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The roar of bomb explosions resounded through the streets, and the large group of fire expanded rapidly and turned into billowing smoke. The intensive firepower dragged out flashes of light through the night, randomly sweeping into the billowing smoke, and burning The burning flames dispelled the darkness and illuminated the street. There is no doubt that this brutal firepower is enough to hit any kind of creature with holes all over its body, and even blow it into pieces. Unless, that creature is not a creation of heaven! I saw a big hand with a black leather gauntlet suddenly waving out from the billowing smoke, dispersing the smoke, and then, there was a dull sound. The monster in the smoke and dust stepped out with heavy steps, stepped on the flames reflected in the water, and revealed its true form. At this moment, what caught the eyes of the police officers on Franklin Street and the armed mercenaries from Asia was a giant man with a height exceeding 1.9 meters! The giant man had pale skin, a square face, and silver hair gathered on his head, and then All along the side of An Ran's body, he gently swayed next to the large sunglasses that blocked his eyes. By the way, the worrying hairline on the other side of his head was exposed. The giant man's neck was very thick and connected. It went straight down along the collarbone and inserted it into the open collar. A metallic black mechanical collar was wrapped around its thick neck. The green indicator light on the collar flashed from time to time, and along the neck, the The muscles are so strong that they are exaggerated, and the body is like a bodybuilder. It is wrapped in a large black windbreaker with a lock. The legs in black trousers under the windbreaker are inserted directly into the heavy black boots with metal soles. The invulnerability in front of you is The strong man was outrageous enough, but what was even more outrageous was what was behind. When the righteous giant man with Chinese characters passed through the thick smoke, a security force followed him! After using the giant man's body to pass through the police After the firepower network constructed by the police officers, they quickly spread out in all directions, using the cars on the streets and the walls of the alleys as bunkers, and began to continuously try to break through the police officers' defense lines from all angles. Then what the hell is that girl?! He fired at the approaching giant man with the M4 carbine in his hand. After sparks tinkling on his big black windbreaker, the black policeman Emmons turned around. He turned around and squatted behind the police car. While changing bullets, he turned his head and shouted loudly to Petronev, who was leaning out his head and firing.

shouted. Enemy reinforcements. A burst of white mist escaped from his lips, and Petronev, holding a cigarette, replied concisely. Of course I know they are reinforcements! I'm talking about the big guy! The bullets were changed. , just as he was about to stick his head out, he was hit back by a sudden burst of firepower. The black police officer covered his head, stared and shouted loudly: What the hell is that?! It's like Schwarzenegger with silver hair! He looks so good. He has a female horse

Terminator! Regarding the question of the black police officer, Petronev did not want to answer. He was too familiar with the tactics of the guys in front of him. This was how these guys played in Lopulus three years ago. Let the monster and The ground troops coordinated their attack in the alleys, and just one encounter disrupted the scum's position. Relying on this system, they were able to forcefully push back the defense lines the scum had built in the alleys and blocks. Two blocks away! You bitch, it's a bit difficult to deal with. He hit the shoulder of a security force member in the distance with the AK in his hand. Petronev immediately leaned against the police car and sat next to the black police officer. , he spit out the burnt cigarette butt in his mouth, frowned and looked at the building nearby. As soon as he glanced over, he saw a member of the security force screaming and falling headfirst from the fourth-floor window. We've only reached the fourth floor?! Seeing the windows on the fourth floor illuminated by gunfire, Petronev couldn't help but cursed: Fuck you! Li! Can you hurry up? !The lineup of enemy reinforcements has begun to become more and more bizarre! Even so, Petronev knew very well that Li Yexing was already very fast. If it were another person, let alone the strength of at least two teams. It would be great if you can survive until you hit four! We need a bigger rod... He muttered softly, Petronev raised his hand and pressed the communicator, frowned and said loudly: Ge Li Special! Here we are! Grandpa! Immediately, the girl's crisp reply came from the other side of the communicator. Come to the end of the convoy to support! They are getting on with the big guys! After hearing Grete's reply, Petrone The husband immediately ordered loudly. Oh?! Grandpa can't hold on anymore?! Gretel on the other side of the communicator was surprised, and then she replied: Grandpa is so cool! It's better to hurry up!

Retire! Damn you kid! Come here quickly! He stuck his head out and saw that the enemy's support troops were faintly trying to push forward with the help of the human-like dog-like monster in his hair. Petronev's veins popped out and he roared angrily. He said: Tell your brother to get up too! We need a machine gun! Ah ah ah ah, I know! Grandpa is so annoying! There was a hint of impatience in his tone, Gretel on the other side of the communicator said urgently : Coming soon! Calling for support, Petronev popped his head out and pushed back the security forces who wanted to advance. Then he turned his head and shouted to the black policeman loudly while changing the magazine: Look for it. Your chief! Let him hang two machine guns in front! If my guess is right, someone will be coming from the other side soon! Ah? Oh! Got it! The black policeman was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and he took out Walkie-talkie, half of his face was exposed, and while looking at the strong man in black approaching step by step, he frowned and said: This is Emmons! Director! Mr. Petronev asked to move their team's defense Move the center of gravity back! Let our people push forward! At least two heavy machine guns! Got it! Immediately, the hysterical roar from the chief of the Tall Oaks Police Department came from the intercom: Attention, all TST! Head towards The first half of the convoy is approaching! We are about to switch defenses with friendly forces!

Each passed the order, and the teams on both sides began to move rapidly in different directions. Petronev continued to poke his head out and began to shoot at the head of the strong man, trying to slow down his progress, but saw that the strong man Silently lift up

- He blocked his face with one hand, letting the bullets hit his metallic black gloves and create sparks. I seem to know what the hell this is. Recalling the bald monsters that protected the security forces in the alley three years ago, Petronev felt a hint of fear in his heart. After weighing the situation, He raised his hand again and pressed the communicator next to his ear, and at the same time said loudly: King! Can you hear me? Can you hear me, please keep your voice down... Immediately, the somewhat weird Northeastern English pronunciation came from the communicator. The message came out from the device, and the tactical commander of the Huanya Armed Forces, nicknamed King, said urgently: Second Miss, come back! I don't know if the thing inside is a person, anyway, we are busy here. What do you have to do? ! With that said, the king continued: All the teams inside have come back with their people. Don't you have a car in your area? Why haven't you come out now? You are pulling your crotch, Se Tou.

Gang, shut up! Frowning, Petronev sternly said: Our convoy carrying a large number of survivors and police officers has been delayed! Those guys have created a new monster! We need Air support!'

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