What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-61. The obsession of a macho executive

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Next to Franklin Street, in the office of a high-rise building, Masamichi Miyamura, the third executive officer of the Black Umbrella Joint Committee, sat silently on the roof of the building leaning on the railing under the cover of darkness, stroking the long black alloy knife at his waist. The hilt of the knife looked down at the convoy of police cars stagnant on the street and the endless stream of guns with no expression on his face. Not far ahead, two corpses were lying quietly. The corpses were wearing black combat uniforms issued by the security forces. However, the heads of the two corpses were all missing.

Blood and minced meat were splashed everywhere, which looked a bit weird. Masamichi Miyamura remembered clearly that these two guys were snipers of the security force. The first guy asked for a preemptive strike, and then his head was blown off. After the sniper was killed, the command system immediately asked new snipers to fill the position. Within twenty seconds of his position, the new sniper's head was blown away. Forget it, don't let the snipers come up, our snipers are not as good as the enemy's snipers. Just when the command system was about to arrange for the third sniper to come up, Miyamura Masamichi ordered directly through the bracelet on his wrist: Let them choose their location freely. Although the view from the top of the building is wide, it is too easy to become an enemy target. Considering that the process of this battle was too simple, Miyamura Masamichi did not intend to command the battle. What's more, there was no room for command in such a simple and crude battle. Blow up their cars, then attack them while they're in a mess, it's that simple. However, I don't know which link went wrong. The information about their arrangement seems to have been leaked. The position where the convoy stopped was a bit too weird. It is estimated that if you drive a few meters further, the police transport truck at the beginning will be stopped. The explosion affected. Although the situation was different from what he expected, Miyamura Masamichi still didn't care very much. In his opinion, the gang of guys on the street were just a group of people with fairly fierce firepower.

That means they are only worthy of being used as consumables. Death is not a pity. If a few guys survive this battle, it proves that they can be honored to become...high-level consumables. Even though they don't care much about these guys. However, Miyamura Masamichi still hopes that the security forces can comply with Mr. Victor’s crushing death and keep these survivors inside. Therefore, he appropriately provides some small details on the command system code-named Golden Eye, such as Don't let our snipers die again.

In this way, Miyamura Masamichi successfully controlled the number of corpses on the roof to two. Under the gentle breeze and drizzle, listening to the roaring gunshots coming from below, Miyamura Masamichi slowly closed his eyes, letting his vision fall into darkness, enjoying the alternative tranquility with the smell of gunpowder smoke, wrapped in black leather gloves. His fingers grasped the handle of the knife in a daze, and with a pleasant sound, he pulled out the long alloy knife that symbolized the power of the black Umbrella executive, and waved it gently with the cold light, as if to remove the The rain and wind were all cut off. Suddenly, a burst of rapid footsteps came faintly from the corridor. Miyamura Masamichi subconsciously opened his eyes, a trace of anger flashed between his eyebrows, and he danced a knife E. He put the alloy long knife back into the scabbard, and at the same time He sat back against the railing again, and then, a strong white man from the security force opened the door of the corridor roof. He walked quickly in front of Miyamura Masamichi despite the rain, and then stood up straight, as if he was being reviewed by an officer. The soldiers generally loudly said: I reported to Executive Officer Miyamura that the battle situation is not ideal. The battle situation is not ideal? Of course I know that the battle situation is not ideal. You can see it clearly from here. I am not blind! I subconsciously said in my heart After a while of grumbling, Miyamura Masamichi's expression did not change at all, as if he was waiting for something. For a moment, the rooftop on the roof fell into silence. Why didn't this kid speak? After a long moment of silence, Miyamura Masamichi couldn't help but frowned. He turned his head slightly and looked at the handsome white man who looked a bit stupid out of the corner of his eye.

I saw the strong man with a serious look on his face. He stood upright with his head raised slightly. His eyes passed over Miyamura Masamichi's head and stared straight at the darkness in the distance, as if he was attracted by something. After confirming that the strong man really did not intend to continue talking, a burst of unknown fire suddenly rose from the heart of Miyamura Masamichi, but the angrier he became, the less willing he was to speak.

Showing anger, he took a deep breath, suppressed the faint anger, and Miyamura Masamichi said in a deep voice: . What then? We need support! Executive Officer Miyamura! The straight, strong white man standing there shouted loudly. Except for the two teams from the Protection Technology Department, the remaining teams are moving in this direction... Nodding to the strong white man, Miyamura Masamichi said perfunctorily: The Technology Department is also making plans. Adjust, a group of BOWi will soon enter the battlefield. Before that, you don't need to achieve results. P only needs to be able to stabilize the situation. Yes! Executive Officer Miyamura! The strong white man said loudly, Get the palace. Muramasa's answer was that the strong white man saluted Miyamura Masamichi with a military salute, then turned around in a standard military style, and was about to return to the battlefield. Suddenly, Miyamura Masamichi called him. Wait. He was Miyamura Masamichi called out, and the strong white man immediately turned around. He raised his head slightly and asked sonorously: Is there anything else?! Executive Officer Miyamura!

..Have you ever served in the military? Miyamura Masayo asked in a deep voice, raising his eyebrows slightly.

Yes! Executive Officer Miyamura! I served in the Army of Country A! The strong white man replied loudly. His expression became a little surprised. Masamichi Miyamura couldn't help but asked curiously: Why did you join us after retiring? Because I was imprisoned! Executive Officer Miyamura! The strong white man replied loudly: My head was covered with a black cloth before the execution! I will join the current team when I see it again! Can I get it again? It's an honor to pick up a gun and fight like a soldier! Executive Officer Miyamura! Why are you put in prison? Miyamura Masamichi continued to ask. Because I shot my commander! Executive Officer Miyamura! the strong white man replied loudly, with an expression that was more serious than that of killing himself.

The commander was more like shooting a chicken or something. X frowned slightly, Miyamura Masamichi couldn't confirm whether the guy in front of him was trying to commit suicide, but looking at the serious expression of the white man, Miyamura Masamichi realized I. This guy was serious, so Miyamura Masamichi Subconsciously he put his hand on the handle of the knife, moved his butt back, and said in a deep voice: Okay, soldier, you can go.

Yes! Executive Officer Miyamura! The strong white man replied loudly, turned around and left. Miyamura Masamichi didn't know if it was his own imagination. Just now, when he called the guy a soldier, the guy seemed to be smiling very happily. .Okay, after the death row prisoners, is there another mental disorder in the security force that has killed the chief? When he was alone on the rooftop again, Miyamura Masamichi began to enjoy his alone time again. He turned his head slightly and looked. Looking at the battlefield below, although the force was not visible, it was obvious that the exchange of fire had become intense. The police officers were still guarding the front line tightly, while the unidentified elements wearing black combat uniforms had already begun to try to counterattack. , those guys are extremely powerful, and their fighting method is not like a regular army at all. If support cannot arrive in time, it will only be a matter of time before several of his teams are defeated. This is the fighter Black Umbrella really needs... Look Looking at those unknown militants wearing black combat uniforms, Miyamura Masamichi's eyes showed a hint of envy. He whispered, Not those garbage-like consumables, but real warriors!

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