What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-58. The macho guy gradually gets better

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They stopped. In the communicator, a specially lowered voice came from the teammate. The security force sniper lying on the roof of the roadside did not reply. He just whispered: I saw it, I don't... Through the scope of the black 0 sniper rifle, he stared at the convoy of police cars stagnant in the darkness. The crosshair of the scope passed along the car windows. The sniper of the security force frowned slightly. About two seconds later, Ten minutes ago, the friendly forces set up explosives on the street under the cover of darkness. As long as the convoy drove past, it would be blown up immediately. But the problem was, seeing that the convoy was about to drive past, it turned out to be so inexplicable. Stopped! Has our team been exposed? The drizzle slowly fell from the darkness, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little weird. After a moment of waiting, it was discovered that the convoy really had no intention of driving past. The sniper of the security force lightly He raised his hand lightly and pressed the communicator next to his ear, and whispered: Golden Eye, this is the Black 4 sniper. The convoy has stopped advancing. Do you want to preemptively strike? After a moment, the communicator responded, - a voice said: Here. It's GoldenEye, allowing the Black 4 sniper to fire first. Okay. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and the sniper of the security force began to search for the target. Soon, he locked the scope on the passenger seat of the first police transport vehicle, and saw sitting there - An old man wearing a black beret, holding a cigarette between his silver beard. The flame of the cigarette was particularly conspicuous in the darkness. Lighting up a cigarette at night is really a life-threatening situation. He pressed down with his fingers. The trigger was about to be pulled, but at this moment, the old man wearing a black beret in the scope suddenly turned his head and stared directly at the sniper of the security forces. He looked through The scope pointed at the sniper of the security force, then he raised his hand and pointed behind with his thumb. The sniper of the security force was slightly stunned, and then, a creepy sense of crisis suddenly hit his spine. , he suddenly turned the gun, and saw in a police car behind him, a silver-haired girl with a terrifying face smiled sweetly at him. For a second, the terrifying roar instantly cut through the darkness and silence. On a rainy night, the glass of the police car and the floor covering the snipers of the security forces exploded almost simultaneously. The gravel and rubble flew everywhere, followed immediately by the M0 sniper rifle. The black gun body suddenly broke, and the cracked corner parts were mixed with the scattered rubble. Before he could change his expression, the sniper's head disappeared along with his neck and a large piece of his collarbone, and the fleshy foam and broken bones splashed all over the floor. The roaring gunfire from the NTW-20 instantly turned into a signal to start the war. , the convoy composed entirely of police cars directly turned into a battle line. A large group of ordinary police officers wearing body armor and heavily armed special police officers slammed into the car doors, lowered their bodies and filed out, quickly looking for cover. Then, a An armed man in a black combat uniform jumped out of the police transport truck, with a rippling smile on his face covered by a gas mask. This is Golden Eye, we have been discovered, each team is free to open fire. ! Seeing that the situation was instantly out of control, the new command in the communicator was passed down with a little anxiety, and the voice quickly deployed: Black 4 sniper is killed, repeat, Black 4 sniper is killed, Black 3 sniper immediately fills the position, Black 5 is ready to detonate explosives at any time, we cannot let them walk out of this street! Following the order from above, the security forces that had been ambushed in advance in the surrounding buildings and alleys immediately moved, and they might probe from the alleys. With his head out, 9 exposed his body outside the window and began to pour firepower continuously at the police officers and armed personnel on the street. Is this the beginning?! Listening to the violent gunfire that suddenly shattered the tranquility, his head The black police officer in the car shrank subconsciously. He raised the M4 carbine in his hand and opened the door beside him. At the same time, he frowned and called Mr. Petronev in the passenger seat loudly. See you, young man, calm down, it's just a small scene. As if he was deaf to the gunshots outside the window, the old man turned his head slightly, smiled at the black police officer and said: You just need to watch those people in the car, the attack is Our business...Brother, Petronev knocked the ashes from his cigarette, then put the cigarette into his mouth. He pushed open the car door with his AK47. He sneered and whispered: Little Bolshoi. Guys, feel the enthusiasm from the signal flag.

What kind of gun was that just now? Why was it so loud? Hiding on the balcony on the top floor, Benford said with surprise as he watched the light of gunfire illuminate the entire street accompanied by the continuous sound of gunfire. It's a big gun. Li Yexing smiled. Under the cover of the gunfire, he opened the window slightly, stretched out the muzzle of the gun, and pointed the muzzle of the gun through the scope at the aircraft that floated out from the roof of the building opposite. The drone then directly triggered the alarm. In semi-automatic mode, three bullets shot out of the muzzle one after another, passing through the sparse rain curtain and hitting the rotor of the drone. The drone exploded There was an electric spark, and then it spun and fell. Li Yexing smiled slightly when he saw this, and sat down against the wall next to the balcony glass, and pulled Benford along. - Sitting on the ground, Benford subconsciously turned his head to look at Li Yexing. Then, he heard a popping sound, the window above his head shattered, and bullets passed through the curtains and hit people in the room. On the wall, broken glass kept falling on the heads of Li Yexing and Benford from above. With his brows furrowed, Benford touched his disheveled silver hair and swept away the glass shards on his head. Then he turned his head to look at Li Yexing, only to see that Li Yexing was also looking at him. The corners of Li Yexing's mouth were almost touching. He grinned from ear to ear, with a rippling smile all over his face.

Mr. President... Staring straight at Benford, who was frowning, Li Yexing said happily: The burst of fire just now came from the tall building opposite. There was at least one person in that building. Considering the perspective of the two teams, I think the detonator of the bomb ahead must be in their hands. So? Benford asked subconsciously

road. No H. So, Mr. President... Li Yexing said with an excited face: Let's go poke that building! Are you serious?! Benford was stunned for a moment. After a while, he said Face was surprised and said: Didn't you say that you should put my safety as the first priority? Why did you turn around and want to lead me to charge?! Oh, I'm sorry I forgot about this, he said Sorry, but there was no trace of apology on his face. Li Yexing shook his head and said: If you don't want to, I can ask my team to cover your meeting with the other survivors of the convoy. The matter of stabbing that building is Leave it to me to do it myself. Seeing the uncontrollable excitement in Li Yexing's eyes, Benford understood instantly. It seemed that Li Yexing was getting excited because he was stimulated by the gunfire.

And the most damning thing is that for some reason, Li Yexing's words seem to have some kind of magic, always tempting Benford to make some irrational and extraordinary actions with him. In Benford's ears, Li Yexing's suggestions He was so damn passionate! After a period of struggle, reason finally prevailed. Benford shook his head and said: I still have to do something. I can't follow you. I will give priority to meeting with the team. Fight side by side with the police officers of Tall Oak City to protect civilians. Tsk, I thought I would have the opportunity to bring the commander up and put on a Hollywood-level performance. Li Yexing smacked his lips, looking a little disappointed.

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