What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-64. Strong man’s inspirational halo

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At this moment, Benford only felt like a bullfight, and the invisible monster was like a crazed bull. After experiencing the terrifying power contained in the monster's body head-on, Benford became increasingly confused. How the hell could he pin such a monster to the ground? How on earth did that bastard Li Yexing do it?! With his face exposed in public, Benford didn't have time to think too much about the contents of the police transport truck. The door was suddenly opened, and two police officers rushed directly into the car. They blasted the monster's back with their singing pellet guns. After being retrieved and shot at such a close distance, the black scales on the monster's back It exploded instantly, and blood and flesh mixed with broken scales suddenly splashed out. The monster was in pain, howling miserably and staggering forward. It turned around suddenly, stretched out its two sharp claws, and then - - There was a burst of gunfire, and the dark scales on the monster's face were instantly shattered. The ball exploded, and half of its face was covered with holes. The monster howled and scratched its face while retreating hastily, and kept pressing the alarm with its fingers. After a series of gunshots, the monster finally fell. Come down, lying on the ground and twitching slightly like a dead frog. Sir, are you okay? After killing the monster that broke into the car, the two police officers immediately turned around, and one of them subconsciously raised his hand to He saw Benford sitting on the ground, and then he was stunned. For a moment, the atmosphere in the car was quite strange. It's the president! A few seconds later, a crisp voice broke the silence, and the person who had been comforted by Benford before was The little boy looked at Benford sitting on the ground with excitement and shouted loudly. Suddenly, a series of low exclamations came from the survivors. The policewoman struggling to get up from the ground looked shocked. Also shocked were the two police officers who rushed to the car to rescue. After a while, one police officer said with a shocked face: Mr. President? Seeing that I can't hide it anymore, Benford's face showed- With a wry smile, he grabbed the hand that the police officer was holding toward him, skillfully changed the magazine of the HK.46 in his hand, and then nodded and said: Yes, it's me, your president, Adam Ben. Benford. Mr. President, you are actually in the team?! Are you still alive?! - The police officer nearby couldn't help shouting. Thinking, I am still alive. Benford smiled and joked casually: God bless country A, right? Seeing that the police officers in front of him looked excited and seemed to want to say something, Benford's expression immediately became serious. He said in a deep voice: If you have anything to do, wait until we go out. Don't forget it. , we are still at war! I the police officer wanted to say something more, but Benford suddenly raised his voice and said: Officer! Do you still need your oath?! The police officer slightly - - Startled, he stood up straight and responded loudly: I remember! Mr. President! Then go fulfill your oath! Benford said loudly. Yes! Mr. President! The police officer couldn't help but look excited. He said loudly, and then the two police officers left the car with their guns in hand and returned to the battlefield.

For a moment, only Benford, the policewoman, the stunned survivors and the corpse of the monster were left in the carriage. Well, as you can see. Turning his head to look at the survivors, Benford shrugged helplessly. He smiled and joked: In the face of crisis, the president and the people of country A stand together, It's good to live and die together. At least until the next election, I can get a lot of votes. As Benford joked, the atmosphere in the car instantly relaxed. Benford turned his head and said to the policewoman on the side: Come on, officer, help me push the body of this damn monster out. Oh? Oh! Yes! Mr. President! After being awakened from the daze, seeing Benford bending down and starting to drag the monster's body, the policewoman immediately came forward, but dragging the monster was not an easy task. It must be said that this monster was indeed a bit too heavy. However, in the next second, both hands joined in dragging the monster. The survivors who were watching hesitantly came up and dragged Benford together. Pushing the monster's body, the monster's body was soon thrown out. He clapped his hands gently, and then wiped it on the already dirty suit, Benford wiped the sweat from his forehead. , he just turned his head, and saw that the little boy who was talking to him before broke away from his mother's arms. He quickly came to Benford, his eyes flashing: You are really Mr. President, right? Yes, I am. Anyway, he couldn't hide it anymore. Benford smiled and nodded and admitted. He said softly, What's the matter? Little Russell? That... that... - After the entanglement. , the little boy looked forward to it: Can you ask Mr. President to hang all the bad guys on Wall Street? I'm afraid that won't work. He smiled and stroked the little boy's soft blond hair. Benford squatted down and talked with the little boy. The boy looked straight and whispered softly, Those bad guys who want to hang Wall Street should work hard to become the president of country A. After gently patting the little boy on the shoulder and sending the little boy back to his mother, Benford raised his gun and returned to the carriage door. Mr. President, please don't stand here. Suddenly remembering the frightening moment that almost killed the president, the policewoman from behind hurriedly came up. She said urgently: It's too dangerous here. Please stay with the other survivors. I have survived with all of you. The soldiers stayed together. Benford said solemnly: 'I am the president of country A, and I have a gun in my hand. Why can't I fight for my people? As he said, Benford couldn't help but recall. Seeing the tragic situation inside Tall Oak University, he tilted his head and said with disgust: Besides, I hate this kind of situation that nothing can change.

Seemingly infected by Benford's words, the policewoman did not persist after all. He raised his gun and looked at the battlefield outside the car, searching for those who had disappeared in the darkness. Are these monsters triggering the alarm?

Give them a few shots to relieve the pressure on the police officers as much as possible.

Force, and outside the carriage, the news that the president was fighting with the police officers had spread. The police officers were looking here. When they saw Benford's figure, they were all excited. For a moment, The will to fight is at an all-time high, as if I've been beaten to death.

The fire was still accompanied by gunshots, illuminating the street shrouded in the rainy night. In the smoke, injured police officers were being carried out one after another, but the black-clad mercenaries who had left earlier had returned. Looking at the battlefield on the other side, it seemed that they had cleaned up the enemies on one side of the street. As long as Li Yexing's side progresses smoothly, the convoy will soon be able to break through the last barrier to leave Tall Oak City! Thinking of this, Benford was slightly relieved. Something flew through the darkness and stood guard in the carriage. Benford at the door was slightly startled. He watched helplessly as the thing drew an arc in the air, and then

With a loud bang, it hit the last police car in the convoy. That thing turned out to be a red car! It was smashed by the red car that fell from the sky, and the glass cracked. The police officers around the front were frightened by this sudden situation, and they all turned around to cover themselves up. Turning around, there seemed to be a faint sound. It was footsteps! ..0...

Following a burst of heavy footsteps, in the darkness, a tall and strong figure walked out step by step through the darkness like a Terminator.

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