What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

B-70. A macho man cripples and beats a chicken

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Slowly standing up in the shadow, Li Yexing calmed down his breathing, gently pressed his hand on Bo's neck, and then twisted suddenly, making his neck make a crisp sound. On the other side, the strong white man loosened his grip. With his hands between his legs, he grinned, revealing a pair of neat teeth, his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and a strange smile appeared on his face. Only the distortion in the smile and his slightly trembling legs told Li Yexing , this guy is not as relaxed as he looks. Holding back the pain, the white man Du Han supported his body with a grin. At the same time, he lowered his center of gravity slightly and took a posture, ready to rush towards Li Yexing at any time. At this moment, Li Yexing suddenly realized that the strong white man in front of him The body is so burly, more than 1.9 meters tall, maybe even 2 meters tall. Even the oversized black combat uniform cannot cover the muscles and fat of the strong man. After gently moving his wrist, the strong man began to move, getting closer to Li Yexing little by little. The smile on his face became more and more ferocious and scary, even looking a little nervous. Li Yexing also subconsciously lowered his figure, In his impression, the most exaggerated guy he had ever encountered was none other than Duranduo, the owner of the tavern on the corner of Lopulus. And the guy in front of him was a whole lot bigger than Du Lanfeng! If Duranduo looked at it, This guy looks like a brown t-shirt. He looks like a monster! He deliberately inserted the magazine on the body armor into the AR-5 on his waist, but did not dare to act rashly. Li Youxing glanced at him in a vague way. He dropped the pistol and dagger on the ground, and said with a mocking smile, Such a big one, what on earth did your mother feed you? Hehe, just say it when you can, what are you doing? Thin and small yellow-skinned monkey... The strong white man sneered and said: 'Watch me crush your cheap bones! The distance between the two was getting closer and closer. When they were within five steps, the strong white man suddenly opened his arms, leaned forward, and hugged Li Yexing's waist fiercely. Li Yexing wanted to follow it. He rolled under the arm and picked up his pistol and dagger, but looking at the ferocious smile of the strong man, Li Yexing instantly realized that he could not roll over because the bastard's wingspan was too long! In desperation, Li Yexing pulled away and backed away, barely avoiding the strong white man's embrace. However, he saw that the strong white man was unwilling to let go. After the hug was empty, the strong man actually maintained his posture, like a car that was extra wide due to its strength. The big truck with the logo rammed directly towards Li Yexing. Upon seeing this, Li Yexing immediately ducked and let the strong man pass by his chest. Then he turned around and ran towards the pistol and dagger on the ground. Go, stretched out his hand, bent down, and his fingertips had even touched the handle of the pistol. Just when Li Yexing was about to get the pistol, a huge force suddenly came from behind him, and he saw the strong white man who turned around in time. Han grabbed Li Yexing's back collar, and his arm as thick as a tree trunk suddenly exerted force. The next second, Li Yexing flew directly out and hit the wall hard. His back was hit again, Li Yexing fell to the ground. Before he could get up, he saw the strong man rushing up again. He raised his leg, exposing his dirty bottom, and then stepped on Li Yexing's head fiercely. He was so anxious that he fell to the ground. Next, Li Yexing rolled, barely avoiding a blow that could crush a normal person's head. The shoes stomped hard towards the corridor, making a muffled sound. Li Yexing took the opportunity to get up, and the strong man turned his head again. He was about to punch Li Yexing, but he saw Li Yexing sneered and picked up the shoe. He picked up the AR-5 that was out of bullets and slammed the butt of the gun into the strong man's face. The bridge of his nose was broken instantly and he was bleeding profusely, making the strong man's expression look even more twisted and terrifying. Li Yexing subconsciously prepared to pursue the victory, but he saw that the white man Duhan just let out a groan, and did not retreat or change at all due to pain. Body shape, he lowered his center of gravity and raised one arm to protect his cheek. The other hand used the torque of his waist to suddenly punch out, going straight to Li Yexing's abdomen from bottom to top, and hit Li Yexing's gun. The moment the tool hit his abdomen, his fist hit Li Yexing hard. In an instant, Li Yexing felt his breathing stagnate, and his whole body flew up again. A sinister smile appeared on his face, and that strong The man lifted Li Yexing without landing, and caught Li Yexing. At the same time, he raised his knees and pushed hard against Li Yexing's spine. With a hard and heavy feeling coming from his knees, the strong white man pushed with both hands. , and threw Li Yexing out directly. Seeing Li Yexing fall to the ground, feeling the soreness and numbness on his neck, the strong white man's eyes almost narrowed into a knot. He knew very well that he had used all his strength in the blow just now, and wanted to Breaking a person's spine was no big deal. Seeing Li Yexing collapse on the ground, he walked up step by step, stood next to Li Yexing and looked down, stroking his waist with one hand. Li Yexing's face was pale, his eyebrows were full of After a few seconds of silence, he wiped away the nosebleed, then slowly raised his foot and stepped on Li Yexing's head hard. Go to hell! the strong white man sneered.

At this moment, Li Yexing suddenly moved. He pressed his hands on the ground and moved his body violently, letting the big white man's big feet hit the ground hard against his head. Then, he pressed his hands on the ground. He suddenly exerted force, supported his body, put his two feet together, and pointed directly between the legs of the strong white man. With the solid touch from his feet, the smile on the strong white man's face froze in an instant, and he let out a cry - He let out heart-rending screams and staggered back at the same time, while Li Yexing turned over, grabbed the AR-5 in his hand and pursued the victory, leaned forward, and used the butt of the gun to hit the strong white man's two sides again. Between the legs, the strong white man was in pain and subconsciously covered the space between his legs with both hands. Li Yexing seized the opportunity, quickly pulled the magazine from the body armor, inserted it into the gun, pulled the bolt, and pointed it at the The strong white man suddenly fired between his legs. Accompanied by a burst of gunfire, the bullets emerged from the muzzle in the firelight and directly penetrated the strong white man's hand that covered his weak point. In the scattered blood, the hidden place that was repeatedly attacked by Li Yexing was completely exploded. , this time, Bai

The strong man finally couldn't hold it any longer. He howled miserably and used his pierced hands to cover his irreparable weakness and knelt in front of Li Yexing. His face was pale and beads of sweat were dripping down. The pain and anger were completely melted at this moment. As one, the strong white man gritted his teeth and raised his head to glare at Li Yef. He was about to curse a few words, but he faced the black muzzle of the gun. The next second, the gun rang out, the skull exploded, and the fat and brain were accompanied by blood. Splashing out, the strong white man whose head was turned over fell down directly. The expression on his face was as stiff as ever, and the corners of his mouth were outlined with a nervous arc. It's really amazing. After killing the strong white man in front of him, Li Yexing felt exhausted physically and mentally. He turned around, staggered to the side, picked up his pistol and dagger, and inserted them back into his waist. Li Yexing didn't expect that there would be such a monster among the rotten shrimps of the security force. Just when Li Yexing pressed the butt of his gun against the guy's belly, Li Yexing felt as if the butt of his gun was Pressing on the large piece of pork belly, Li Yexing could even feel the fat under the guy's uniform making waves! As someone who has an in-depth understanding of Chris' meat capabilities, Li Yexing bets that if Chris and Li fight head-on, Pin will probably be hung up and beaten by this monster.

Fortunately, some dirty tricks can be used on any male enemy, no matter how rough the opponent is... After adjusting his body armor, Li Yexing rested for a few seconds, and then headed towards the stairwell in front of the corridor. Go ahead and go up one more floor. The oak building will be cleaned up by yourself. By then, the convoy will be able to drive directly through the street in front. It's finally over.

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