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There was a strong appeal hidden in the words, but the tone was strong and firm, as if there was no room for doubt. Under Benford's comfort, the excited survivors were quickly calmed down, and they sat down again. When he returned, his eyes still showed unease, but there was a hint of determination. After stabilizing the situation in the car, Benford was slightly relieved. Just as he was about to return to the corner, the policewoman beside him whispered: Thank you very much for your help, sir.

It's nothing. Benford's gas mask covered his friendly and kind smile, and Benford whispered: Everyone is very uneasy, and the more calm you have to be at times like this.

Because she didn't know what to say, the policewoman just nodded. Holding the gun subconsciously, Benford returned to the door of the carriage, frowning slightly and watching everything outside silently. At this moment, the battle situation began to move toward The side that favored the police was tilted. Except for a few individuals, the mercenaries brought by Li Yexing divided into groups and rushed into the surrounding blocks. They fought with the ambush soldiers on the side street, effectively This relieved the pressure behind the police officers. As long as the police officers could delay it, they could buy enough time for Li Yexing's beheading operation. However, is it really possible to rely on that guy alone? Just in Benfu When De was a little confused, he suddenly picked up the gun subconsciously. Benford stood up suddenly and went straight to the door of the carriage. He slightly pushed the carriage open. Benford's eyes suddenly widened. He saw behind the police car - A police officer was lying on the ground, kicking his legs and firing randomly. He obviously had nothing on him, but at this moment he seemed to be pressed to the ground by something, and his body armor suddenly suddenly It split open, and blood continuously spilled out from his chest and abdomen, and then hung in the air, as if it was contaminated in the air.

No! Benford yelled subconsciously, and at the same time, he grabbed the gun in his hand and fired at the police officer's upper body. Blood flowers exploded out of thin air, followed by a burst of screams. , before a black monster appeared out of thin air. It ran two steps, then turned its head, and stared at Benford viciously with its white eyes.

This monster is the invisible monster that attacked Li Yexing and Benford several times before! The hard black scales slowly opened, revealing the sharp and terrifying teeth, and the transparent fluid flowed down between the teeth. It dripped on the body of the police officer, and the police officer who was attacked was staring wide-eyed, covering his chest and abdomen, and constantly vomiting blood. There were bursts of low roars in the throat, and the monster looked fierce. The next second, it moved suddenly and headed straight for Benford in the carriage. For a moment, Benford felt the pressure increase sharply, and When he was about to pull the alarm again, he heard a gunshot, and a police officer with a shotgun rushed up. The gun knocked the monster to the ground, and the black scales were beaten off. , exposing fine pieces of flesh and blood, the monster lay on the ground waving its limbs constantly, struggling to get up, but Benford didn't give it a chance at all. Locking on the monster through the holographic sight, Benford suddenly opened fire, and for a moment , the 5.56-caliber bullet was fired and tore open the monster's solid flesh, leaving bullet holes in the monster's body. The police officer holding the shotgun, under the cover of Benford - Dragging the police officer who fell to the ground, he kept pulling him backwards. It wasn't until most of the magazine was emptied that the monster kicked its legs in a low roar and died. Benford shouted to the police officers fighting around the police car: There are monsters that can become invisible. !Be careful! Benford's shout caused a wave of fluctuations among the police officers like thunder. As time passed, the nerves of the police officers who were tired of exchanging fire with the enemy became more tense, while Benford passed through The scope stared at the surroundings, looking for traces of those monsters. Unlike when he followed Li Yexing through the streets before, the rain was much lighter now. Trying to find the invisible monsters by relying on these sparse raindrops was tantamount to I'm just dreaming. Unknowingly, Benford frowned. Suddenly, a water splash suddenly burst from the water not far from his eyes! With a look on his face, Benford subconsciously triggered the alarm. Suddenly, two people The bullet came out of the barrel, penetrated the air and disappeared into the darkness. Two shots were missed. Benford quickly turned the gun and saw the police car not far away making a loud noise. It almost collapsed, and the warning lights on the roof of the car shattered. Seeing this, the surrounding police officers immediately fired at the roof of the police car. But unexpectedly, as the police car shook slightly, everyone's bullets The shot came up empty again. Damn, what a cunning Fusheng. Cursing under his breath, Benford continued to search for clues. Uneasiness and tension began to spread among the police officers, and they did not know the number of enemies. , the panic of not knowing the enemy's location put tremendous pressure on everyone present. In a daze, Benford seemed to hear a set of footsteps, and the sound was getting closer, but it was unsteady, making Benford It was difficult for Benford to determine the location of the monster. At this moment, a splash of water suddenly exploded from the door of the carriage. Then, a pungent fishy smell rushed straight into his nose. Benford's eyes widened suddenly. His eyes and sense of crisis made him directly trigger the alarm, but it was already too late. The next second, as the police transport vehicle shook, Benford felt that his chest was hit hard - , three claw marks suddenly appeared on the body armor, and Benford flew out directly and hit the inner wall of the car hard. Sir! Seeing Benford being knocked to the ground, the policewoman hurriedly protected him. In front of the horrified survivors, she pulled out her pistol and fired continuously into the air in front of her. Suddenly, it seemed as if some debris began to fall on the ground. Then, the black monster revealed its original shape, and it opened its arms and let out a There was a roar of fear, and then he violently waved his claws and knocked the female police officer away. - Time, frightened screams filled the compartment of the police transport vehicle. The surrounding police officers drew their guns and shouted at the compartment. He rushed over, but immediately after, a burst of firepower came from above his head and swept down.

One police officer fell to the ground, and the other police officers subconsciously raised their heads, only to see a black drone with a bullet chain quickly passing over everyone's heads, and at the same time, it continued to shoot at the people on the ground. The officers sprayed small-caliber bullets. Outside the carriage, the police officers were stopped and unable to move. Inside the carriage, the brutal black monster opened its mouth covered in black scales and bared its teeth at the survivors. The policewoman lying on the ground beside him had no time to stand up. Standing up, he had no choice but to take out his pistol and pull the trigger again and again in vain towards the monster. The small-caliber pistol bullets hit the monster's hard black scales like a tickle, and the policewoman let it go. He opened fire on his own, and the monster - walked towards the policewoman step by step, raising the bloody claws in his hands. At this moment, a series of gunshots rang out again, and Benford, who was also lying on the ground - While firing at the monster's back, he kept trying to get up. When the bullets in the K.46 were all gone, the ferocious-looking Benford roared, jumped directly behind the monster, and used the gun in his hand. He tightly strangled the monster's collared neck. The monster's neck was stuck, and the monster let out an unpleasant howl. It gave up on the policewoman in front of it, and began to shake its body crazily, trying to throw Benford down. Benford, who was physically and mentally exhausted, gave up his arms. It slid down directly from the back of the monster, and the monster turned around and suddenly swung its claws towards Benford's head. In the flash of lightning, Benford subconsciously sat down on his back. On the ground, the gas mask that covered his face was ripped off by the claws of the invisible monster. For a moment, Benford's face was exposed to the eyes of everyone present.

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