What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-53. The macho man’s palace is full of yin and yang.

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Looking at the expressionless Ti Lilith through the screen, Simmons's face became extremely gloomy. After a few seconds, he looked away, looked at Leon and said: Who is this child? We are in Tall Oaks City. The survivors we found. Leon replied immediately. Well, Agent Kennedy, it seems your situation is much better than I thought. It's really ten thousand. After dismissing the topic just now, Mons continued: However, you haven't answered my question yet. When the president died, were you and Agent Harper the only ones present? We... Leon was about to say something, but Tililith interrupted Leon again. She said Simmons said expressionlessly: If you can't get it, make it yourself. Mr. Simmons is truly Mr. Simmons, and he can compete with his father. As if someone had stabbed his kidneys with a steel bar, Simmons was stunned for an instant, his eyes wide open. The boss, after a moment, the way he looked at Tililith changed. I don't know what you are talking about, kid... There was an inexplicable irritation between his eyebrows, and Simmons even sped up his speech. Frowning, his eyes stayed on Leon's face again. Just when he was about to speak, Tililith spoke again: It's a pity that the one created by Mr. Simmons doesn't listen to Mr. Simmons at all. Mr. Simmons, how miserable. Moved! Simmons finally became furious, with veins popping out on his temples. He kicked Tililith viciously and said, Who are you?! The survivor picked up by Mr. Kennedy. Tililis replied expressionlessly. Okay, very good, I'm really yours, Agent Kennedy... Shaking his head slightly, with no trace of artificial elegance on his face, Simmons angrily said to Leon: In short, you and Agent Harper are both suspects in this attack! 0 Agent Harper left his post without authorization while working, leaving the president unprotected! What are your intentions? A flash of anger formed between his eyebrows. Occupied, Hecana was about to speak, but she saw Tilithis suddenly taking action, snatching away Leon's cell phone, then turning her head, expressionlessly facing Simons on the other side of the screen: Mr. Simons is in a hurry, he is in a hurry. Alright, urgent. You idiot! Simmons said angrily: I don't care who you are, and I don't care what you want to do. In short, tell Agents Kennedy and Agent Harper that if they have anything to defend, they might as well talk to the police when they get back. Go! Mr. Ba. Simons, m. Ba. Tililith responded expressionlessly, her eyes as if she was looking at the big lump that was unrecyclable and smelly.

and harmful garbage. His patience finally reached its limit, and Simmons, whose face turned ferocious with anger, violently cut off the communication. That's it? Murmuring under her breath, Tililith handed the phone to Leon and whispered at the same time: Mr. Simmons hung up the phone, looking very unhappy. Taking the mobile phone from Tililith, he stuffed it back into his pocket. Leon looked at Tililith with a strange look in his eyes. He didn't quite understand how Tililith managed to convince Simon with just two or three sentences. Si's true colors have been revealed. If Leon still had some doubts about Helena's words before, then now, Leon can be sure that there is definitely something wrong with Simmons! Mr. Kennedy, there is no need to doubt. Seeing through Leon's thoughts, Tililith shook her head gently. He shook his head and said: Mr. Kennedy is a good man, but he is not good at dealing with garbage. Fortunately, Ye Xing and Ti Lilith are both good at dealing with garbage. So, Mr. Kennedy does not need to talk to Mr. Simmons. The classification of garbage should be dealt with. Just give it to Tilithis. Miss Tillis, how much do you know about the ins and outs of this incident? Leon asked with a frown. All of them. Tililith replied. Then... Just as Helena on the side was about to ask something, Tililith stretched out her index finger in front of the metal mask, signaling Helena to be silent. After Helena closed her mouth, Tililith said softly: Time will tell Miss Harper the answer. After a short pause, Tilisilis continued: Ye Xing said that Ye Xing hates Miss Harper's hidden and unsaid character, so no matter what Miss Harper is, Just drag it on and let Miss Harper experience this feeling. Recalling her own behavior of concealing Leon on the road, Helena only felt a blush. She subconsciously turned her head. On the other side, aware of Helena's embarrassment, Leon whispered: Then can I ask? No. Okay. Tililith shook her head and said: Mr. Kennedy was implicated by Miss Harper, please forgive me. Looking at Tililith who was wearing a metal mask and had no expression at all, - For a moment, Leon only felt that his head was buzzing. Buzzing. It seems that the rest of the journey will be extremely colorful in every sense of the word.

