What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-69. The macho man’s destruction of chicken

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Although the floor he was on was getting higher and higher, the gunfire from downstairs did not decrease at all. Not only that, but whether it was Li Yexing's illusion, the continuous gunfire seemed to have become more intense. Sitting there Li Yexing frowned slightly on the body of a security force member whose neck was broken. He wiped the blood on his face and silently lit a cigarette for himself. The faint firelight illuminated the palm of his hand, and the nicotine smoke Breath rising from the palm of his hand, Li Yexing stuffed the lighter back into his pocket, then held his fingertips between his mouth and spit out a curl of white mist from his lips. It would be great if Kanan was here. Looking at the burning cigarette in his hand, Li Yexing murmured in a low voice for no reason... No matter in the past life or in this life, he should not be a person who is afraid of loneliness. Does the bond between each other make people vulnerable? Although Li Yexing was content with this bond. The female horse suddenly realized that he had begun to think about some things about his mother-in-law and mother-in-law. Li Yexing couldn't help but laugh at himself He smiled and put the cigarette between his lips. He stood up, adjusted his body armor a little, and then continued to move towards the stairwell leading upstairs. In the corridor behind him, security guards were lying in various shapes. Corpses of army members.

There won't be many enemies left, and the bad news is that after the initial excitement, Li Yexing's condition has declined a bit. To put it simply, he is tired. After all, the combat intensity on this road has been too high. The security forces stationed on the street began to no longer pour firepower into the streets, but instead swarmed towards him. Li Yexing truly understood what killing one person in ten steps means. Step by step, he entered the stairwell and closed the metal door with his backhand. , to ensure that if someone wants to sneak attack him from below, he will definitely make a sound. Li night walking is like climbing a mountain.

It's the last two floors, and the only thing left is the rooftop. If they still have remaining soldiers who want to stop them, they can only do it in front. Letting his heartbeat and breathing rhythm slow down, Li Yexing suddenly squatted down and poked his head out of the stairwell. As soon as he showed his head, the sound of gunshots rang out. Li Yexing flinched and hurriedly retracted his body to let the other side see him. The bullets fired from the corridor left a piece of debris on the door frame and the corner of the wall. He's coming! He's coming! An urgent roar sounded in the corridor, followed by a dense set of footsteps. Li Yexing held up his hand Gun, listening to the sound carefully, he quickly made a judgment. The opponent did not seem to press directly to kill, but chose to find a bunker immediately. It seemed that they wanted to hold him back. It seemed that they I'm completely scared. There was a hint of impatience between his eyebrows, looking quite bored. Li Yexing slightly poked half of his face out, wanting to observe the situation in the corridor. However, as soon as he took a glance, the bullet was shot directly over, making a clanging sound. It hit the wall hard, sand and gravel flew, and hit Li Yexing in the face. I saw you... He muttered in a low voice, Li Yexing gently pressed his fingers on the radio, and tightened it little by little. After a few seconds, he suddenly jumped out and rolled down the corridor with a tactical move. He got through the middle and fired fiercely forward at the same time. A burst of blood suddenly exploded, and debris spurted from the back of his head splashed on the wall. The security force member who had his head pierced fell directly out of the office, and Li Yexing quickly stood up and hid on the other side of the corridor. Only then did the fire from the opposite side arrive belatedly. Hiding behind the wall, listening to the gunfire and the yelling mixed with the gunfire, Li Yexing Waiting silently, when the firepower subsided, he suddenly revealed half of his face and stretched out the muzzle of his gun to fire at the corridor, pushing back the security team members who tried to fire at him. At this moment, Li Ye Xing dodged directly, lowered his center of gravity and rushed along the corridor.

Accompanied by the panicked roars of the security force members, the sound of gunshots once again filled the entire corridor. Seeing this, Li Yexing slammed his body onto the corridor and slid away from the bullets while sliding and firing continuously. , after smashing the heads of two security force members in succession, he stood up with a tactical roll, grabbed the body of the security force member who was killed first, and blocked it in front of him. At the same time, take photos with one hand and stare at the opposite side

Firepower - advance at high speed while firing accurately. With rapid bursts of shooting, the security force members who were shot in the arms and thighs fell to the ground one by one, covering their wounds and letting out heart-piercing screams. Every time Li Yexing passed by one, he would slap it on his head. The last shot ended their suffering and shot through the head of the last security force member. Commander Li Ye breathed a sigh of relief. He dropped the battered body in his hand and began to replace the magazine. The moment he unloaded the magazine, suddenly, a burst of footsteps sounded from beside him. Li Yexing was startled slightly and turned his head suddenly. He subconsciously dropped the AR-5 that was out of bullets in his hand. He took out the pistol from his waist. However, before he could stand up, he heard a loud bang and the fan in front of him. The wooden door of the office suddenly collapsed, and then, a black shadow that knocked over the wood rushed out. Just as Li Yexing was about to open the door, the black shadow knocked the pistol away from Li Yexing's hand and smashed it down with his fist. Being caught off guard, before Li Yexing could turn his head, he felt a fist as big as a casserole hit the side of his face. At this moment, Li Yexing felt his head buzzing. , as if he had been punched by Chris, this heavy punch almost knocked Li Yexing away. With a loud noise, his head hit the wooden door of the office opposite. A large Qilong was left in the middle of the wooden door. What the hell! His head was dizzy. Li Yexing struggled to get up, but the next second, a hand fiercely grabbed his collar and held him alone.

He raised his hand and pressed it hard against the wall. Then, his thick arm was wrapped in a black sleeve and stuck tightly in Li Yexing's throat, as if to kill Li Yexing's throat. His throat was crushed! Li Yexing frowned under the difficulty of breathing. He gritted his teeth and lowered his head against the severe pain in his head. He saw the person who had blocked him.

, turned out to be a strong white man wearing a security uniform. At this moment, the blond strong man looked ferocious, with a weird and sick smile on his face, as if he was admiring Li Yexing's painful expression. You're a bitch. Li Yexing, whose face was red from holding back, gritted his teeth and cursed. The gun was not in his hand. He subconsciously touched the dagger at his waist, but the strong white man seemed to have noticed his little move. The strong man took Li Yexing with one hand and took a step back, then slammed Li Yexing against the wall. Feeling the pain from behind, Li Yexing couldn't help but suffocate his breath, and the strong man immediately let out a Shu Zha With a strange laugh, he backed up again like a gun. Just as he was about to throw Li Yexing against the wall again, he saw Li Yexing suddenly kicking his leg between the legs of the strong man. Handsome! As he groaned and cursed, the strong man's face suddenly became extremely ugly. Even the arm holding Li Yexing's neck became weaker. Li Yexing took advantage of the situation and kicked him again, and Du Han He groaned again, stared, gritted his teeth, and turned purple, but he refused to let go, so Li Yexing kept kicking the strong man between the legs. After eating three legs and destroying the chicken, the strong man finally couldn't bear it anymore. He threw Li Yexing out suddenly, then covered his legs and let out a heart-rending scream. Li Yexing fell to the ground. Struggling to stand up, he held his throat that was about to be crushed while breathing heavily. At the same time, he turned his head to look at the strong man. As soon as he turned his head, he met the strong man's eyes. Although the strong man was covering his legs, his eyes were extremely fierce, as if he was going to eat Li Yexing alive in the next second!

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