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Unable to reach an agreement with Benford, Li Yexing seemed a little uninterested. After the fire attack on the opposite building ended, he got up, habitually patted his dirty black combat pants, and then said to Benford. Ford stretched out his hand and said: Let's go, Gu will meet with the convoy. He grabbed Li Yexing's hand and stood up under Li Yexing's pull. Without saying a word, Benford took Benford back to the corridor outside the house. Under the continuous gunfire, the two of them took advantage of the gunfire. The pitiful light from the corridor window returned to the supermarket. Outside the main entrance of the supermarket, a convoy consisting entirely of police cars was lined up. The police officers were armed with various weapons. They were heading towards the surrounding alleys and buildings. After stopping to watch the scene and hiding behind the shelves, Li Yexing raised the communicator with one hand and pressed it to his ear and said: Timber Wolf, this is the alpha wolf, he is in a supermarket next to the convoy, carrying the number one target with him, asking for help. ...Waiting right away. Immediately, intermittent replies came.

Okay, they will be here soon... After cutting off the communication, Li Yexing turned to Benford and said: No matter what happens, we must pay attention to those who are wearing the same combat uniform as me. They're my team, more reliable than the police. Our police are reliable. Benford said with some displeasure. F0, it's very reliable. Not wanting to compete with Benford on these matters, Li Youxing didn't say anything. After a while, with the sound of dense footsteps,

A group of people wearing black combat uniforms and carrying various weapons and equipment rushed directly into the supermarket. Benford, who was hiding behind the shelves, subconsciously wanted to raise his gun, but was suppressed by Li Yexing.

Don't panic, this is my man. After pressing Benford's gun, Li Yexing walked out from behind the shelf, and at the same time said to the first person: It's too slow.

The line crossed Li Yexing's shoulder. At a glance, he saw the old man behind Li Yexing who was wearing a black body armor over a gray suit and holding an HK-46 in his hand. He said with a police look on his face: You are the 'number one target', right? In a thick retroflex, Petronev smiled and said: 'I've seen you on TV. Benford didn't reply, but Li Yexing frowned and said: If you have anything to say, wait until we get out. Protect him. I'm going to the building opposite.

Oh, it seems that Mr. Lopulus' Mad Dog is unstoppable. He smiled and nodded to Li Yexing, with a hint of approval and relief in his eyes. Petronev grinned and said, Do you need my help? Just wait until you retire, old man. Li Yexing responded with a smile and curse. Well, after all, this world is ultimately decided by you young people. Taking a photo with one hand, Petronev stepped forward. Go, gently pat Benford's shoulder and ask with a smile, I heard that you have joined the army? i

I have service experience, in the Marine Corps. Benford said solemnly. Then he said loudly to the people behind him, Cheer up! This guy's life is the most valuable thing in tonight's operation! Our drinking money can be fully spent in the second half of the year. It’s up to him!’ Hearing Petronev’s words, all the Asian villains immediately cheered, looking at Benford with eager and greedy eyes, even through the gas mask

Let's go, number one target. After mobilizing before the war, Petronev pressed Benford's back with one hand and said to Benford with a smile.

Under the fire from all directions, a group of armed men wearing black combat uniforms surrounded Benford, rushed out of the supermarket, and went straight to the store.

On the police car and on the wall beside him, Li Yexing, who was walking at the end of the team, turned around suddenly. He raised his gun and followed the team while pointing at Gang Shuo just now.

The gunfire window kept pulling the trigger, and bullet shells kept popping out with a warm temperature. Through the scope, Li Yexing vaguely saw the body of the security force member in the window - soft and fell down. A With his mouth raised slightly, Li Yexing turned his gun again and fired suddenly at the window on the other side, knocking back the security force member who wanted to show his face.

Under the cover of the police officers and Huanya mercenaries on the street, Benford finally arrived at the convoy and hid behind a police transport vehicle. The surrounding police officers saw this and subconsciously looked over. But in this darkness, they could only see a large group of people. As for Benford, who was protected in the middle, they couldn't see it very clearly.

A thin middle-aged man wearing a body armor quickly moved towards this side under fire. He was bent over, holding an M4 carbine in one hand and pressing his messy brown hair with the other. After the police transport truck, he stood up and shouted loudly to Petronev: R countrymen, I heard that you have received another call.

As he said that, the middle-aged man lifted up the glasses that were about to fall off his face, looked at the survivor who was surrounded by the Huanya armed people, and then he was stunned. Hello, police officer. Out of politeness, Mr. President?! As if he couldn't believe his eyes, the middle-aged police officer said with a look of shock: I thought you had already

Thanks to these guys, I'm still alive. Seeing a group of armed personnel wearing black combat uniforms around him, he finally fixed his sights on Li Yexing's body. A few seconds later, Benford smiled at the man. A middle-aged man once. His female horse is so good! The shock on his face was gradually replaced by excitement. The middle-aged man stepped forward and said to Benford: This is really the most exciting thing for me tonight.

What's your name, officer? Benford asked with a smile. James Foster! Mr. President! I'm the chief of the Tall Oaks Police Department... He quickly introduced himself to Benford, a police officer named foster

The department has lost contact. Right now, all the living police officers are here. We got help from this mysterious force when we were in the most difficult time.

, not only escaped from the police station, but also successfully rescued a group of survivors! Well done, Director Foster... With a hint of approval in his eyes, Benford nodded and said: The United States will remember you. Contribution to the country and people in times of crisis.l

I'm a police officer! It's my responsibility to protect the people and defend the laws of the United States! Standing upright, like a soldier undergoing inspection, Chief Foster asked loudly, Mr. President, no, he weighed in a little. After a moment, Benford put the gas mask on his face again, then shook his head and said: This matter will be kept confidential for the time being. As soon as Benford said he wanted to keep it secret, Director Foster immediately understood what he meant, and his expression became solemn. He said to Benford in a deep voice: Okay, sir, please come with me now, and I will take you. Meet up with other survivors.

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