyes. Simmons! Looking at the familiar face on the phone, Hemena gritted her teeth and said. Not paying attention to the hatred in Helena's eyes, Simmons looked across the screen.

Looking at Lyon, he said solemnly: The president thinks very highly of you, Agent Kennedy.

His evaluation of you is not bad either. Lyon pointedly said: He said that you have been old friends for thirty years. It seemed that Pelion's words were irritating, a trace of displeasure flashed in the corner of Simmons's eyes, and then he asked Leon and Heena in a sinister manner: Tell me, when the president died, were you the only ones? Two present?l

Hearing Simmons' question, Leon suddenly fell silent. According to Li Yexing, at this time, he should happily take on the responsibility of shooting the president to pave the way for Li Yexing's subsequent plans, but when he thought of watching Simmons' triumphant He felt a sense of displeasure on his face. Just when he was about to admit it, Tililith, who had been watching coldly, came forward. She gently stood on tiptoes and stretched her neck to look at Simmons on the screen of her mobile phone. Miss Tililith, this... Helena subconsciously felt bad. She was about to drive Tililith away when Tililith suddenly spoke. She said to Simmons on the phone screen expressionlessly: So ugly. Is this Mr. Simmons who is not popular with women? It's really funny. As if being disrupted by these sudden words, Simmons' face suddenly froze, and then, I don't know if it was Leon's illusion, but Simmons' face seemed to become a little ugly.

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