On the upper level of the tunnel, in the laboratory where Leon and Hina had stayed, Ada and Hitomi Mishima finished watching the videotape that made Leon stupid. When the screen turned gray again, Ada and Hitomi Mishima looked at each other, but at this moment , there was a trace of amusement between Zhang Da's eyebrows, while Hitomi Mikishima frowned slightly, his sharp eyes full of murderous intent. Hmph, it looks exactly like me. No wonder Leon acted like he had seen a ghost when he saw me before. No wonder Miss Mikishima always looked like she was ready to draw a knife and hack me to death at any time. Looking back to the previous video The face that appeared, and the hand with the familiar ring, Ada slightly raised the corners of her mouth, she raised her eyebrows and said to Hitomi Mijishima: You have met her a few years ago, right? Is that right? That's right. Qi Daosu nodded and said with a gloomy face, If Lord Ye Xing hadn't recognized that she was a fake, Miss Wang might not have been able to leave the hot spring that day.

Hearing Hitomi Mikishima's words, Ada turned her head slightly, and a trace of doubt fell between her eyebrows.

Even Leon couldn't tell the truth from the fake. That mercenary, how could he be sure that this woman was a fake when they met for the first time? Just as Ada was thinking about it, the small square in her pocket rang again. , Ada took it out casually, looked at the caller ID, and then connected the phone.

Is this performance good to watch? In the small square, Simmons's projection micro

He asked with a smile. It looks good and is quite enlightening. Ada replied with a chuckle. What do you mean? Simmons asked with the same smile. If I'm wrong, please correct me. A hint of weirdness spread from the corner of his mouth, and Ada raised her eyebrows slightly and said: This plate The person on the video tape is not your eyes? N∈o. ​​The manipulator behind Umbrella, the so-called 'Ada' I. For a moment, a trace of hesitation appeared on Simmons's projected face, but the next Within seconds, Ada said what he, or she, wanted to say. 'I don't know what you're talking about? ' Right? Recalling that just now, after taking care of Heena's sister Wanbora, he received a reminder from the so-called Simmons to go to the laboratory to have a look. The curve of Ada's mouth on the phone became brighter and brighter. Regardless of the fake Simmons's defense in the projection, she explained to herself: Simmons will never be stupid enough to reveal his true identity. He and his family only have one by one. One purpose is to consolidate and maintain the order they established, but you just want to destroy it. And you will be regarded as the culprit. In the small square, seeing that her identity was revealed, Kara, who used Simmons's false projection and voice to communicate with Ada, sneered. Then, the communication was cut off. Playing with the small square in her hand, Ada turned her head , I saw Hitomi Mikishima standing behind her with murderous intent, and faint steam was constantly coming out of her collar.

It seems that Miss Inkishima knows who I am talking to on the phone. Ada smiled and joked: 'I thought that Miss Inkishima would grab my phone and chat with her for a few words. No need. Hitomi Mikishima said coldly: There are some words that can't be explained clearly through the phone. It's better for me to talk to her in person. Okay. She shrugged, Ada turned her head, and walked step by step to the gray computer screen. She smiled and said to Hitomi Mikishima: If that woman wants to play a game, then we will secretly play it for her. Okay? Miss Mikishima? I'm more than happy to do that. With a cruel arc at the corner of his mouth, Hitomi Mikishima responded with a sneer. The momentum is good. He took out a timed detonation device from his waist, set the event to two minutes and thirty-five seconds, and then gently placed it on the In front of the computer, Ada suddenly said, Just right, I also want her to see the power of the real Ada King.

Turning around, she left the laboratory step by step with the sound of high-heeled boots stepping on the ground. Ada, who was walking in front, took out the small square she planted in her hand and dialed a number at random. After a while, - A familiar voice came from the other side. Are you sure? It's your old friend, Simmons. Ada chuckled and reported her name: King Ada. Ada?! Suddenly, Simmons on the other side of the phone said in a tone of voice There was a trace of surprise and hesitation, as if he was a poor little spare tire who had received a call from his favorite goddess. Just skip the small talk, let's get straight to the point... Ada whispered to Simmons: That little clone you made just told me that she wants to destroy the world. What?! Simmons was stunned, but Ada obviously didn't intend to give him a chance to continue asking. She gently shook the small square in her hand and hung up the phone. Ada stuffed the small square back into her pocket. You can tell by the voice that he must be an old, salty man. Hitomi Mikishima, who was following behind, said coldly: Besides, he is very pitiful and has nothing to do with what a man should do.

Yes, that's right, no one can compare to that annoying mercenary in Miss Mikishima's family. He joked to Hitomi Mikishima with a smile, and saw a faint blush on Mikishima Hitomi's face, Ada Turning her head with a smile, she looked forward and murmured softly: It seems that the game has begun. Let's keep our eyes open to see who will be the first to appear. She will be very surprised, I guarantee it. . A rare mischievous smile appeared on Hitomi Mikishima's face. A few seconds later, a firelight accompanied by an explosion instantly filled the entire laboratory, destroying everything in the laboratory, including the videotape. Destroy them all.

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