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I hate the atmosphere here, it's too dark. After all, Black 9 has turned off, and the people above said that all the bad guys in this city should be plunged into darkness. As a result, we are also the unlucky ones now. I thought our task was to cooperate with the work of the technical department and protect those nerds. Who would have thought that we would be put into the test site inexplicably? l I'm afraid this is also a temporary decision from above. Yes, after all, no one could have imagined that an armed force would suddenly appear in this city. Judging from their hasty mobilization, Black hasn't even entered the scene yet.

Black 4... Speaking of which, didn't Black 3 lose an unlucky guy? He deserved it. He disobeyed orders and acted alone. Where did he think this was? The back garden of his house? So, what do you think? Where did the guy go? Who knows? Most probably he stabbed the zombie nest and got eaten. 0 ha 0 ha... Accompanied by the voices of two security force members, the light of the tactical flashlight shone in the aisle of the supermarket. I casually swept over it and illuminated the collapsed shelves where Li Yexing and Benford were hidden several times. Fortunately, the shelves were full of squeezed goods, which completely covered Li Yehang and Benford. After a few seconds, the two of them left along the door.

to the supermarket. It's really easy. A few seconds later, Benford mocked in a low voice: It's like going shopping. It's not surprising, they may really think they are here to go shopping. Seeing the members of the security force leaving, Li Yexing His furrowed brows were slightly friendly, and he whispered to Benford: Let's go up. You should be able to see most of Franklin Street from the top floor of this building.

There might be one of their people up here. Benford reminded in a low voice. No, they are just here to step on something. Li Yexing shook his head and whispered, If I were the opponent's sniper, I would not choose this building. The buildings next to this building are too dense and there are too many blind spots. And if the enemies disperse, these low buildings will provide them with a lot of cover, and there is a risk of being raided. Relatively speaking, the building opposite is more ideal, higher, more open, and surrounded by low buildings. Green belt makes it easier for your teammates to block the enemy

That's true. After hearing Li Yexing's analysis, Benford nodded subconsciously. But don't be too careless. Seeing Benford's expression slightly relieved, Li Yexing hurriedly reminded Yong: Although we There should be no one above, but it's hard to guarantee whether there will be something else. After all, this batch of BOW Yiping is highly controllable. Whether there is one or not, we have to go up and have a look, right? Benfu De asked in a low voice. That's right. Li Yexing tightened his hand on the gun, turned his head and looked outside the shelf, and then whispered: Let's go. Bit by bit climbed out of the shelf, Li Yexing raised his gun and scanned the surroundings. It wasn't until Benford climbed out that he turned around and walked towards the stairway where the two security force members had just come down. Follow the stairway up , after a few steps, the two came to the second floor of the supermarket. Continuing along the supermarket floor, Li Yexing found a snow-folding staircase in the warehouse that led directly to the upper floor. It was somewhat similar to the kind of stairs that led directly to the attic. There is a sense of novelty in European and American architecture. Going up the stairs without handrails, Li Yexing stuck his head out and scanned the surroundings through the AR-5 scope. He saw that it seemed to be a residential area surrounded by ceramic tiles. There was a dining table next to it, and along the bottom of the dining table. , Li Yexing could vaguely see the kitchen.

This looks a bit like a living room.

With his feet on the tiled floor, Li Yexing grabbed the apple on the table next to him, took a big bite, and then put it back. Benford, who was following behind, frowned subconsciously, but didn't say anything. After passing the living room and entrance hall, we came directly to the main entrance of this house, then opened the half-covered wooden door and entered the corridor outside. Compared to the interior of the house just now, the corridor looks a lot more gloomy. It's almost dark here and you can't see anything. The only light source is the window in the corner of the stairwell above your head. Li Yexing raised his gun and carefully took the gun with him. Ford was walking along the stairs, while Benford was holding the snatched HK-46, guarding Li Yexing's back like a real soldier of Country A. Almost without making the slightest sound, Li Yexing quickly took Benford to the top floor. Without the pitiful light from the upper stairway, this floor was so dark that one could not see his fingers. After a little hesitation, Li Yexing walked from He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, opened the lock screen, and barely illuminated the front three with this weak light. Although the light would be much stronger if he turned on the flashlight, Li Yexing subconsciously felt that it was better to be more cautious. Borrow With the faint light, they walked silently through the corridor, the soles of their shoes ran over the bullet casings that had long since dissipated, as well as the dried blood that had spread to the walls. After a while, the two of them came to a place. Leaning against the blood-stained wall, Li Yexing stretched out his hand and gently opened the half-covered door. At the same time, he lowered his weight and poked his head out. He saw a corpse lying in the room. The lower body of the corpse was almost Only the bones were left, and his upper body was riddled with gnawed holes. Blood spread along the body, vaguely covering the scorch marks on the wall. In addition to the strong smell of blood, Li Yexing could also smell a faint scorch odor. . Obviously, the two security forces should have arrived just now. They violently opened the door and shot the zombies that were eating the corpse.

This is the room. Li Yexing turned around and nodded to Benford behind him. Benford lowered his head and glanced at the mutilated corpse, his eyebrows twitching, and when he saw Li Yexing, he stepped forward directly After entering, he had no choice but to follow suit, and by the way, he entered the door that had broken the lock. Finally, as if he felt that it was not safe enough, he frowned and bent down, taking out the dirty penis. The mop was forcibly ripped from the stiffened corpse's hand, and then pressed against the door lock. After doing all this, Benford turned his head and carefully looked at the room in front of him. It must be said that Li Yexing had poor taste in choosing houses.

There were bloodstains everywhere in the not-so-tidy living room, and there were bloody fingerprints on the walls, just like the scenery of some third-rate haunted house. Benford frowned when he saw it, but it was obvious that Li Yexing himself didn't care. He walked straight through the living room and came to the balcony. After closing the curtains, he slightly raised the curtains until there was a gap, and then looked at the street outside the window through the eyes. Did you see anything? Benford leaned behind Li Yexing and asked in a low voice. You can see it, you can see it clearly. Li Yexing frowned slightly and whispered to Benford, There is a sniper on the roof of the building opposite. At least there is someone inside the building.

One team, two teams are on the street, and one is approaching from the one o'clock direction. As for the other teams, they/\\are near our building.

As he said that, Li Yexing raised his hand and pressed the communicator next to his ear, and at the same time whispered, Can you hear me? Timberwolf?... We. Immediately, intermittent replies came from the other side of the communicator. Where are you? Li Yexing continued to ask. We are less than a kilometer away from the convoy, the other side replied. Forget it, I can't hear you clearly here. Li Yexing frowned slightly, cleared his throat, and then whispered, Right now, I'm in Franklin. Around the street, next, I will tell you the number of those guys, their equipment configuration, and where they moved on the street. You are ready to record it.

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