What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-55. The macho interrogation ends

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In fact, Li Yexing didn't keep Benford waiting for too long. In just a few minutes, he walked out of the courtyard of the house. - He immediately saw Benford under the tree. Li Yexing walked up quickly. Benford on the other side looked at Li Yexing with a rather strange look. When he saw Li Yexing coming towards him, he raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice. Question: Done? Basically done. Nodding towards Benford, Li Yexing whispered. Did you really pull it out? Glancing at Li Yexing's hand, Benford frowned. road. How is that possible? Li Youxing sneered and said, I just said that to scare him. How could I have done such a thing? It's too disgusting to be stomach-breaking.

Slightly relieved, Benford nodded, his expression softened slightly, and he whispered: 'Where is the person? 'Kill him.' Li Yexing replied in a low voice.

Hearing Li Yexing say that he killed that man, Benford felt a hint of disappointment on his brows. To be honest, he really hoped to take that guy out to testify against Simmons, but objectively speaking, I think... It was impossible for that guy to follow him honestly without causing trouble. After quickly adjusting his mentality, Benford asked Li Yexing in a deep voice: Did you find out any useful information? - There are a total of twelve ground troops. Entering Tall Oak City, the mission goal is to kill all survivors. Among them, detachment Li also destroyed the power station in Tall Oak City. In order to drop BOW, the helicopters they used this time were mostly transport aircraft and only two armed helicopters. The team The overall lack of heavy firepower, but you can apply to the top to mobilize the B0W that has been deployed in the city. Six teams participated in the ambush on Franklin Street, but it cannot be ruled out that other teams will support or continue to set up ambush on the subsequent roads. After a brief pause, Li Yexing continued: In addition, their temporary base is not far from us, just on the outskirts of Tall Oak City, and they occupy the territory of a real estate company. The Simmons family is behind the real estate company. Benford frowned and whispered. Okay, that's all I can find out, and it may not be completely credible... After talking about the information he found, Li Yexing whispered: In short, the situation is not bad, but it is not what I imagined. So optimistic. Subconsciously tightening the HK-46 in his hand, Benford whispered: 'We are facing a war. War? That's it? Li Yexing shook his head and said to Benford with a smile: Don't worry, this is not a war yet. The villains have seen big scenes. The next battle may be a little more difficult and dangerous, but it's still We won't be stopped by these rotten fish and shrimps. As he spoke, Li Yexing picked up the AR-5 in front of him, smiled and said to Benford: Let's go. The patrol unit that passed them didn't come back, so hurry up and find it. I need to take a look at the neighborhood around Franklin Street. Okay, sir. Smiling at Li Yexing, Benford turned around and was about to walk in the direction he came from. Suddenly, Li Yexing reached out and pulled him.

Lived him.

Don't go that way, let's take a detour. Li Yexing said with an awkward look: It's too unlucky to go that way. Looking at Li Yexing's somewhat strange expression, Benford suddenly realized something. He turned his head again and looked at the dark path leading to the backyard of the house. He twitched his facial muscles and said: You This guy is really... Oh, let's go, don't worry about the details. Half pushing and half accepting, Li Yexing led Benford towards the central area around Franklin Street. Not long ago, Li Yexing and Benford successfully arrived in the area around Franklin Street. They were planning to find a suitable location to observe the movements of the Black Umbrella security forces as planned, but by chance, Li Yexing and Benford unexpectedly ran into a security team operating alone in an alley 3! I

The team member stood at the entrance of the alley, seemingly on guard. Li Yexing asked Benford to wait where he was, and then with the help of the trash can in the alley and the cover of darkness, he touched him from behind, and for a moment , Li Yexing made the member of the security force disappear into the darkness. Then, the scene began. The interrogation process was not as easy as Li Yexing said. After leaving other people's backyards stink, the unbearable security force member finally told everything he knew. At this moment, he just wanted to die happily, and Li Yexing was satisfied. his wish. In the darkness, Li Yexing led Benford towards a four-story building. The building was close to the street. The first floor seemed to be a supermarket. The glass doors and windows on the first floor of the supermarket were smashed, and there was a faint sound above. It was stained with blood, but Li Yexing did not intend to enter through the front door. Following the experience of his previous life, he went around to the back of the small building under the cover of darkness. Sure enough, just as he thought, the supermarket on the first floor of this small building was after existence]. After rubbing the soles of his shoes clean on the mat at the back door, Li Yexing didn't look back. He just made a tactical gesture to Benford, telling him to follow closely. Then he raised his AR-5 and quietly reached through the back door. He went in. He gently opened the ajar door. After confirming that it was safe, Li Yexing took advantage of the poor light at the door and led Benford through the narrow corridor filled with goods and entered the supermarket. Inside, I saw that the supermarket was in a mess at this moment. Two shelves collapsed to one side and were pressed against the wall. Various goods were scattered everywhere. With the little light outside the window, Li Ye Xing could see the trail of blood on the ground. Frowning slightly, Li Yexing lowered his figure and hid his body behind the shelf. At the same time, he followed the guidance of the blood stains and walked forward little by little. When he reached the edge of the shelf, Li Yexing slightly poked his head out and saw the main door of the supermarket. There was a corpse lying on the ground. Most of the body was gone, and the wounds were full of bite marks. However, there were no zombies around the corpse. Not only that, there seemed to be large burn marks left on the ground around the corpse. Traces of scorch. Li Yexing

His brows furrowed even more tightly, and he stepped back behind the rear shelf little by little, then turned his head and patted Benford on the shoulder, pointing to the ceiling above his head.

Benford was slightly stunned, and then subconsciously raised his head. After looking at the ceiling for two seconds, he once again fixed his gaze on Li Yexing, with a look in his eyes.

Li Yexing nodded. He pointed to the collapsed shelves next to the wall, and then made a tactical gesture to signal Benford to follow him. Benford immediately nodded to Li Yexing understandingly. So, Li Yexing stood up, lowered his center of gravity, and passed between the shelves without making a sound. When he reached the collapsed goods leaning against the wall, Li Yexing got in directly, while Benford Following closely behind, the two of them hid together in this small and cramped space, as if waiting for something. Not long after, the sound of footsteps suddenly came from above the head, and then, a dazzling white light shot down the stairway, and two people in black combat uniforms were seen holding K.46., turning on the tactical flashlight, while While chatting, he walked downstairs as if he were going shopping without any sense of caution.

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