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On the dark street, a zombie let out a meaningless roar from its throat and wandered alone in the tranquility under the drizzle. Suddenly, the road surface shook slightly, and there seemed to be bursts of engine sound in the distance. The sound got closer and closer, and then, a beam of white light illuminated the zombies in the darkness. Gently tapping on the upper and lower jaws, the blood-stained teeth made bursts of sound. The zombie followed the sound through his head. Before he had time to see clearly, he only heard a loud noise, and the black front of the car hit hard. It hit the zombie and knocked the zombie away directly. It was a police transport vehicle, all black, with bloodstains on the front of the vehicle. The words T.S.T (Tall Oaks Special Task Force) were neatly written on the vehicle body in white letters. After that police vehicle, there was this There were several identical police vehicles, followed immediately by ordinary police cars, black and white, intertwined. In the darkness, this convoy composed entirely of Jin vehicles did not sound their sirens, they just Driving silently through the street with the sound of the engine, it hit the zombies blocking the road. It looked quite strange in the silence. In the first car, a black police officer wearing a police uniform and a black body armor was holding the steering wheel. , staring closely at the road ahead illuminated by the car lights. After a while, it seemed

Somewhat unable to bear the loneliness, he frowned slightly and turned his head and said: Sir, if we continue through this neighborhood, we will reach Franklin Street. Hmm. Some old reply came from the passenger seat. The old man wearing a black beret and black combat uniform knocked the cigarette ashes out of the car window, looking a little unmoved.

Peter saw the old man's indifferent expression. The black police officer frowned subconsciously. He wanted to call the old man's name, but he couldn't say it when he reached his lips. The name of the R countryman was too long. The old man's name was forgotten. Petronev, young man, call me Petronev. He took a breath of cigarette and the old man turned his head and reminded with a smile, although his beard and hair have turned silver, - His face was wrinkled when he smiled, but the black police officer felt that the old man's clear blue eyes seemed to be shining with light, and his eyes were like a hound. Okay, Mr. Petronev called the old man's name. The black police officer nodded, and then continued: Is your information accurate?

Which one are you referring to? the old man asked with a smile.

About the ambush on Franklin Street. The black police officer said with some confusion: Indeed, we encountered many people in the police station. But since leaving the police station, our convoy has passed through most of Tall Oaks, and we have not encountered any What kind of hostile armed terrorists are there. And, to be honest, you are more like terrorists... Of course, the black police officer will not say this. After all, this unknown armed force that suddenly appeared at the door of the police station has indeed defused Crisis in the Police Department

They fought off the invisible monsters and helped the Tall Oaks police rescue many survivors along the way. At least for now, they should be on the side of the police. i) However, out of the suspicion brought by his profession and his sense of responsibility to the people, the black police officer had to be extremely vigilant. He knew very well that this old man had not told him the truth at all. He was already in Tall Oaks City. Having been a police officer for thirteen years, he has never heard of any NG0 organization in Tall Oaks that only participates in offline gatherings and hides a large amount of arms. It also has a weird name like Zombie Fighting Club. Don't worry, the information will definitely not be wrong. We have a very powerful instructor. A proud smile appeared at the corner of his mouth hidden by his silver beard. Petronev said proudly: 'That's the young man who inherited my name. He can't go wrong. As he spoke, Petronev took a puff of his cigarette and flicked the ashes while saying: Franklin Street is the only way to leave Tall Oaks and reach the evacuation site. If those bad guys really don't want to let us out, they They will definitely set up an ambush on Franklin Street. Several other teams have successfully escorted the survivors to the evacuation point. If they want to stop us, Franklin Street is their last chance. Squirt smacked his lips. The black police officer looked a little ugly. He lowered his voice. The voice said: In other words, next, we need to break out from six groups of heavily armed, vicious terrorists and countless monsters while protecting a large number of people? Generally speaking, it is like this. . Petronev whispered: It's just that we won't have enough time. There are six enemy teams blocking us. This does not mean that there are only six teams in this city. If we delay for too long, , they will likely call for backup. The prerequisite is that we will not be eaten by these six terrorists who can command monsters. The black policeman said pessimistically. Been eaten by them? Team Six? Petronev sneered, turned to the black policeman who was driving and raised his eyebrows: Young man, do you look down on us? No. The black policeman shook his head vigorously. Having served in the military, he knew very well that this self-proclaimed NGO, codenamed Timberwolves, was not an ordinary team that could fight. If it weren't for the fact that the captain of this team was from R country, he would have suspected that these people were A The Chinese government secretly dispatched special forces to rescue citizens. When the leading police transport truck passed an intersection again, the expression of the black police officer driving the car gradually became serious. He said to Petronev in a deep voice, Mr. Petronev, ahead is Franklin Street.

- Slow down a little bit, don't let anyone see that something is wrong... He threw the cigarette butt out of the car window, and leaned his body tightly against the back of the seat while raising his hand to press the communication phone beside his ear. He said in a deep voice: Listen up, scumbags. We are about to enter the ambush range of those guys. Without further ado, you all know how to entertain old friends, right? Remember to be more enthusiastic. Don't let people think we are rude. On the other hand, Black

The policeman held the steering wheel with one hand and picked up the walkie-talkie hanging on his shoulder with the other hand and said: This is Chief Emmons. We are about to enter Franklin Street. Mr. Petronev asked us to slow down at any time. Prepare to park. Chief Emmons, this is Chief Foster, permission to slow down... - After a burst of rustling, a middle-aged man's voice came from the other side of the intercom. He said in a deep voice, Everyone. Units should pay attention, follow the vehicle in front and slow down, and be ready for battle. If a firefight occurs, protecting and appeasing civilians should be the first priority. Following the order from the Chief of Tall Oaks Police Department, the leading police transport vehicle began to slow down. The SWAT officers in the vehicle were fully armed and subconsciously hugged the M4 carbines in their hands. Several young ordinary police officers began to To appease the civilians, further back in the carriage, a large group of militants wearing black combat uniforms and gas masks were seen holding various weapons and equipment in their hands, with evil and excited smiles on their faces. Under the illumination of the car lights, Franklin Street was completely peaceful. There was not even a zombie. It looked eerily quiet. The black police officer driving the car became more and more nervous and almost broke out in a sweat. Just as the motorcade was about to move. When they reached the middle of Franklin Street, Petronev in the passenger seat suddenly said, Stop the car.

The next second, a long queue of police cars came to a standstill.

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