What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-60. The macho man joins the hunt tonight

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Amidst the passing bullets, I watched a group of police officers bending down to escort Benford quickly towards the police transport truck in front, and listened to the clanking sound of the bullets hitting the police transport vehicle. , Li Yexing quickly lit a cigarette for himself, and then frowned slightly and whispered: Are there any casualties? One of the inverted thunder eggs has an injured leg, and simple treatment has been done. He held the cigarette between his fingertips. , spitting out a mouthful of white mist, Petronev whispered to himself, The casualties on the police side were a bit heavy. They had never seen those monsters, and they were beaten a bit badly. I know... Taking another puff of cigarette, Li Yexing stuck his head out from the police transport truck and silently looked at the building across the street under the cover of darkness. Even though it was pitch dark, Li Yexing could still see clearly. See the fire that keeps blooming between the dark windows. It looks like there are at least two teams inside. Li Yexing said in a deep voice as he sprayed two streams of white mist from his nostrils. Do you want to give in? Petronev joked with a smile: It's still too late to change your mind. Change your mind? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows slightly, patted the AR-5 in his hand, and smiled at Petronev. Nev said: Did you see what this is?

AR-5, violently modified, your favorite. Petronev blurted out: Why, you want to say that with this gun you can fight everything.

No, I'm just showing you. There was a trace of ridicule in the corner of his mouth. Li Yexing looked around at the mercenaries armed with Huanya and sneered: If I can't knock down that building in a while, look at me in front of you. This shot was eaten in front of you. Be tough! A mercenary behind Petronev couldn't help but applaud and shouted. Okay, that's all. In short, your task is to protect the number one. Target and deal with BOWs that may appear on the battlefield at any time, and my task is to kill those guys and find the detonator by the way. Come on, Li. Patting Li Yexing on the shoulder, Petronev said with a smile: Let them see what you are capable of. With that, Petronev turned his head and shouted to the Huanya mercenaries around him: Prepare fire cover! Without saying any more, Li Yexing picked up the gun in his hand and lowered his head. Zhongzhong silently stared at the other side of the street, counting down continuously, and as Li Yexing shouted Go! a group of mercenaries suddenly raised their guns and moved while firing under the cover of the police car. He went out and shouted to the surrounding police officers: Cover fire! Cover fire! Although some were confused about the situation, everyone present, whether they were ordinary police officers or heavily armed special police officers, all bravely started suppressing fire. Several light machine guns swept directly around the windows on the building wall, and for a moment, the security forces were suppressed! Seizing the opportunity, Li Yexing suddenly rushed out, crossing the defense line composed of police cars. , went straight to the other side of the street, and at the same time stared at the entrance of the alley through the scope with his gun. He knew very well that there were at least three enemies there. Once they opened fire on Zi 2, he would be directly killed. Exposed to firepower, Jiayi's method is to shoot through the opponent's head before the opponent fires like a Western cowboy. Under the gunfire, the figures reflected in the corner began to change. Li Yexing reacted instantly. He tensed his nerves and moved the muzzle of the gun downward. Then, a half-crouching security force member stuck his head out, and his head was just in front of him. Between the crosshairs, Li Yexing pulled the trigger without saying a word. Immediately, a rifle bullet pierced the chamber and a bloody flower exploded directly on the head of the security force member. Seeing the enemy he had shot fall to the ground, Li Yexing sped up and slammed his body against the wall under the building. Listening to the constant gunshots above his head, Li Yexing clung to At the entrance of the alley where the wall was slowly moving, he pulled out a grenade, pulled off the tab with his teeth, weighed it lightly in his hand, then suddenly reached out and threw it into the alley. Grenade! - A burst of panicked 04 shouts came from the alley in an instant. Then, an explosion sounded, and a thick smoke flew out of the alley with half of the severed arm. Li Yexing took a deep breath. He breathed, and then without looking, he dived directly into the smoke. After his body passed through the smoke, Li Yexing stepped over the bodies of the security team members and walked quickly forward through the alley, and soon came to a window. Bian stuck his head out and took a look inside, but found no enemy. Li Yexing asked for the gun in his hand, smashed the window with the butt of the gun, and then jumped into the air regardless of the glass shards remaining on the window frame. , the moment his feet landed, Li Yexing quickly squatted down, letting the dense desks in the room block his body. At the same time, he quickly scanned the surroundings. Only after confirming that there were no enemies around, did he stand up and lower his body. Go straight to the wooden door of Hong's office. Pressing his fingers lightly on the door to confirm that the wooden door was not locked, Li Yexing took a deep breath. Then he pushed open the wooden door and aimed to the right. In the darkness, the corridor was empty - but there were a continuous stream of guns. However, the sound of noise continued to come from above. According to previous observations, there seemed to be no enemies on the first floor. After confirming that the surroundings were safe, Li Yexing pressed against the wall and lowered his steps. It didn't take long to find the stairwell and quickly went up the stairs. Li Yexing was just about to enter the corridor on the second floor when he heard a rush of footsteps and frowned. Wrinkling, Li Yexing clung to the wall again, wriggled his tongue at the same time, and hid the small half of the cigarette butt in his mouth, letting the white mist fill his mouth bit by bit. After a while, two members of the security force came out of the stairwell. I ran over, and the security force member running in front was still cursing. Without the slightest hesitation, just as the security team member running behind passed the stairwell, Li Yexing suddenly stepped out. The security team member felt as if a face had passed before his eyes, and then, His neck was broken by Li Yexing. The moment he broke his neck, Li Yexing lifted him up and gently put him into the stairwell. Then he quickly turned around and followed him with the same stride. behind the security force member in front. so,

I'm a little fed up with that damn Japanese guy! He's just like a psycho! Didn't we say that our mission is to protect those idiots sitting in the office? Why were we suddenly rushed to the battlefield?! We can't let those monsters go But deal with these damn cops?! Even if we are expendable, there is no need for him to consume us all in such a hurry, right?! He didn't notice the strange sound of footsteps behind him, but the security force members running in front were still there. Complaining, at the end, he did not forget to ask for advice: Are you right? Craven? Although there were footsteps behind him, there was no reply. Kleven? The security force member running in front was slightly startled. , and then turned his head, only to see a macho man with an Asian face charging towards him with a ferocious smile. Li Yexing gritted his teeth and grinned, like a terrifying monster that preys on people with its head. The cigarette butt in his mouth was still... It was burning, and white mist continued to flow out from between the teeth. It looked like a devil from hell with a mouthful of sulfur in his mouth. Fuck! Seeing Li Yexing rushing forward like a ghost, the member of the security force subconsciously shouted, but Li Yexing directly covered his mouth and pressed him hard against the wall. Then, Li Yexing rubbed the hand that was holding his mouth hard, and the security force member's neck made a crisp sound. Wriggling his tongue, he sent the cigarette butt out along with the large cloud of white mist. Li Yexing took a deep breath, then stuffed the cigarette butt into the collar of the body of the security force member. Then, he pushed open the door of the office next to him. Drag the body inside. Unlike that night in Lopulus, tonight the mad dog of Lopulus joins the hunt

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