What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-54. Traditional interrogation of macho men

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The raindrops falling from the sky became sparser and sparse, and this sudden heavy rain seemed to be coming to an end, but at this moment, the darkness shrouding Tall Oak City did not disappear. After the sound of rain gradually disappeared, the darkness seemed to become deeper and more terrifying. In the backyard of the two-story house, Li Yexing used the pitiful brightness above his head to hand Benford the black bulletproof vest with a full magazine in his hand, and Benford, who had put on his suit again, did not wear it either. After buttoning up, he directly hung the black body armor handed to him by Li Yexing on his body. After adjusting it a little, he picked up the HK-46 leaning on the side and stroked it gently, and then smiled and whispered Said: When I joined the army, I never used such expensive goods. That guy Simmons is really rich. As he spoke, Benford hung the strap of the gun diagonally on his shoulder. He wiped his glasses with his fingers. Then he turned his head and looked at the corner next to him. He saw a stout man wearing a black combat uniform lying on the ground with his hands tied behind his back. Because his mouth was blocked by a large piece of white cloth, the man could not speak at all. He He could only shake his head slightly while letting out a deep swallow. At this moment, this tall, strong, bearded tough guy had anger in his eyes, like a tiger that accidentally stepped on a hunter's trap. .Li, I can understand the fact that you pulled off the sleeves of my shirt and stuffed it into his mouth. With a trace of doubt between his eyebrows, Benford turned his head and looked at his body that was soaked in the water. But, I don't quite understand what you mean by soaking the remaining clothes in the water. Oh, this is my personal preference. The communicator that was pulled out of the strong man's ear was gently thrown up, caught, and then thrown out fiercely. Li Yexing squatted down and took the dirty and torn shirt out of the water. He came out, wrung it out, turned his head and smiled at the strong man in black lying in the corner, and said: Oh my god, brother, let's have fun, let me ask you an answer, how about it? Veins popped up on the temples. , the face of the strong man in black turned red. He struggled violently and kept groaning. At the same time, he stared at Li Yexing, as if you couldn't help me. It's such a familiar look, I can't stand it. I can't help but feel a little nostalgic. The curve of the corner of his mouth became brighter and brighter. Li Yexing felt that his mood had improved inexplicably. He smiled and said to the struggling man: It doesn't matter, I know you won't say, You are a tough guy, and you won’t tell me no matter how hard I torture you. In that case, we might as well skip the question-and-answer stage and go directly to the next step, which will save us time. By the way, Li Yexing grabbed the He walked up with his half-dried shirt, squatted in front of the strong man, and said in a kind tone: Next, I will take off your shirt, and then I will pull this village shirt along you bit by bit. Stuff it in through the back door. Most of you guys are death row inmates who have been transferred from prison, right? Then you must be familiar with this feeling. Wait for me to stuff it in - most of the time, you might be so happy. Get up. Not paying attention to the strong man's increasingly stiff expression, Li Yexing raised his head and said with a smile: Of course, this is just foreplay, I will ask you questions, but you are a tough guy, you will definitely not Answer me, and that's the next step, I'll let this lining rotate a few times inside your back door, and then I'll yank it out of your back door, along with your intestines. Oh my God. Benford subconsciously drove up. He frowned and said: Li, you can't do this. This is abusing prisoners of war! This really exceeded my expectations. Li Yexing was slightly startled and then said to Benford: I thought you could accept it. At least you shouldn't use my underpainting to do this. Benford said seriously. It's okay, it's just Cuncai... Li Yexing shrugged, then turned his head and continued to smile at the strong man with a stiff face: Of course, this is actually foreplay. After we are done, I will ask you questions, but I know you are a tough guy, and you will definitely not say it, so the next step is the real thing. I will put this shirt through your back door, along your mouth, and then twist it twice, and lead me to it. When it pulls out again, it will pull your stomach out with it, just like it did when it came to your back door. Lee, are you serious? Benford frowned.

Of course I'm serious. Li Yexing shrugged and said to Benford with a smile, I really like playing this. I actually lied. Li Yexing doesn't like playing this at all. After all, it's too boring. It stunk, but the strong man lying on the ground obviously took it seriously. His expression began to shrink, and his eyes showed fear, like a little rabbit being carried by its legs by a hunter. In fear, he fought desperately while Shaking his head and shouting

0? Swallowed, and at the same time turned his head to look at Benford, who was standing behind Li Yexing, and cast a look at him for help. Obviously, the strong man saw that Benford should be a good person. At least he was easier to talk to than Li Yexing. Looking at the miserable look in the strong man's eyes, Benford was defeated in the end, and he sighed. , with Du Han's relieved eyes, he patted Li Yexing on the shoulder, and whispered to Li Yexing: 'I'll stand over there for a while, and you can finish it quickly. Then you may have to wait a little longer. Li Yexing shook his head and said: This is a technical job, you have to take your time... Suddenly, panic reappeared in the strong man's eyes. l\u003e Forget it... Benford turned around, squatted next to Li Yexing, looked at the frightened strong man and said: Come on, young man, let's make a deal. Tell us everything you know. We will find a way to call rescue for you in an hour, or I will go over there to take a rest while you play with him here.

With that, Benford stretched out his thumb and pointed at Li Yexing beside him, who looked eager to try. After a long moment of tangle, the strong man closed his eyes and nodded as if he had resigned himself to his fate. He reached out and held the shirt that blocked the strong man's mouth.

But he didn't take off his sleeves. Benford said with a serious face: You won't be stupid, right? Duhan nodded hurriedly. Very good. Benford casually pulled off the sleeves that were stuffing the strong man's clothes. The air mixed with the smell of earth rushed into his mouth instantly, and he saw a sharp flash in the eyes of the strong man. Just as he was about to shout, Li Yexing, who was already prepared, grabbed Benford's wrist and stuffed the torn sleeve directly back into the strong man's mouth. Do you really think I can't understand your little thoughts? Li Yexing let go of his hand and asked with a sneer. It's really unruly. Why are young people like this now? On the other side, the husband shook his head in despair. Benford stood up, ignoring the strong man's screams, and leaned towards him without looking back. On the other side of the house, for a moment, only Li Yexing and the strong man were left in the corner. With an evil smile on his lips, Li Yexing dipped some water into the twisted half-dry shirt in his hand, and then reached for the strong man's waistband amidst the frightened whimpering of the strong man. . You asked for this. Next to the house, Benford hid under a tree under the cover of the railing. He hid his figure and listened to the faint whimpering of pain from behind. He whispered to himself, Lyon. You're right, this guy is really an asshole.

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