What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-62. The inspiration of the macho leader

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Outside the compartment of the police transport truck, gunshots roared continuously, and gunfire flickered, illuminating the street eroded by darkness. In contrast, there was the eerie silence inside the compartment, and the expressions of the survivors in Tall Oak City who were waiting to be transferred. Either frightened or desperate, they sat silently in the carriage, waiting for their fate. Whenever a stray bullet hit the carriage and made a tinkling sound, the survivors would scream in horror. Please rest assured that the police officers of Tall Oaks City will fight to the last moment to protect everyone! We will definitely be able to break through the encirclement and get out of here! After a period of panicked exclamations, the order in the car was seen to be somewhat turbulent. , Standing nearby, a young policewoman with blond hair immediately comforted her, but as everyone looked at the sky, her expression seemed unconvincing. Why can't you just drive over? Do you have to fight with those guys? A faint complaint came from the crowd, and then, the complaint spread around like an infectious disease, and the survivors Their expressions became a little ferocious, and they began to ask loudly. That's right! Why don't you just drive over? Is this how you protect taxpayers?! I've had enough of those monsters! And those in black clothes. Guys, who are they?! - At that time, the crowd was excited. Facing the survivors' angry questions, the policewoman took two steps back in panic. In fact, just like the survivors in front of her, the policewoman's She was also very frightened inside. As a new employee, she never thought that one day a biochemical terrorist attack would happen around her. She was at odds with herself as a police officer. After watching her colleagues, friends and relatives die tragically in front of her, they And had to be involved in the crossfire between the police and terrorists. Under this continuous high pressure, these ordinary people who are not mentally strong are close to mental collapse. In this case, the female police officer She didn't dare to tell them that there were bombs planted on the road ahead. Seeing the survivors standing up and looking intimidating, the nervous policewoman subconsciously reached for the pistol at her waist, but then At that moment, a hand suddenly grabbed her wrist tightly, stopping her from trying to pull out the gun. Panicking in her heart, the policewoman subconsciously turned her head, only to see a face covered by a gas mask. . - His hair, which has turned silver due to age, is hanging down loosely. He wears a black gas mask on his face, and the soaked white suit - it looks like it is not cheap. There is also a black bulletproof vest on the outside. There was also an HK-46 on her waist. The policewoman remembered clearly that this person was personally escorted into the car by Director Foster. Before leaving, Director Foster nervously whispered to her. Said: Lucy, protect him, he is very important!

Policewoman Lucy was somewhat curious about this mysterious-looking masked man, but out of confidentiality, Director Foster would not tell her that the man in front of her was the president of country A, Adam Benford. Virtue. On the other side, blocking the policewoman's subconscious movements, Benford shook his head at the policewoman, and then whispered: Leave it to me. After that, before the policewoman could react, Benford took a step forward. Stopping in front of the female police officer, looking at the gun on Benford's waist and his outfit that was somewhat similar to the black-clad armed men outside, there were faint signs that the survivors' commotion was being suppressed. Despite this, , but there was still fear and anger in their eyes. Just when they couldn't help but want to ask something louder, Benford suddenly raised his finger and pointed to the middle of the crowd, and whispered at the same time: You are scared.

Hearing Benford's words, all the survivors were stunned. They turned their heads and saw in the corner of the carriage, a woman was hugging a young blond man tightly. Her eyes were full of fatigue and fear, and she was being hugged. The same goes for the little blond boy. It was obvious that this child was frightened by the sudden excitement of everyone. With a slight sigh and a formulaic smile on his face, Benford gently squeezed away the silent crowd and walked towards the corner of the carriage. Seeing Benford approaching step by step, the woman immediately hugged her tightly. The little blond boy in his arms shrank subconsciously towards the corner, the fear in his eyes getting worse. Staying in front of the woman, under the eyes of everyone, Benford asked softly: Excuse me, madam, are you Is it the mother of this child? II.Yes nodded, the woman replied in a low voice. Excuse me, can I talk to your child? Benford continued to ask with a smile. A trace of confusion flashed between his eyebrows. The woman lowered her head subconsciously, but saw that the child looked at Benford with flinching eyes. But there was still a trace of exploration, so she nodded hesitantly. With the child's mother's permission, Benford knelt down, looked at the child level, and smiled softly: Hey, brave little tiger, you What's your name? Russell...Stephen Russell. The boy replied hesitantly. Very good, Russell. Without intending to ask about the child's father, Benford smiled and continued softly: 'Are you scared? Not scared... Although his eyes were full of fear, the little boy still shook his head stubbornly and said, It's really awesome... He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the little boy's soft blond hair. , Benford praised: The adults were frightened, and I was also frightened, but little Russell is so brave, which is really amazing. Seeing that the emotion in the child's eyes was gradually easing, Benford chose to change the topic. He asked with a smile: Child, do you have a dream? i ... The little boy nodded and said: 'I want to be a President of Country A! Under the gas mask, Benford's expression became a little subtle. He continued to ask: Why do you want to be president? I want to hang all the bad guys on Wall Street! The little boy said with a flat mouth: Dad said, all the bad guys in the world are gathered on Wall Street. As long as I hang all the bad guys on Wall Street, the world will be peaceful! Finally, Benford couldn't help laughing, and he rubbed the little boy hard. At the same time, he smiled and said: Good boy, if you are ambitious, work hard in this direction.

The bad guys on Wall Street were all hanged. Yeah! The little boy finally regained his strength, and he nodded vigorously in reply. Seeing that the little boy's emotions were soothed, Benford stood up and met the boy's mother's gaze. , the woman nodded to Benford, with a hint of gratitude in her eyes, and the surrounding survivors also subconsciously silenced their voices. Although bullets were still hitting the outer wall of the police transport truck, everyone's expressions were different. He became much calmer. You are all adults, not even a child. Looking around, Benford said to the survivors in a deep voice: This disaster is sudden. Every one of us is in this situation. We lost what we cherish in the disaster. Because of this, we must carry the will of the deceased and live braver and stronger. Only by living can we tell the outside world what happened here. World, only by surviving can we make those responsible for this terrorist attack receive the punishment they deserve!

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