What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-66. A tough guy, a tough guy, a tough guy

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In the corridor outside the office, members of the black Umbrella security force were standing against the wall on both sides of the wooden door of the office, with serious expressions. Through the wooden door of the office, they could not hear a single sound. . After a moment, the security force member closest to the door raised his hand and began to make tactical gestures. The security force member standing on the other side of the door immediately nodded and pressed his hand gently on the wooden door. i took out a shock bomb from his waist and looked at the teammates on the opposite side. The security department member who held ] with one hand began to count down with his fingers. When all the fingers were retracted, he suddenly pushed the door open. A line wrapped around the courtyard, and on the other side, the security force members who had been prepared pulled off the ring of the shock bomb and prepared to throw it into the gap. At this moment, an Asian face suddenly appeared. The ground appeared between the cracks in the door, and Li Yexing could be seen grinning with a strange look on his face. Only half of his face was exposed. Under the darkness, his face was rendered as if it were an evil ghost in Lan Xiang's horror movie! The member of the security force holding the shock bomb in his cell phone subconsciously thought - well, his movements were half a beat slow, but he saw Li Yexing with a strange smile on his face suddenly stretched out his hand from the crack in the door, and slapped the person in his hand. The shock bomb fell to the ground, and then with a soft sound, the door of the office was closed from the inside. Watching the shock bomb fall at the feet, making a soft sound, the security forces surrounding the office The team members were all stunned. The next second, the look of the leading security force member suddenly became tense. He subconsciously opened his mouth wide and wanted to shout something, but then, the shock bomb suddenly exploded with a terrifying and exciting sound. The light effect instantly filled the corridor, destroying the senses of the security team members. Just as the security team members were dizzy, the wooden door of the office was suddenly kicked open, and Li Yexing walked out with a sneer. Without even holding a gun, he directly weighed the black dagger in his hand, grinned and said happily: Look at you, how can you throw things away? After saying that, Li Yexing arched his body suddenly, as if A black vicious dog suddenly shot out, the black dagger spinning in the palm of his hand, and then he suddenly reversed his grip and stabbed the knife into the neck of a member of the security force. In an instant, blood gushed out like a fountain. The member of the security force wanted to He wanted to scream, but he could only squeeze out meaningless sounds from his throat. He fell down and pulled the trigger randomly, trying to kill the attacker in the dark, but Li Yexing had already bypassed him. behind him. There was a burst of gunfire, and the security force member who stabbed his throat swept away several teammates before dying. Li Yexing's battle was not over yet. Before the security force members in front of him recovered, he took action again, Lowering his body and heading straight towards the two other security team members in front of him, the dagger was once again twirled in his hand. Seeing the two security team members trying to raise their guns, Li Yexing suddenly reached the end and slid the first security team member with a shovel. The shovel fell to the ground, and then he put his hands on the ground, kicked out both feet, and directly kicked away the gun muzzle of the security force member behind him. The bullets that lost their accuracy shot out of the chest, leaving a trail of bullets on the ceiling of the corridor. When the bullet hole hit, Li Yexing turned over and stuck to the body of the security force member. At the same time, he stabbed his eye with a knife. With another stir, the security force member immediately fell down. Li Yexing Taking advantage of the situation, he pulled out the dagger, bringing out a trail of blood. Without even looking at it, he turned around and violently threw the dagger out. The dagger penetrated the air, and there was a loud sound of the tip of the knife entering the flesh. It was nailed hard into the throat of the security force member who had just gotten up after being shoveled to the ground by Li Youxing. In just a few seconds, more than half of the members of the security team under the operation codename Black 3 were killed or injured by Li Yexing. But it was obvious that Li Yexing did not intend to end it. Seeing the security forces in front of him, The team members' senses had begun to recover, and they vaguely raised their guns towards themselves. Li Yexing did not retreat, but advanced forward. He stepped forward and caught up with the security force member whose throat he had stabbed before he fell. He grabbed the collar of the security force member and blocked him in front of him. He picked up the AR-5 with one hand and passed it through the armpit of the corpse. Li Ye walked like a tank, firing while Charged towards the security force members ahead. The bullets quickly passed through the ears, and some of them hit the security force member who was blocking the body. At this distance, even the body armor could not avoid the damage caused by the bullets, but it was made of two layers. The body armor and the bunker formed by a large number of muscles and organs were enough to protect Li Yexing from wearing his luggage amidst the firepower. As he advanced, Yexing kept turning the muzzle of his gun, knocking down the security force members who were blocking the road one by one, until finally A bullet exploded a bloody flower on the forehead of the last security force member, and Li Yexing casually dropped the body that was already riddled with holes. Changing the magazine skillfully, Li Yexing turned his head, looked at the corpse lying on the ground in the corridor behind him, and whispered: 'I guess the detonator is definitely not on your body. As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yexing's expression was slightly startled. He raised his head and stared at the ceiling silently, as if he wanted to penetrate the ceiling with his eyes. Vaguely, he could hear the dense and rapid footsteps coming from above his head. Right now, the footsteps were coming continuously along the stairs. Li Yexing turned his head and looked at the stairwell not far away. The footsteps seemed to have subsided, but Li Yexing could clearly see the slightly swaying light and shadow on the wall. It seems that a new enemy is about to enter the scene.

With his eyebrows raised slightly, Li Yexing quickly picked up the gun and leaned aside, pressing his back against the wall. If he expected it right, in addition to the stairwell here, there might also be a stairwell on the other side. If the enemy is not handled well, he may fall into a situation where he is attacked from both sides. Perhaps it would be a good choice to find a place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack. But Li Yexing has never been very good at waiting. He prefers to attack violently rather than defend. What's more, at this moment, Li Yexing only Feeling like his sanity is evaporating, his brain has

I'm almost filled with the smell of gunpowder! After all, does it really matter whether the detonator is on the target? Li Yexing repeatedly rubbed his fingers over the warm radio, Li Yexing raised his head, looked at the ceiling and whispered softly Whispered: 'My mission is to find a way to help the convoy pass, not to find the detonator, so I just need to kill you all so that you can't do anything.

Press the detonator and my mission is accomplished. The footsteps in his ears were getting closer and closer. Li Yexing seemed to be able to catch the breathing of the guys through the darkness. He could feel that the guys were leaning against the wall and approaching the corner. As long as they moved forward, Two steps, and he would burst into flames in front of their eyes. His heartbeat was getting faster and faster, adrenaline surged, and a weird and fanatical pleasure began to bombard Li Yexing's reason. He took a silent breath, and then grinned the corners of his mouth little by little, exposing his teeth, and outlined a look like A crazy smile like a mad dog.

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